Activity for louie

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    and yeah the first post was when i was using the older version, 98.01 so i installed 98.02 and had a whole different problem. live n learn

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    thanks. after a few hours of bangin my head i think i got it goin. i used the arduino IDE to reload the boot loader on my board and the avrdudess and it did connect and i had to do -D because it kept giving me "chip erase..... command failed" but then i used PPT again and under PROGRAMMERS i selected "Avrdude (Stk500V2 @115200)" and dragged it to the top of the list and then edited those settings under Programmer Editor. so now it seems to be good.

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    ok i found out how to set the port variable and hit the flash command and this time it connected and started downloading..... and never stopped. 3 minutes later i closed the G+Stool dialog, hit FLASH again and now i get "avrdude.exe: ser_open(): can't open device "\.\COM23": The system cannot find the file specified." the port is right but replugging the usb wire doesn't do any good.

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    well i looked at the new config files and the file use.ini there's a line that says: [tool = arduinomega] desc = Arduino Mega2560 type = programmer command = %instdir%\..\avrdude\avrdude.exe workingdir = params = -c Wiring -u -b 115200 -P %port% -p m2560 -U flash:w:"%filename%":i port = COM16 useif = DEF(AVR) and ChipName=mega2560 progconfig = the problem is the "-P %port%" part. how do i set the port variable?

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    got it, thanx

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Hey guys i did IDE Tools.... Customize external tools then i selected item 2, Make HEX and FLASH the File name is {SynDir}..\G+Stools\G+Stool.exe parameters are hexflash "{FileName}" then i hit F5(Make HEX and FLASH), and in the output it says something entirely different : running: "C:\GCB@Syn\G+Stools\flashAVR.bat" with parameters "C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\projects\mycode.hex" MEGA2560 so what gives? flashAVR.bat is not G+Stool.exe it's not executing the tool specified above. and the parameters are...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Hey guys i did IDE Tools.... Customize external tools then i selected item 2, Make HEX and FLASH the File name is {SynDir}..\G+Stools\G+Stool.exe parameters are hexflash "{FileName}" then i hit F5(Make HEX and FLASH), and in the output it says something entirely different : running: "C:\GCB@Syn\G+Stools\flashAVR.bat" with parameters "C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\projects\David\DMX\floodlite\floodliteV2.hex" MEGA2560 so what gives? flashAVR.bat is not G+Stool.exe it's not executing the tool specified above....

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Hey guys i did IDE Tools.... Customize external tools then i selected item 2, Make HEX and FLASH the File name is {SynDir}..\G+Stools\G+Stool.exe parameters are hexflash "{FileName}" then i hit F5(Make HEX and FLASH), and in the output it says something entirely different : running: "C:\GCB@Syn\G+Stools\flashAVR.bat" with parameters "C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\projects\David\DMX\floodlite\floodliteV2.hex" MEGA2560 so what gives? flashAVR.bat is not G+Stool.exe it's not executing the tool specified above....

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    no it's input and high and yeah i'd like to see how that works

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    hey Stan this is a sorta repeat of my other question which you answered for me yesterday that i posted before i saw your answer. it goes back to this rooutine: dim addresses(3) addresses = 34, 37, 40 ' ports a b and c dim pins(3) mask = 0b01101001 for xx = 1 to 3 inbyte = peek(addresses(xx)) pins(xx) = inbyte & mask next and it never worked. i connected a ground wire to one of the pins of port c, but it always came back with portc = 255. so what to do? peek is the only way i know to reference a register...

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    yeah..... that's damn clever. and it's probably as elegant as it's gonna get. cause it looks like there's just no way to numerically reference those ports, at least not with GCB. THANX, stan. i'm gonna use your routine and get back to the job. mike :-)

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    all i wanna do is peek(x) with an atmega2560. but it seems that peek just doesn't work. so is there any way to just read memory location x? is it possible to do this: LDI 0x1E, 0x00 LDI 0x1F, 0x22 ' 0x22, address to peek from -> register Z LD 0x1D, Z ' load from 0x22 -> 0x1D STS 0x105 0x1D ' store 0x1D -> portJ and then do localvar = PORTJ this is what i'm trying to do but it won't work: dim addresses(3) addresses = 34, 37, 40 ' ports a b and c dim pins(3) mask = 0b01101001 for xx = 1 to 3 inbyte...

