Thank u so much for support. I provide the CA with CN=... in property: VAL1.ISSUER1.CERTCHAIN=... And, it's work
I fixed it. Now, I have error: ISSUERNOTSUPPORTED;;Issuer of given certificate isn't supported;-1; So, what issuer does signserver support? Many thanks :)
Hello Nam, You must add "WORKERGENID1." before USER.[NAME]=[PASSWORD]
Hello everyone, When I use CRLValidator Worker ( to validate XML/PDF/... file with these information: - Worker Name: CRLValidator - File: test.xml - Process type: Validate Certificate I have trouble: Invalid certificate: No certificate could be parsed from byte array Here is configuration of CRLValidator Worker AUTHTYPE=NOAUTH CACHEDISSUERS=CN=ManagementCA TYPE=PROCESSABLE VAL1.CLASSPATH=org.signserver.validationservice.server.CRLValidator VAL1.ISSUER1.CRLPATHS=
Hello, I have completed the installation of signserver. Now, I want to change the display font color of digital certificate. So how to do that? And, thank you so much <3
I'm using Utimaco HSM, PKCS11 and signserver. I has completed install signserver. Now, i need connect signserver to PKCS11 on HSM. I has changed signserver-deploy.configuaration: cryptotoken.p11.lib.31.file=C:\Utimaco\CryptoServer\Software\PKCS11_R2\lib\cs_pkcs11_R2.dll When I add PKCS11 worker with config: WORKERGENID1.SHAREDLIBRARYNAME=Utimaco I got Errors: - Failed to initialize crypto token: SHAREDLIBRARYNAME Utimaco is not referring to a defined value Could...
I'm using Utimaco HSM, PKCS11 and signserver. I has completed install signserver. Now, i need connect signserver to PKCS11 on HSM. I has changed signserver-deploy.configuaration: cryptotoken.p11.lib.31.file=C:\Utimaco\CryptoServer\Software\PKCS11_R2\lib\cs_pkcs11_R2.dll When I add PKCS11 worker with config: WORKERGENID1.SHAREDLIBRARYNAME=Utimaco I got Errors: - Failed to initialize crypto token: SHAREDLIBRARYNAME Utimaco is not referring to a defined value Could...