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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 DIY

    Would it be possible to assign keyboard shortcuts to the myASCOMClient buttons -500...-1...+1..+500? This would be used for public scope viewing where I want the stepper motor to lock the position but want to be able to visually adjust the focus while looking through the eyepiece. Doing this with a mouse is not ideal.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 DIY

    Thank you. It is not very clear how the file naming works and the trial and error method can get tedious when you don't have a known good combination.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 DIY

    I have PCB boards on order from the file and have a nano board and Stepstick A4988 (DRV8825 board). The question is the correct firmware to use with this. There will be no display or pushbuttons. The intent is to strictly control it from a PC using ASCOM drivers. With all the layers involved, getting the right combination of firmware files is important. It would appear that either myFP2_DRV8825_312-1 or myFP2_DRV8825HW203_312-1 is correct but the labels are not clear....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on UFRaw

    I have installed that stand alone verson for windows (I know that may be a bad word). It is not at all clear how to change the file type that the save function generates. There is a mention of changing the "resource" file but I could not find the details (path of tile, program used to edit it, values to put in). As an alternative I tried to link to GIMP but I get the error: "error activating Gimp. Failed to execute helper program (invalid argument)". I tired putting in the full path forGimp in the...

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2010-11-12 02:13:22


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