Activity for MIRKOSOFT

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #300

    In case of C128 it is not only keyboard layout - also chargen - like other localisations. C64 has no any localisations default. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #337

    Progressive scan (flicker fix) for interlaced modes

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #330

    I got one way how to have mapped GTK3 version correctly: I added US layout to my language bar in Windows and I switch layout when req'd. So, I set positional keymap and switched - works. But is this way good? NO! For impossible mapping GTK3 version I must to add another layout to my Windows - I think I must to forgot VICE. Think about, I think I'm not only one angry man. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #331

    I got one way how to have mapped GTK3 version correctly: I added US layout to my language bar in Windows and I switch layout when req'd. So, I set positional keymap and switched - works. But is this way good? NO! For impossible mapping GTK3 version I must to add another layout to my Windows - I think I must to forgot VICE. Think about, I think I'm not only one angry man. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #331

    Key mapper for mapping keyboards

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #320

    Defacto CP/M Cartridge is Z80 CPU. You can use it to run CP/M 2.2 on C64 or C128 in C64 mode. Also, you can switch from/to Z80 CPU or 6502 CPU by simple way: POKE56832,0 ($DE00) for Z80 POKE56832,1 for 6502 or you can use also mirror at $DEFF (57087) for same switch. But remember - Z80 inside cartridge jumps at first switch to $1000 and there continues - and don't forget that Z80 see RAM $1000-$FFFF as $0000-$EFFF and $0000-$0FFF as $F000-$FFFF. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #330

    I tried all possible - but if is not enough to enter keyname, how to map it? Example: Plus key I map to Plus and works. But I map Slovak ň key to equal sign it works not... Even, numbers 0-9 are mapped and working only shifted - why: 'cause number keys have default national letters and shifted have number function... It looks like if key has not the same function, it will not work. So, have I remap whole keyboad for example in AHK script? Really can work - but it's no good way - no everybody knows...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #330

    Ok, I was searching for GTK3 key values/names bit, and found this: gdk_keyval_name () gchar* gdk_keyval_name (guint keyval); Converts a key value into a symbolic name. The names are the same as those in the <gdk gdkkeysyms.h=""> header file but without the leading "GDK_". keyval : a key value. Returns : a string containing the name of the key, or NULL if keyval is not a valid key. The string should not be modified.</gdk> gdk_keyval_from_name () guint gdk_keyval_from_name (const gchar *keyval_name);...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #330

    Ok, so create also maps for Eastern European countries, but that's from me not fair - create maps for ~200 countries... I know, irony, but then it needs keyboard layout editor. It is not enough to have symbolic_US and symbolic_DE I know that there few others, but each is from the west - Western European. Of course, we were not in course until 1989. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #330

    Keyboar mapping editor

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #326

    -go64 forces C64 mode, but reset forces C64 mode again Odoslané z môjho telefónu s Windowsom 10 Od: gpz Odoslané: štvrtok, 14. februára 2019 14:04 Komu: [vice-emu:feature-requests] Predmet: [vice-emu:feature-requests] #326 x128 GO64 command line option withreset to C128 native mode And? What is the Problem now? [feature-requests:#326] x128 GO64 command line option with reset to C128 native mode Status: unread Group: general Labels: x128 Created: Thu Feb 14, 2019 12:44 PM UTC by MIRKOSOFT Last Updated:...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #326

    Simply - when I press reset button on C128 it resets to C128 native mode except holding C= button or Run/Stop. Miro Miro Karkus - software and webs for you On št 14 2 2019 13:52:36, gpz napsal: no idea what you are trying to say. whats the point? what would be the equivalent steps on a real C128? [feature-requests:#326] [] x128 GO64 command line option with reset to C128 native mode Status: unread Group: general Labels:...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #326

    x128 GO64 command line option with reset to C128 native mode

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #322

    Ok, we can close this. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #322

    Really don't understand how to copy listing from VICE emulator and then don't harm PETSCII. Or it needs disasssemble program to text file and then join programs together and compile again? If this works, please confirm it and this request can be closed. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #322

    The same resullt is with PETCAT - always problem with PETSCII chars. Or I' using old version? Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #322

