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  • Posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems on GCBASIC

    and yeah the first post was when i was using the older version, 98.01 so i installed 98.02 and had a whole different problem. live n learn

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    thanks. after a few hours of bangin my head i think i got it goin. i used the arduino IDE to reload the boot loader on my board and the avrdudess and it did connect and i had to do -D because it kept giving me "chip erase..... command failed" but then i used PPT again and under PROGRAMMERS i selected "Avrdude (Stk500V2 @115200)" and dragged it to the top of the list and then edited those settings under Programmer Editor. so now it seems to be good.

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    ok i found out how to set the port variable and hit the flash command and this time it connected and started downloading..... and never stopped. 3 minutes later i closed the G+Stool dialog, hit FLASH again and now i get "avrdude.exe: ser_open(): can't open device "\.\COM23": The system cannot find the file specified." the port is right but replugging the usb wire doesn't do any good.

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    well i looked at the new config files and the file use.ini there's a line that says: [tool = arduinomega] desc = Arduino Mega2560 type = programmer command = %instdir%\..\avrdude\avrdude.exe workingdir = params = -c Wiring -u -b 115200 -P %port% -p m2560 -U flash:w:"%filename%":i port = COM16 useif = DEF(AVR) and ChipName=mega2560 progconfig = the problem is the "-P %port%" part. how do i set the port variable?

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    got it, thanx

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    Hey guys i did IDE Tools.... Customize external tools then i selected item 2, Make HEX and FLASH the File name is {SynDir}..\G+Stools\G+Stool.exe parameters are hexflash "{FileName}" then i hit F5(Make HEX and FLASH), and in the output it says something entirely different : running: "C:\GCB@Syn\G+Stools\flashAVR.bat" with parameters "C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\projects\mycode.hex" MEGA2560 so what gives? flashAVR.bat is not G+Stool.exe it's not executing the tool specified above. and the parameters are...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems on GCBASIC

    Hey guys i did IDE Tools.... Customize external tools then i selected item 2, Make HEX and FLASH the File name is {SynDir}..\G+Stools\G+Stool.exe parameters are hexflash "{FileName}" then i hit F5(Make HEX and FLASH), and in the output it says something entirely different : running: "C:\GCB@Syn\G+Stools\flashAVR.bat" with parameters "C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\projects\David\DMX\floodlite\floodliteV2.hex" MEGA2560 so what gives? flashAVR.bat is not G+Stool.exe it's not executing the tool specified above....

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2018-04-09 22:41:36
Los Angeles / United States / PDT


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