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    all i wanna do is peek(x) with an atmega2560. but it seems that peek just doesn't work. so is there any way to just read memory location x? is it possible to do: LDI 0x1E, 0x00 LDI 0x1F, 0x22 ' 0x22, address to peek from -> register Z LD 0x1D, Z ' load from 0x22 -> 0x1D STS 0x105 0x1D ' store 0x1D -> portJ and then do localvar = PORTJ this is what i'm trying to do but it won't work: dim addresses(3) addresses = 34, 37, 40 ' ports a b and c dim pins(3) mask = 0b01101001 for xx = 1 to 3 inbyte = peek(addresses(xx))...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    well here's a simplified example: dim addresses(3) addresses = 34, 37, 40 ' ports a b and c dim pins(3) mask = 0b01101001 for xx = 1 to 3 inbyte = peek(addresses(xx)) pins(xx) = inbyte & mask next problem is that peek doesn't work. so the code that Anobium posted above will work, but only for a single port.

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    well here's a simplified example: dim addresses(3) addresses = 34, 37, 40 ' ports a b and c dim pins(3) mask = 0b01101001 for xx = 1 to 3 inbyte = peek(addresses(xx)) pins(xx) = inbyte & mask next problem is that peek doesn't work. so the code that Anobium posted above will work, but only for a single register.

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    no there's actually 69 pins that i have to address via a FOR loop. every pin on the mega board. ports A thru L so i had an array of port memory addresses and a for loop like " for xx = 1 to 69 localvar = peek(addresses(xx))" but that didn't work because peek(address) always returns 255 regardless of the state of the pins.

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    no there's actually 69 pins that i have to address via a FOR loop. every pin on the mega board. ports A thru L so i had an array of port memory addresses and a for loop like for xx = 1 to 69 localvar = peek(addresses(xx)) but that didn't work because peek(address) always returns 255 regardless of the state of the pins.

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    ok i'll check that...... well i don't follow what it's saying about the specific syntax of uservar = pinx i have to do a for loop. so will it work if i do this? for x = 1 to 10 array(x) = pinx next

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    hey guys i got some wierd !#$@ here i'm tryin to read PORTC using the peek command: first i set PORTC to in and pullup dir PORTC.0 in set PORTC.0 on dir PORTC.1 in set PORTC.1 on dir PORTC.2 in set PORTC.2 on dir PORTC.3 in set PORTC.3 on dir PORTC.4 in set PORTC.4 on dir PORTC.5 in set PORTC.5 on dir PORTC.6 in set PORTC.6 on dir PORTC.7 in set PORTC.7 on then i read the port by using peek: if (peek(40) = 255) then ' 40 is the address of port C on atmega2560 DMXCHAN(8) = 0 'this is a LED light....

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    hey guys i got some wierd !#$@ here: first i set PORTC to in and pullup dir PORTC.0 in set PORTC.0 on dir PORTC.1 in set PORTC.1 on dir PORTC.2 in set PORTC.2 on dir PORTC.3 in set PORTC.3 on dir PORTC.4 in set PORTC.4 on dir PORTC.5 in set PORTC.5 on dir PORTC.6 in set PORTC.6 on dir PORTC.7 in set PORTC.7 on then i read the port by using peek: if (peek(40) = 255) then ' 40 is the address of port C on atmega2560 DMXCHAN(8) = 0 'this is a LED light. 0 = off end if if (peek(40) < 255) then ' if i...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    hey guys i got some wierd !#$@ here: first i set PORTC to in and pullup dir PORTC.0 in set PORTC.0 on dir PORTC.1 in set PORTC.1 on dir PORTC.2 in set PORTC.2 on dir PORTC.3 in set PORTC.3 on dir PORTC.4 in set PORTC.4 on dir PORTC.5 in set PORTC.5 on dir PORTC.6 in set PORTC.6 on dir PORTC.7 in set PORTC.7 on then i read the port by using peek: if (peek(40) = 255) then ' 40 is the address of port C on atmega2560 DMXCHAN(8) = 0 'this is a LED light. 0 = off end if if (peek(40) < 255) then ' if i...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    hey guys i got some wierd !#$@ here: first i set PORTC to in and pullup dir PORTC.0 in set PORTC.0 on dir PORTC.1 in set PORTC.1 on dir PORTC.2 in set PORTC.2 on dir PORTC.3 in set PORTC.3 on dir PORTC.4 in set PORTC.4 on dir PORTC.5 in set PORTC.5 on dir PORTC.6 in set PORTC.6 on dir PORTC.7 in set PORTC.7 on then i read the port by using peek: if (peek(40) = 255) then ' 40 is the address of port C on atmega2560 DMXCHAN(8) = 0 'this is a LED light. 0 = off end if if (peek(40) < 255) then ' if i...