    VICE separate enhanced clipboard for copy/paste

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #320

    Allow CP/M Cartridge for C128 emulator

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #313

    Yes, I know - but look at Z64K or Kernal64 - or if you don't want to emulate, allow user swap each frame to separate screenshots. Even converters allow deflicker it... Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #313

    Deinterlacing by other words Deflickering Or something similar - all interlaced modes flickering, also C64 fake-interlaced modes Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #313

    x128 VIC-IIe and VDC deinterlacing

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #123

    Export attribute map for color text

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on discussion Questions and Support

    Hi! I downloaded all available plugins and tried them to add into QTabBar - failed, no one plugin was shown in list. First time I browsed for folders with DLLs and added them all at once, after failure one-by-one and always not shown. Then I tried to drag'n'drop them, again - no one shown. I was searching manual and did all steps like in manual, again failed. Can anybody help me how to add plugins into QTabBar? Thank you for all. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on discussion Questions and Support

    Hi! I have installed QTabBar combined with Clover on Windows 10.1803 Pro x64. My problem is that I positioned views and bars, When I re-open Explorer positions are always repositioned and it's main problem. Other problem is also bars positions are always repositioned and have hidden parts with double >. This make me crazy - by this way I cannot work. Even - no matter if are toolbars locked or not - it is always like disaster. Can anybody help me? Friend has the same combination (QTabBar and Clover)...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #870

    Yes, it can be closed. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #870

    It was tested on Windows only. I downloaded new WinVICE 3.2 and GTK version. Tested only on WinVICE x64sc and this bug is resolved - no problem to work with. GTK version I tested not yet, but was looking for UI and looks perfectly. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #929

    I tested longer time not nightly builds, so it's valid at least month ago, maybe it was solved yet. If not I wrote what I tried, Miro On ne 6 5 2018 19:30:13, gpz wrote: iirc the hummer had a steering wheel, and it was connected to the userport. but i have no idea how it works exactly or how it is emulated [bugs:#929] [] x64dtv remembers not Userport Joystick adapter Status: open Version: v3.x Created: Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:29 PM...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #1002

    VICE snapshot works not - no file saved Windows 3.1.34677M

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #300

    C128 Spanish and Danish - with ROMs

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #929

    x64dtv remembers not Userport Joystick adapter

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #927

    Emulators missing Network settings - bug or ?

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #921

    Can you fix it anyway? Pokefinder builds are made by anybody outside VICE team, yes? It is not important bug, but nice to see working it. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #921

    WinVICE - Help reports error

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #912

    Thank you. Will test in next release at pokefinder. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #912

    No, bug was reported 'cause I set only in command line drive to 1571 and at start it failed. When I selected drive to any 5,25" in dialog it was not possible to store - failed immediately after closing dialog. I have only one Q off topic - is possible to give back in Keyboard settings button "Dump keyset"? It was useful 'cause I had always current possibilities of mapping keyboard. BTW: the keys 85 and 86 are in EU keyboards known... I mapped it succesfully. So, boys, thank you for help. Nice will...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #912

    Yes, truth. I set in config file for each drive 30000 RPM and wobble 50. Then started DTV by command line x64dtv -drive8type 1571 and it works. But changing drive at running DTV always fails - looks like again is RPM set to 0... Is it very hard to fix? Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #912

    I tested it again with revision 33345 with default option. Default is drive 1541, I tried to load directory (LOAD"$",8) and it was working. Then I tried to change drive to 1571 - in moment same error... so it works really in default configuration only? Attached is log. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #912

    As first - it loads no one C128 ROM - it's only in folder "D:\Commodore\Commodore 128\VICE NEW...:" I attached DTV with default config and log, so: x64dtv.exe -default -log <filepath> Attached is log of each not working drive - 1540, 1541, 1541-II, 1570, 1571. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #912

    When I'm using default option I add no other argument, even log not. So, attached log is from configured DTV. I have available last version

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #912

    I'm sorty, I meant that is enough select category C64DTV. So, I need to add: x64dtv only Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #912

    Disk drive 1540, 1541, 1541-II, 1570, 1571 - each 5,25" drive error

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #892

    Ok, now I tried to download it again from the same place and surprise - all works.......

