Activity for Martin Smith

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Ah sorry. The documentation confused me. Where it says "We check that the type of DATA column is the most suitable type .." I thought that the "we" meant OpenXava. It might be clearer if it said that the user has to to do this. Might also be worth annotating the data field with @Length though I see conflicting reports about whether this works. Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    This might be a known problem? I'm seeing the data column of oxfiles created as TINYBLOB type, when it should be LONGBLOB. Can be fixed by altering the table but would be good if it was created correctly.

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    If I take the report that works and stick in a Thread.sleep() for 10 seconds after calling super.execute() it seems to break it in the same way as the other one. I think you might be able to reproduce it by doing something similar. I would suspect a race condition or timeout somewhere perhaps.

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith modified a comment on discussion Help (English)

    I've reproduced it on a different computer. Now I need to see if I can create something simple that shows the same problem. I have a vague feeling it might be the time taken to generate the report - about 30 seconds for the action to complete. The one that works takes about 8 seconds.

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith modified a comment on discussion Help (English)

    I've reproduced it on a different computer. Now I need to see if I can create something simple that shows the same problem. I have a vague feeling it might be the time taken to generate the report - about 30 seconds for the action to complete.

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    I've reproduced it on a different computer. Now I need to see if I can create something simple that shows the same problem.

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    I'll try but not sure how reproducible this is going to be. One thing I noticed is that with IForwardAction the browser tab opens straight away and you wait for the report to appear. With IMultipleForward the tab opens at the end of the process. I realized that ModuleManager / Module handle the single URI case before the multiple one so I have a workround by using my own JasperConcatReportBaseAction. Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    OK, more debugging. It seems to be something related to IMultipleForwardAction handling. If I replace JasperMultipleReportBaseAction with a copy that implements IForwardAction instead then the concat report works. This is obviously not a proper solution as some multiple reports return more than one URI but I think it might help to narrow it down. I currently don't understand why it works for one report but not the other one and I haven't found anything wrong trying to debug the request flows.

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith modified a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Some more info. I tried it in a standalone Tomcat to see if there was anything odd about the embedded config, and I got the same result. I just tried a debugger at the start of doGet() in GenerateConcatReportServlet. Interestingly this breakpoint fires when I use the report that works but not when I use the other one. It looks like the browser isn't making the request for the report. I'm suspicious of the use of System.currentTimeMillis in the report actions. If that's being used as a key it could...

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith modified a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Some more info. I tried it in a standalone Tomcat to see if there was anything odd about the embedded config, and I got the same result. I just tried a debugger at the start of doGet() in GenerateCustomReportServlet. Interestingly this breakpoint fires when I use the report that works but not when I use the other one. It looks like the browser isn't making the request for the report. I'm suspicious of the use of System.currentTimeMillis in the report actions. If that's being used as a key it could...

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Some more info. I tried it in a standalone Tomcat to see if there was anything odd about the embedded config, and I got the same result. I just tried a debugger at the start of doGet() in GenerateCustomReportServlet. Interestingly this breakpoint fires when I use the report that works but not when I use the other one. It looks like the browser isn't making the request for the report. I'm suspicious of the use of System.currentTimeMillis in the report actions. If that's being used as a key it could...

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, Thanks for the suggestions. The table has about 1000 rows so I was expecting to see output. The SQL queries are in the report files so it shouldn't be filtered. I tried it with just one jrxml file and it didn't work. I also just tried restricting the query to a small number of rows and that didn't help. There's nothing in the log except a few Jasper deprecation warnings and the end of action timing. I get the same deprecation warnings on the report that works. It's a bit strange.

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hmmm. I just tried a different report and that one works. The original one I tried doesn't. I think this might not be an OX issue but I'm not sure how to find the cause.

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, Over the weekend I've been updating my inventory application. to version 7 of OX. This has gone well and it's now way easier to work with IntelliJ. Thanks! The only issue I have now is that I can't see any Jasper report output. I see the queries being run in the console and there are no errors but the page refreshes at the end and there's no report. I tried changing the open in new window to false and that didn't work either. I'm just extending JasperConcatReportBaseAction so not sure why it's...

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith modified a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, I got the exception when I switched from a transient Bean class to making it a Collection<Item> where Item is an entity and has views defined. I switched back to a bean so this is no longer a problem. I've solved my other problem, for some reason the action was extending ViewDetailAction. I changed it back to ViewBaseAction and it started working. I don't think it's related to 6.4.2. Thanks, Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith modified a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, I got the exception when I switched from a transient Bean class to making it a Collection<item> where item is an entity and has views defined. I switched back to a bean so this is no longer a problem.</item> I've solved my other problem, for some reason the action was extending ViewDetailAction. I changed it back to ViewBaseAction and it started working. I don't think it's related to 6.4.2. Thanks, Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, I got the exception when I switched from a transient Bean class to making it a Collection<item> where item is an entity and has views defined.</item> I've solved my other problem, for some reason the action was extending ViewDetailAction. I changed it back to ViewBaseAction and it started working. I don't think it's related to 6.4.2. Thanks, Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Is there any chance this stopped working in 6.4.2? I just updated and can no longer see anything after populating the list. Thanks, Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Thanks a lot, that works exactly as I wanted. Just out of interest should @ListProperties work with this approach? It doesn't really matter as I'll just define the bean to have the ones I want but I got the exception below when I added it. org.openxava.util.XavaException: collection-view for chosen is already defined in view chosen of org.openxava.view.meta.MetaView.addMetaViewCollection(Unknown Source) org.openxava.component.parse.AnnotatedClassParser.processAnnotations(Unknown Source) org.openxava.component.parse.AnnotatedClassParser.addCollection(Unknown...