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    hey guys i got some wierd !#$@ here: first i set PORTC to in and pullup dir PORTC.0 in set PORTC.0 on dir PORTC.1 in set PORTC.1 on dir PORTC.2 in set PORTC.2 on dir PORTC.3 in set PORTC.3 on dir PORTC.4 in set PORTC.4 on dir PORTC.5 in set PORTC.5 on dir PORTC.6 in set PORTC.6 on dir PORTC.7 in set PORTC.7 on then i read the port by using peek: if (peek(40) = 255) then ' 40 is the address of port C on atmega2560 DMXCHAN(8) = 0 'this is a LED light. 0 = off end if if (peek(40) < 255) then ' if i...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. dmxing a LED floodlite ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see the setup specifics at the end of the code below...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. dmxing a LED floodlite ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see the setup specifics at the end of the code below #chip mega2560,...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. dmxing a LED floodlite ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see the setup specifics at the end of the code below #chip mega2560,...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see the setup specifics at the end of the code below #chip mega2560, 16 #include <maths.h>...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see the setup specifics at the end of the code below #chip mega2560, 16 #include <maths.h>...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see the setup specifics at the end of the code below #chip mega2560, 16 #include <maths.h>...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see the setup specifics at the end of the code below #chip mega2560, 16 #include <maths.h>...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. ![(http://] ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see the setup specifics at the end of the code below...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see the setup specifics at the end of the code below #chip mega2560, 16 #include <maths.h>...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    ok the video's up. i started my own thread: DMX transmission with Great Cow BASIC on arduino

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    ok the video's up. i started my own thread: DMX protocol on the mega2560

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. hmmmm.......... how do i insert the attached image? ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see the setup specifics at the end...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. hmmmm.......... how do i insert the attached image? ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see the setup specifics at the end...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. hmmmm.......... looks like i can't upload an image here. whatever, here's the code: ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. hmmmm.......... looks like i can't upload an image here. whatever, here's the code: ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see...

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    here is a video of my program at work: using MotoGeek's code as seen here: and modified for the weenie Mega2560 board. hmmmm.......... looks like i can't upload an image here. whatever, here's the code: ' DMX transmitter for weenie and the MAX485 chip ' this program is written for the arduino mega board ' and the Conceptinetics DMX shield which is based on the ' MAX485 signalling chip ' see...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    HOLY #%$! i just opened and loaded a previous version of the program and PRESTO it's working! and i have NO IDEA WHY. it's the exact same code i was using this am and it didn't work then. WTF. i'm gonna check on the terminal..... [1 minute later] ok it's doing this: 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55-byte packets. i'm gonna check the code...... [9:10pm PST] ok here's...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    HOLY #%$! i just opened and loaded a previous version of the program and PRESTO it's working! and i have NO IDEA WHY. it's the exact same code i was using this am and it didn't work then. WTF. i'm gonna check on the terminal..... [1 minute later] ok it's doing this: 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55-byte packets. i'm gonna check the code...... [9:10pm PST] ok here's...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    HOLY #%$! i just opened and loaded a previous version of the program and PRESTO it's working! and i have NO IDEA WHY. it's the exact same code i was using this am and it didn't work then. WTF. i'm gonna check on the terminal..... [1 minute later] ok it's doing this: 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55-byte packets. i'm gonna check the code...... [9:10pm PST] ok here's...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    HOLY #%$! i just opened and loaded a previous version of the program and PRESTO it's working! and i have NO IDEA WHY. it's the exact same code i was using this am and it didn't work then. WTF. i'm gonna check on the terminal..... [1 minute later] ok it's doing this: 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55-byte packets. i'm gonna check the code...... [9:10pm PST] ok here's...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    HOLY #%$! i just opened and loaded a previous version of the program and PRESTO it's working! and i have NO IDEA WHY. it's the exact same code i was using this am and it didn't work then. WTF. i'm gonna check on the terminal..... [1 minute later] ok it's doing this: 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55-byte packets. i'm gonna check the code...... [9:10pm PST] ok here's...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    HOLY #%$! i just opened and loaded a previous version of the program and PRESTO it's working! and i have NO IDEA WHY. it's the exact same code i was using this am and it didn't work then. WTF. i'm gonna check on the terminal..... [1 minute later] ok it's doing this: 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55-byte packets. i'm gonna check the code...... [9:10pm PST] ok here's...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    HOLY #%$! i just opened and loaded a previous version of the program and PRESTO it's working! and i have NO IDEA WHY. it's the exact same code i was using this am and it didn't work then. WTF. i'm gonna check on the terminal..... [1 minute later] ok it's doing this: 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55-byte packets. i'm gonna check the code...... [9:10pm PST] ok here's...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    HOLY #%$! i just opened and loaded a previous version of the program and PRESTO it's working! and i have NO IDEA WHY. it's the exact same code i was using this am and it didn't work then. WTF. i'm gonna check on the terminal..... [1 minute later] ok it's doing this: 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55-byte packets. i'm gonna copy the code...... [9:10pm PST] ok here's...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    HOLY #%$! i just opened and loaded a previous version of the program and PRESTO it's working! and i have NO IDEA WHY. it's the exact same code i was using this am and it didn't work then. WTF. i'm gonna check on the terminal..... [1 minute later] ok it's doing this: 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55-byte packets. i'm gonna copy the code......

