Activity for Max Funk

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hallo Kevin, when I figured out, how to compile the acousto program files, then I found two essential issues: the first was to link to the right lapack library; best solution was: ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libscalapack-openmpi.a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libscalapack.a or alternatively, if your distribution has a dynamic library (check the respective file for existence): ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ the second issue was: The...

  • Max Funk Max Funk committed [r25518]

    Also working with jEdit 5.5

  • Max Funk Max Funk committed [r25517]

    Unicode names changed to java builtin

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hallo Giorgio, many thanks for your investigation and your reply :-) It's valuable to see that custombc 2 does no more than writing the boundcond file and then performing the same as custombc 1 I have now created the boundcond with a simple script file; perhaps it could be attached to the RoomAcoustics tutorial; I attach it below... As a feedback, I wanted to say, that at the moment I prefer custombc=0 because in a simple calculation I need just a frequency-independent absorption coefficient, which...

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hallo Acousto team, Giorgio, I investigated further custom boundcond 2 and everything is fine when the number of frequencies nome =... equals the number of boundary conditions, e.g. gmshbc=["wall%d",...]; nome=3; ... wall0={...}; wall1={...}; wall2={...}; ... or gmshbc=["wall",...]; nome=1; ... wall={...}; ... However, if nome is greater than the number of given conditions, even with frequency independent conditions gmshbc=["wall","ceil", "floor"]; nome=3; ... wall={...}; ceil={...}; floor={...};...

  • Max Funk Max Funk modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the info.

  • Max Funk Max Funk modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    To put it short; I like very much this feature: boundary condition with gmsh and physical tags, and on the other side I would like to use the impedance boundcond - is it possible to combine these?

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I didn't investigate it already, but from the definition of the general boundary condition (6.12) in the users guide, I have to provide gamma, lambda and f. However, if I have to provide a constant boundcond for the frequency response, I would prefer to give a constant absorption alpha (not a constant gamma); so the question would be then, could I provide impedance, lambda and f - is that implemented for the boundcond 2?

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hallo Giorgio, thank you for the reply and the help That was it, I didn't see that the definition of the custombc had to be outside the modsol structure.... Now it calculates well :-))

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In the boundary condition I have two frequencies... There is also the question, if I would calculate e.g. a frequency response, does the program make an interpolation for the frequency dependent boundary condition?

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hallo Giorgio, thank you, that's a great offer :-) I include the project files below...

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Umberto Iemma, many thanks for your program... I tried to convert the tutorial: Room_Acoustics to the new boundary conditions custombc=2 with the physical tags of the gmsh file. But now I get an error message: 2021-04-29 15:33:56 DEBUG [1/1] modsolinfo->custombc=2 2021-04-29 15:33:56 DEBUG [1/1] Allocating 24 for sizeof(struct phystag)*config_setting_length(phystagcont) 2021-04-29 15:33:56 INFO [1/1] n physical tags = 3 2021-04-29 15:33:56 DEBUG [1/1] reading physical tag [floor] 2021-04-29...

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Help

    Finally, I did some code cleaning and better commenting in my script. The function is not changed. Best regards

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Help

    Happy, that I could contribute. And looking forward to your new version :-)

  • Max Funk Max Funk modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hallo, I wanted to finish this investigation about Ubuntu installation; meanwhile I did it better... The "BLACS" not found message in newer library versions can mean, that "libscalapack.a" is not found. Because "blacs" is now contained in "scalapack". However, it is not necessary to rebuild scalapack. Instead, the shared libraries in the package "libscalapack-openmpi-dev" are sufficient. However, a link is needed: ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Help

    Tried out Ubuntu 18.04 and current Debian (10.6) shell and the install script (see previous post) worked fine :-)

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here my install script again, tested with a complete vanilla Ubuntu 20.04 and two bugs fixed.

  • Max Funk Max Funk modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hallo, I wanted to finish this investigation about Ubuntu installation; meanwhile I did it better... The "BLACS" not found message in newer library versions can mean, that "libscalapack.a" is not found. Because "blacs" is now contained in "scalapack". However, it is not necessary to rebuild scalapack. Instead, the shared libraries in the package libscalapack-openmpi-dev are sufficient. The ./configure command can be simply: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local \ --enable-mpinew --enable-scalapack_new...