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith modified a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, Thanks but I still see no items in the collection, must be doing something wrong. The code below is a minimal version of what I have. Martin In the entity class Template, which is where I want to show the results: @Transient private Collection<Thing> chosen = new ArrayList<Thing>(); Plus a getter and setter. The Thing class is just a bean with a couple of properties. In the action (just an example for testing purposes): Thing thing1 = new Thing("Thing 1"); Thing thing2 = new Thing("Thing 2");...

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, Thanks but I still see no items in the collection, must be doing something wrong. The code below is a minimal version of what I have. Martin In the entity class Template, which is where I want to show the results: @Transient private Collection<Thing> chosen = new ArrayList<Thing>(); Plus a getter and setter. The Thing class is just a bean with a couple of properties. In the action (just an example for testing purposes): Thing thing1 = new Thing("Thing 1"); Thing thing2 = new Thing("Thing 2");...

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, Can someone give me an example of how to work with transient collections? What I want is a Collection<Item> that's filled by an action. There is no need for this result to be persisted, it's just info for the user. In this case Item is a persistent class but I could use a plain bean with a couple of properties. I've tried various things (@Transient on property and getter, declaring the collection field as transient etc.) and the collection always appears empty. I can see the action setting the...

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    OK, thanks for letting me know. Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    OK, thanks. I created a bug. Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, I do have flowLayout=true. Turning that off seems to fix the problem. The view definition is below, the WEBURL is named sourceUrl. Thanks, Martin @View(members= "general [#" + " name;" + " type;" + " thumbnail;" + " size;" + " rating;" + "];" + "purchase [#" + " supplier;" + " cost;" + " productCode;" + " sourceUrl;" + " available;" + "];" + "dates [" + " dateAdded;" + "];" + "notes [" + " description;" + " notes;" + " reviews;" + "]") .... @Stereotype("WEBURL") @Column(length=8192) private String...

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, Thanks for replying. Chrome v87 is the upcoming dev branch I think. I'm seeing the same issue on Firefox (72.0.1) and Edge. Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith modified a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, On Chrome (I'm using v87) the button for a weburl seems to be shown under the field instead of to the right of it. I think it's a browser issue as it looks correct in IE. Can anyone suggest a workaround that's compatible across browsers? EDIT: sorry forgot to mention I'm using OX 6.4.1. Thanks, Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, On Chrome (I'm using v87) the button for a weburl seems to be shown under the field instead of to the right of it. I think it's a browser issue as it looks correct in IE. Can anyone suggest a workaround that's compatible across browsers? Thanks, Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Thanks, that seems to work well and is much simpler. I prefer not having to change module but the example seemed to imply that's how this was done. Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, Does the OX API allow for navigating to a particular named tab in another module from an action? This is related to my previous question but slightly separate as I could use a complete select in a Tab annotation. Some of the set methods on Tab aren't documented and I couldn't see one that looked obvious. I think it could be done by having a separate module but I think that could be confusing for users. Thanks, Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, Can someone give me pointers on how the example in the Controllers doc "Calling another module" would work if it was a many to many collection? It's basically the same use case. If I'm looking at entity A I'd like to jump to the Bs that reference a particular A. The example ListCustomerInvoicesAction calls setBaseCondition() to match an ID, which I don't think is powerful enough in this case. My experiments suggest you can only put the WHERE clause in this method and not a FROM or complete select?...

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, Yes, that seems to fix the problem. Thanks very much. Martin

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, I'm trying to change the XAVA_SEARCH_ACTION without adding an extra module. So I have something like this in application.xml: <module name="Item"> <model name="Item"/> <env-var name="XAVA_SEARCH_ACTION" value="CRUD.searchExecutingOnChange" /> <controller name="Typical" /> </module> I think this must be wrong because I then can't add list actions to controller for Item. e.g if I add: <controller name="Item"> <extends controller="Typical" /> <action name="something" in-each-row="true" class="my...

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    OK thanks. It does sound like it would be easier to do this working in the other...

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Thanks for the reply. Sorry I don't think I explained what I'm trying to do clearly...

  • Martin Smith Martin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help (English)

    Hi, I'm rewriting my home inventory type app in OX as I'm migrating away from using...