Hi everyone. I'm trying to read and set some outputs and some variables in a very simple program using Python. I've already configured my DBs with the GET/PUT and the optimized block access option according to the manual, but no matter what I try my program always returns something like the lines that follows: File "C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\snap7\client.py", line 145, in db_read check_error(result, context="client") File "C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\snap7\common.py",...
Honestly, I don't remember the configuration. Sorry.
Nobody able to help me?
Dear Powerlink-Team-Kalycito, here is the content of the file. Where exactly should I modify the file? Thanks /* * This file was autogenerated by openCONFIGURATOR-2.1.2_release on 05-Apr-2017 12:47:44 * Project: Demo_3CN * Application process for openPOWERLINK_MN(240) */ #ifndef XAP_h #define XAP_h #define COMPUTED_PI_OUT_SIZE 4 typedef struct { unsigned CN1_DigitalInput_00h_AU8_DigitalInput:8; unsigned CN32_DigitalInput_00h_AU8_DigitalInput:8; unsigned CN110_DigitalInput_00h_AU8_DigitalInput:8;...
Sorry for the dumb question, but where is this xap.h file to modify?
Hi again. As you can see from the attached code, it looks like it's working. I have to specify that I've tested it without any actual connection on the ethernet adapter. Tomorrow I'm going to try and repeat the process on one CN. One last thing: to make the loopback in the processSync function of CN application(that is assign the digitalOut_l data to digitalIn_l) in order to have the MN and CN constantly exchanging data, where should I act? test1@test1-desktop:~/Scaricati/opp/bin/linux/armv7l/demo_mn_console$...
Dear Powerlink-Team-Kalycito, I think I'm almost there. Here is the content of the bash file I created to automate the process 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24#!/bin/bash cd opp/stack/build/linux cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCFG_INCLUDE_MN_REDUNDANCY=FALSE -DCFG_COMPILE_LIB_CN=FALSE -DCFG_COMPILE_LIB_CNAPP_KERNELINTF=FALSE -DCFG_COMPILE_LIB_CNAPP_USERINTF=FALSE -DCFG_COMPILE_LIB_CNDRV_PCAP=FALSE -DCFG_COMPILE_LIB_CN_SIM=FALSE -DCFG_COMPILE_LIB_MN=FALSE...
Dear Powerlink-Team-Kalycito, I think I'm almost there. Here is the content of the bash file I created to automate the process 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24#!/bin/bash cd opp/stack/build/linux cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCFG_INCLUDE_MN_REDUNDANCY=FALSE -DCFG_COMPILE_LIB_CN=FALSE -DCFG_COMPILE_LIB_CNAPP_KERNELINTF=FALSE -DCFG_COMPILE_LIB_CNAPP_USERINTF=FALSE -DCFG_COMPILE_LIB_CNDRV_PCAP=FALSE -DCFG_COMPILE_LIB_CN_SIM=FALSE -DCFG_COMPILE_LIB_MN=FALSE...