  • Max Funk Max Funk modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hallo, I wanted to finish this investigation about Ubuntu installation; meanwhile I did it better... The "BLACS" not found message in newer library versions can mean, that "libscalapack" is not found. However, it is not necessary to rebuild scalapack. Instead, the shared libraries in the package libscalapack-openmpi-dev are sufficient. The ./configure command can be simply: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local \ --enable-mpinew --enable-scalapack_new \ --with-libs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu There is still...

  • Max Funk Max Funk modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, thanks for the reply :-) I got it compiled in Ubuntu 20.04. Compile and install ScaLAPACK 2.1.0 from sources (with cmake and default configuration: cp this gives libscalapack.a in /usr/local/lib For AcouSTO, run ./configure with following options (of course, all necessary libraries must be installed): ./configure --prefix=/usr/local \ --enable-mpinew --enable-scalapack_new \ --with-libconfig=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \ --with-blas=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas...

  • Max Funk Max Funk modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hallo, I wanted to finish this investigation about Ubuntu installation; meanwhile I did it better... The "BLACS" not found message in newer library versions can mean, that "libscalapack" is not found. However, it is not necessary to rebuild scalapack. Instead, the shared libraries in the package libscalapack-openmpi-dev are sufficient. The ./configure command can also be more simple: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local \ --enable-mpinew --enable-scalapack_new \ --with-libs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu There...

  • Max Funk Max Funk modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hallo, I wanted to continue this investigation about Ubuntu installation; meanwhile I did it better... The "BLACS" not found message in newer library versions can mean, that "LibScalaPack" is not found. However, it is not necessary to rebuild scalapack, as I wrote above. Instead, the shared libraries in the package libscalapack-openmpi-dev are sufficient. The ./configure command can also be more simple: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local \ --enable-mpinew --enable-scalapack_new \ --with-libs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu...

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hallo, I wanted to continue this investigation about Ubuntu installation; meanwhile I did it better... The "BLACS" not found message in newer library versions can mean, that "LibScalaPack" is not found. However, it is not necessary to rebuild scalapack, as I wrote above. Instead, the shared libraries in the package libscalapack-openmpi-dev are sufficient. The ./configure command can also be more simple: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local \ --enable-mpinew --enable-scalapack_new \ --with-libs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu...

  • Max Funk Max Funk modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have the same problem: blacs not working in current Ubuntu 20.04 However, I found that in Ubuntu 16.04 there was libblacs-openmpi-dev Now, in Ubuntu 20.04, there is only a "virtual" package, "provided" by libscalapack-openmpi-dev [...] By the way, the other installation option in docker, with the modification FROM debian:8.6 as described above by Umberto lemma was also successful for me.

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, thanks for the reply :-) I got it compiled in Ubuntu 20.04. Compile and install ScaLAPACK 2.1.0 from sources (with cmake and default configuration: cp; this gives libscalapack.a in /usr/local/lib; in the distribution there is only For AcouSTO, run ./configure with following options (of course, all necessary libraries must be installed): ./configure --with-libconfig=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \--enable-mpinew --with-lapack=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack...

  • Max Funk Max Funk modified a comment on discussion Help


  • Max Funk Max Funk modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have the same problem: blacs not working in current Ubuntu 20.04 However, I found that in Ubuntu 16.04 there was libblacs-openmpi-dev Now, in Ubuntu 20.04, there is only a "virtual" package, "provided" by libscalapack-openmpi-dev Maybe for some expert the fix would be trivial... By the way, the other installation option in docker, with the modification FROM debian:8.6 as described above by Umberto lemma was also successful for me.

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here is a link describing the current state of the packages libscalapack-openmpi at

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have the same problem: blacs not working in current Ubuntu 20.04 However, I found that in Ubuntu 16.04 there were the packages libblacs-openmpi-dev and libblacs-openmpi1 which contain some "blacs" library files Now, in Ubuntu 20.04, there is only a "virtual" package: libblacs-openmpi-dev which is "provided" by libscalapack-openmpi-dev and the binary files are provided from libscalapack-openmpi2.1 Perhaps one should modify the file so that these libraries are properly linked;...

  • Max Funk Max Funk posted a comment on ticket #106

    Hallo, at the moment I am not working at the jEdit project. since I have lot of work...