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  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on Xconq

    Is there a way to push/pull the game state to/from an external program? Would like to have "battles" take place in another game. Thanks. Mike

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Dual Monitor Tools

    I've only just started using DMT, but I noticed right away that the DMT "Lock cursor onto screen" setting gets completely ignored when running VMWare. Just to be clear: VMWare Workstation 15 Player Host and guest are both running Windows 10 DMT is running on host I have not tried running DMT on guest yet I have two monitors; VMWare is running on my main monitor DMT seems to be running properly with any other window maximized, but as soon as I maximize the VMWare window my cursor is no longer locked...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on MeshLab

    The attached DAE file started out as an LDraw file and was converted to DAE using a program called LeoCAD. But in MeshLab the model is very garbled. Can anyone explain why? Is there another tool besides MeshLab I can test the model in? Thanks. Mike

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on MeshLab

    I have been converting LDraw models to 3DS successfully using a tool called LeoCAD. However, most of them have been small to medium-sized models. When I try the following much larger model, I get an "Opening Failure" message, and Meshlab does not load it. Does Meshlab have a file size or polygon limit? What can I do to get the model to load? Thanks. Michael

  • Posted a comment on a wiki page on LDraw Boxer

    How do you compile this program? I am not familiar with Delphi. Can I use Free Pascal?

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on LaTeXDraw

    I am trying to set the x axis origin to a negative value. But then the axis labels...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on LaTeXDraw

    I am trying to set the x axis origin to a negative value. But then the axis labels...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on LaTeXDraw

    I am trying to set the x axis origin to a negative value. But then the axis labels...

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2015-06-18 22:12:56


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