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #892

    I tried also to download above, always same error - in both downloads was missing...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #892

    So, I tested it on virtual machine with Windows 7 NT6.1.7601 Ultimate SP1 x64. First...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #892

    WinVice 3.1 x64 works not totally - no one emulator!

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #882

    Now I'm after more than hour of configuring VICE surprised - where is stored VICE.INI????...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #882

    Ok, thank you for explaining problem. I do it later, but good is that I know why...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #882

    As first - whole emulation is broken means - each disk access/cartridge change makes...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #882

    Whole emulation in Windows 10 is broken!

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #871

    Really fixed, tested. Thank you. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #871

    Hi Greg! Really amazed, simple change to 1351 mouse? I had there USB joystick......

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #871

    I was following your instructions, started default +4 and saved only your steps,...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #871

    In attachment is vice.ini. Really is impossible to start Plus/4 - same error - I...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #871

    I forgot write important thing - in many I have drive 11 set as IEC device using...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #871

    Many emulators reports "unexpected error occured. Received signal 11()"

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #870

    Access IEC device (directory) reports error and crash emulator (in case config Contiki detected)

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #282

    SuperCPU128 emulation with CP/M cartridge - can be tester

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #270

    Marco, VICE 3.0 released - if you can please try to add keypads to x128 and others...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #769

    Again, please fix this bug before VICE 3.0 release. Attached is error message, log...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #270

    Ok, now it looks differently. But look at this side: Keys from keypad going through...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #270

    Add Keypads in Control Ports to x128 back

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #269

    New missing "Dump keyset" menu item

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #793

    Fatal error messages of most of emulators - crash!

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #783

    So, here is used command: petcat -w10 -o program.prg -- text.txt and source and result...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #783

    PETCAT - tokenize Basic 10.0 works not - bug or ?

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #769

    Ok, tried - works only with default settings! If I try to add other DTV ROM or anything...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #769

    Here's LOG after x64dtv start. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #769

    I'm sorry - I forgot: Build 2.4.28 revision 31459

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #769

    x64dtv using drive 1571 or 1570 error - emulation crash

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #263

    VICE Monitor windows default positions setting

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #262

    Advanced fullscreen options for Commodore 128 emulator

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #261

    Allow autoload (inject to RAM) file in SCPU full 16MB space

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #762

    Ethernet settings hangs, after crashes emulator (31353M)

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #240

    Will be this feature request anytime processed? Thank you for answer. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #260

    Add Comet64 emulation to User Port devices

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #240

    Ok, newer FReq #250 was closed as invalid for this one. This FReq if I remember correctly...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #752

    WinVICE completely works not!

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #257

    Allow Paste Special in keybuf syntax

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #256

    Autostart ML programs again - read carefully!

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #255

    Ok, finally - truth - I did control "to be sure" tests. I must to turn off SCPU....

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #255

    So, please explain me how can datassette and CassAdapt work in combination Commodore...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #255

    Add emulation of datassette and tape port devices to xscpu64 too

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #254

    Attaching diskimage with autodetect drive type, specify drive type not req'd

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #735

    OK, solved! I reconfigured myx128 and all works. Thank you for all. Miro

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #735

    Ok Torsten. I'll try always default config when is something wron, thank you for...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #735

    Really works. Please can you tell me where is mistake in my config from LOG? I don't...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #735

    Ok, when I look at LOG file it looks crazy fatal! Look at rendering - in other ways...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #735

    I tried attached files - boot CP/M hangs, tried to select drive B in CP/M 2.2 (x64sc)...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #251

    Inception 8 joysticks adapter emulation

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #735

    CP/M problems with new VICE revision (x64 and x128)

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #250

    CP/M Cartridge - add to x128 and xscpu64 - tested, works

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #731

    I did it! Fixed! I started x64sc again with option -default Then I set all settings...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #731

    Now looks log very bad...

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #731

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #731

    here is

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #731

    x64sc settings loading failure

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #698

    I did it same way except one: I copied dos2000 and dos4000 to drives folder and works....

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT posted a comment on ticket #698

    Used option is -config

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #698

    Command line -OPTION bug

  • MIRKOSOFT MIRKOSOFT created ticket #242

    VIC-II Settings like in x64sc for x64 and x128

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