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    HOLY #%$! i just opened and loaded a previous version of the program and PRESTO it's working! and i have NO IDEA WHY. it's the exact same code i was using this am and it didn't work then. WTF. i'm gonna check on the terminal.....

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    ok i loaded your code and it's better. 20 byte packets. 00 C0 FF FF FF C0 C0..... followed by 00 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0..... although the relay board i'm usin still does not react even though it did when i was usin arduino code.

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    what i been doin is plug in the board, check with DM for the port #, then hit IDE Tools, Customize External tools, and edit the script for the FLASH button for avrdude on the corresponding port. now i done the edits you described. thanx. so yeah i got the blink working. and i loaded the DMX routine and what i got on the terminal screen is a pattern of 1st- packet of 54 bytes of 0, followed by 2 more 0s. 2nd- packet of 54 bytes, 24 bytes FF and 30 bytes of 0,then 2 more 0s. i'll load the file you...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    damn i'm not getting email notification. whatever. yeah i already went through quite a nightmare with the flashAVR.bat command. in the end i just scrubbed the G+stool and copied the script from the arduino IDE and i finally got the blink on. it took several hours. i'm using SynWrite 22.2290 on win7-64. it doesn't work if i hit the HEX/FLASH button so i gotta hit HEX first and then hit FLASH. ok i'll try to duplicate what you got on the term window..... [30 minutes later...] ok on the term window...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    damn i'm not getting email notification. whatever. yeah i already went through quite a nightmare with the flashAVR.bat command. in the end i just scrubbed the G+stool and copied the script from the arduino IDE and i finally got the blink on. it took several hours. i'm using SynWrite 22.2290 on win7-64. it doesn't work if i hit the HEX/FLASH button so i gotta hit HEX first and then hit FLASH. ok i'll try to duplicate what you got on the term window..... [15 minutes later...] ok on the term window...

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    damn i'm not getting email notification. whatever. yeah i already went through quite a nightmare with the flashAVR.bat command. in the end i just scrubbed the G+stool and copied the script from the arduino IDE and i finally got the blink on. it took several hours. i'm using SynWrite 22.2290 on win7-64. it doesn't work if i hit the HEX/FLASH button so i gotta hit HEX first and then hit FLASH. ok i'll try to duplicate what you got on the term window.....

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    well no matter what i change, even the baudrate, i get the same result. every time i hit FLASH i get 1 to 3 clicks of the relays. the only thing i've done that has any effect at all is if i set the slave address to 2 then i get no action at all. the address has to be 1

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    ok hold on..... well now that made a difference using the "define baud rate" when i flash the board i get 1 to 3 relay clicks, like there's one or two packets that are working, but no more than that. i hit FLASH again and i get another couple of clicks.

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    ok hold on.....

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    funny.... with the mega board running i close Great Cow Basic, open arduino 1.8.5 and connect to the mega. i open the serial monitor (since it's outputting it's data on USART0) and i see a repeated stream of DMX packets. but then i get out a second mega, one that's programmed (and used many times) to pass serial data between USART1 and USART0 . i remove the DMX shield from mega1 and connect USART0 (mega1) to USART1 (mega2). connect arduino 185 to mega2, open serial monitor, and get nothing. edit:...

