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  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Hi! I have been using PyDSTool as an alternate to both Auto and Matcont for almost an year now and now I have run into slightly different problem. I have got a system of 5 first order differential equations and one of the differential equations is blowing up because the denominator is heading to 0! I tried solving my system using traditional odeint and it works fine till the point it encounters the singularity--after which it behaves crazily! my system is-

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Hi! I have been using PyDSTool as an alternate to both Auto and Matcont for almost an year now and now I have run into slightly different problem. I have got a system of 5 first order differential equations and one of the differential equations is blowing up because the denominator is heading to 0! I tried solving my system using traditional odeint and it works fine till the point it encounters the singularity--after which it behaves crazily! my system is-

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Hi! I have been using PyDSTool as an alternate to both Auto and Matcont for almost an year now and now I have run into slightly different problem. I have got a system of 5 first order differential equations and one of the differential equations is blowing up because the denominator is heading to 0! I tried solving my system using traditional odeint and it works fine till the point it encounters the singularity--after which it behaves crazily! my system is-

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Hi! Rob! Thanks a lot for your reply and Sorry for replying late as I was out of the town travelling! I couldnt open this link- "Alternatively, you can take a much easier route: set up your ODE system with PyDSTool then use a third-party optimizer (including from scipy itself) on the resulting RHS function. That will require essentially the same approach as you can find on scipy's own documentation (or that of any other optimizer library)."...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Hi! Rob! Thanks a lot for your reply and Sorry for replying late as I was out of the town travelling! I couldnt open this link- "Alternatively, you can take a much easier route: set up your ODE system with PyDSTool then use a third-party optimizer (including from scipy itself) on the resulting RHS function. That will require essentially the same approach as you can find on scipy's own documentation (or that of any other optimizer library)."...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Hi! Rob! Thanks a lot for replying Rob and Sorry for replying late as I was out of the town travelling! I couldnt open this link- "Alternatively, you can take a much easier route: set up your ODE system with PyDSTool then use a third-party optimizer (including from scipy itself) on the resulting RHS function. That will require essentially the same approach as you can find on scipy's own documentation (or that of any other optimizer library)."...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Hi! I am Amardeep Mishra and I am a Control Engineer. I did all of my assignments last semester using PyDSTool and I found it to be very helpful! So thanks once again to rob clewly and his team! Now I am working on slightly different problem and wish to know if PyDSTool is the right tool to go ahead? Well my problem is I am interested to implement "parameter estimation" of couple of unknown constants in my differential equations. My system has order 6(i.e there are 6 independent differential eqns)....

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Hi! I am Amardeep Mishra and I am a Control Engineer. I did all of my assignments last semester using PyDSTool and I found it to be very helpful! So thanks once again to rob clewly and his team! Now I am working on slightly different problem and wish to know if PyDSTool is the right tool to go ahead? Well my problem is I am interested to implement "parameter estimation" of couple of unknown constants in my differential equations. My system has order 6(i.e there are 6 independent differential eqns)....

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2017-01-24 12:21:33
Chennai / India / IST


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