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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    Chris - good point! The only hesitation I have is that right now, I have a single button. I awaken with the push of a button, but during use, it depends on what kind of push (click, double-click, short hold, etc). The user knows it's asleep because the display is off, so intuitively, you know you're clicking to awaken. If the display is on, the user has no idea it's asleep. Right now, I wake everything up and reset to the top menu. Under your scenario, I'd have to respond to the type of command the...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    Is that the thing in the clear case? Where do you get one of those? Or is that what I bought? :-D Looks like you built it.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    Is that the thing in the clear case? Where do you get one of those? Looks like you built it.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    Thanks David. This particular LCD can be allegedly be shut down: Write_Command_SSD1306(SSD1306_DISPLAYOFF) We have a blizzard on the horizon for next week. I' will probably test the efficacy of that code then. I saw an e-paper display, and I was excited by its "low power consumption" claim until I got to the 15mA part. I didn't know that it can display the same thing for several hours and use no power. That's PERFECT for my application. There are periods of use where it would be nice to have the...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    I am, actually. It doesn't do much of anything unless a button is being pushed, or it is writing to the LCD. Writing to the LCD takes less than half a second. I don't measure anything, I don't input anything, I don't monitor anything, I don't drive anything. I just loop around and around until I catch an interrupt, and after that, I count how many counts the button is down to figure out if I have a click, a double click, a short hold, a long hold or a really long hold. Then I change the LCD accordingly...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    yeah, actually, I found this, I'm going to try it:' and if I can get it to work, I'll use rechargeable 2450's.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    Hi Joe, I meant count cycles while the unit is active, so that I know when to put it to sleep... after so long, whatever that is. Once it goes to sleep, it can stay like that for as long as it remains unused. the button click will wake it up.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    Progress! I pulled the smaller LCD off and tried the button batteries again, 2x CR2032, wired in series to provide 6V. Success! I also pulled the other LCD off and tested the small one alone with buttons. Success! Now I'm testing how long it can stay on continually. They're draining fast, relative to the other batteries, but it's a good test, even if it will never be used like this. As it turns out, I do have a multimeter where I can measure current usage. I'll post back when I have some data. Thanks,...

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2017-11-25 20:58:44


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