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    funny.... with the mega board running i close Great Cow Basic, open arduino 1.8.5 and connect to the mega. i open the serial monitor (since it's outputting it's data on USART0) and i see a repeated stream of DMX packets. but then i get out a second mega, one that's programmed (and used many times) to pass serial data between USART1 and USART0 . i remove the DMX shield from mega1 and connect USART0 (mega1) to USART1 (mega2). connect arduino 185 to mega2, open serial monitor, and get nothing.

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    OK there were 2 undeclared variables but that wasn't it.

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    yes it's flashing at the right rythm.

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    Hi can someone look at my code and tell me what's wrong with it? i'm tryin to send a DMX packet with a mega2560 and a simple DMX shield that's connected to TX0, RX0 and a DE signal on pin 2 (port e,4). i loaded the board with an arduino sketch and it worked correctly with all the same hardware. the slave device, a relay board, has an LED that flashes when the sketch is running. then i used AVRdude with all the same parameters to load this gcb code and i get no result. no flash, no relay action. i'm...

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Demonstration Code

    yeah that's a nice touch. thanx

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Demonstration Code

    Hello guys i'm recovering from the flu. thanx for clearing it up. i'm doing this to configure the parameters: UCSR0C = 0b00001011 ' Async, no parity, 2 stop bits, 8 bits is this: TXEN0 = 0 the same as this?: UCSR0B = UCSR0B and 0b11110111 ' disable TX, since the TXEN is bit 3 and i have to use port0 because my shield is wired to that port. and the shield has jumpers on it so i can disconnect lines TX0 and RX0 when i'm connecting usb.

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Demonstration Code

    Hello guys i'm recovering from the flu. thanx for clearing it up. i'm doing this to configure the parameters: UCSR0C = 0b00001011 ' Async, no parity, 2 stop bits, 8 bits (?) is this: TXEN0 = 0 the same as this?: UCSR0B = UCSR0B and 0b11110111 ' disable TX, since the TXEN is bit 3 and i have to use port0 because my shield is wired to that port. and the shield has jumpers on it so i can disconnect lines TX0 and RX0 when i'm connecting usb.

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Demonstration Code

    Hello everyone and a BIG THANX to motogeek for posting this: but i have a question about one line in his code where he specifies the serial comm parameters for his processor: "TXSTA = 0b01100101 ' 9 bit data (TX9 = 1), TXEN = 1, high speed (BRGH = 1), place for 9th bit = 1 (TX9D = 1)" he is saying 9 bit data, but wikipedia says: "At the datalink layer, a DMX512 controller transmits asynchronous serial...

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects & Guides

    Hi i have a question about the part where it says "TXSTA = 0b01100101 ' 9 bit data (TX9 = 1), TXEN = 1, high speed (BRGH = 1), place for 9th bit = 1 (TX9D = 1)" you're specifying 9 bit data, but wikipedia says: "At the datalink layer, a DMX512 controller transmits asynchronous serial data at 250 kbit/s. The data format is fixed at one start bit, eight data bits (least significant first[7]), two stop bits and no parity." i'm using an atmega2560 and i don't know whether to specify 8 bit or 9 bit data....

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Demonstration Code

    Hello everyone and a BIG THANX to motogeek for posting this: but i have a question about one line in his code where he specifies the serial comm parameters for his processor: "TXSTA = 0b01100101 ' 9 bit data (TX9 = 1), TXEN = 1, high speed (BRGH = 1), place for 9th bit = 1 (TX9D = 1)" he is saying 9 bit data, but wikipedia says: "At the datalink layer, a DMX512 controller transmits asynchronous serial...

  • louie louie modified a comment on discussion Demonstration Code

    Hello everyone and a BIG THANX to motogeek for posting this: but i have a question about one line in his code where he specifies the serial comm parameters for his processor: "TXSTA = 0b01100101 ' 9 bit data (TX9 = 1), TXEN = 1, high speed (BRGH = 1), place for 9th bit = 1 (TX9D = 1)" he is saying 9 bit data, but wikipedia says: "At the datalink layer, a DMX512 controller transmits asynchronous serial...

  • louie louie posted a comment on discussion Demonstration Code

    Hello everyone and a BIG THANX to motogeek for posting this: [] but i have a question about one line in his code where he specifies the serial comm parameters for his processor: "TXSTA = 0b01100101 ' 9 bit data (TX9 = 1), TXEN = 1, high speed (BRGH = 1), place for 9th bit = 1 (TX9D = 1)" he is saying 9 bit data, but wikipedia says: "At the datalink layer, a DMX512 controller transmits asynchronous serial...