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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    Yes, actually in my work, I collect a lot of log files & html web pages (saved as single .html files) for a long time, I was preferring to keep all those file contents inside freeplane map (to get everything in in one place / one file). meaning that I was using Freeplane as a storage container for any textual data. because, I was obsessed with the idea of adding all readable file formats content into freeplane notes as a plain text So, for example: an html file would copied as a plain text html code,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    Thanks Dimitry I can now understand more about Freeplane behaviour and I'm sorry that I missed the compatibility issue. you are totally right about it. there is no need to break the compatiblity with Freemind or older Freeplane versions. Also, it is not a a significant issue at all. it was annoying for me at first but I used to find workarounds & scripts that enable me to handle large text very easly, and this is the beautiful part of freeplane: there are always workrounds and unlimited potentials...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    I tottally agree with macmarrum, the SimplyHTML should treat plain text as text, wether in loading or saving. for me , I usually save a lot of text in node notes, (rarely using formatted text or HTML) using the note dialog editor (SimplyHTML) to input the text, which sometimes can be large amount of text, for example (2MB) and altough I always set the note content format as (Text), it is very painful to load this text in the note dialog editor (would be very slow heavy, when the text size > 500KB)...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    I tottally agree with macmarrum, the SimplyHTML should treat plain text as text, wether in loading or saving. for me , I usually save a lot of text in node notes, (rarely using formatted text or HTML) using the note dialog editor (SimplyHTML) to input the text, which sometimes can be large amount of text, for example (2MB) and altough I always set the note content format as (Text), it is very painful to load this text in the note dialog editor (would be very slow heavy, when the text size > 500KB)...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    yes I tested this one, it works as requested Find: @([0-9a-zA-Z]*) Replace: \[@$1\] (it will surround the part starting with "@" followed only by letters and digits with the square brackets)

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    yes I tested this one, it works as requested Find: (.*?)@([0-9a-zA-Z]*) Replace: $1\[@$2\] (it will surround the part starting with "@" followed only by letters and digits with the square brackets)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    yes I tested this one, it works as requested Find: (.?)@([0-9a-zA-Z]) Replace: $1[@$2] (it will surround the part starting with "@" followed only by letters and digits with the square brackets)

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    Hi quickfold, this worked for me: (check "Regular expressions" box in both find and replace fields) Note: remove the double quotes from the search / replace string Find: "@(.*?)\s" Replace: "\[@$1\] "

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2014-08-17 05:32:43


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