Activity for Hassane Moussa

  • Hassane Moussa Hassane Moussa posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I would like to know how to dispaly the values of TTO & TTR in the itop portal user form ? Your help is very important please ! Thanks !!!!

  • Hassane Moussa Hassane Moussa posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi, I would like to know how to dispaly the values of TTO & TTR in the itop portal user form ? Your help is very important please ! Thanks !!!!

  • Hassane Moussa Hassane Moussa posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Dear All, I would like to dispaly a bouton Reject in the new request : UI.php?operation=modify&class=UserRequest&id=16&c[menu]=UserRequest%3AOpenRequests# Please your help !!! best regards

  • Hassane Moussa Hassane Moussa modified a comment on a blog post

    Hi, I used gammu getussd to check my sold. I have this error : "No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected.". How to resolve this issue please !!!

  • Hassane Moussa Hassane Moussa posted a comment on a blog post

    Hi, I have this error : "No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected.". How to resolve this issue please !!!

  • Hassane Moussa Hassane Moussa posted a comment on a blog post

    Bonsoir , je voudrais savoir si avec gammu sous windows je pourrais faire des sms vocaux ? merci d'avance !!! cdt, Hassane

  • Hassane Moussa Hassane Moussa posted a comment on a blog post

    Hi Michal, ok Very thanks !!!

  • Hassane Moussa Hassane Moussa posted a comment on a blog post

    Hi. I use Gammu on windows to send USSD codes. When I send an interactive USSD code in which the service provider asks me to enter number 1 to confirm the action, I get an error. It seems Gammu can not send interactiv USSD codes. What can I do to solve the problem?!!