Activity for merspieler

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2861

    Pull request with the fix is on the mailing list.

  • merspieler merspieler modified a comment on ticket #2861

    I've fixed that now... is there a way to test this instrument? (I've never encountered it my self) And how am I supposed to find the nasal uses? Take fgaddon trunk unpack everything, from their zip files and then grep in there?

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2861

    I've fixed that now... is there a way to test this instrument? (I've never encountered it my self)

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2861

    Okay, so looking into fixing this rn.. I notice we also define codes 6 and 7 which are no longer in the spec, instead the helipads, which this was for before, use the same codes as the runways now How to go about this... cause I'm sure it will break eventually...

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2861

    Oh, that problem (once again)... already fixed that in terragear Here's the spec: Thanks for looking into this

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2861

    findAirportsByICAO doesn't return all airports it should find

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2858

    Yes, it's about the issue from the mailing list you've mentioned. I'll open a new ticket.

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2858

    Tried both patches, the problem persists. Thanks for mentioning us tho

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2763

    SIGSEGV: simgear::EffectGeode::DrawablesIterator::dereference (this=<synthetic pointer>) at /games/flightgear/flightgear-nix-new/simgear/simgear/scene/material/EffectGeode.hxx:58

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2745


  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2719

    Thread 1 "fgfs" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00007ffff74653a4 in osgDB::SharedStateManager::share(osg::Node*, OpenThreads::Mutex*) () from ../../openscenegraph/lib/ (gdb) bt apply all full No symbol "apply" in current context. (gdb) bt thread all full A syntax error in expression, near `all full'. (gdb) bt full #0 0x00007ffff74653a4 in osgDB::SharedStateManager::share(osg::Node*, OpenThreads::Mutex*) () from ../../openscenegraph/lib/ No symbol table...

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2719

    SIGSEGV osgDB::SharedStateManager::share(osg::Node*, OpenThreads::Mutex*)

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2258

    Status is still on NeedInfo... What info do you need?

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2319

    Status is still on NeedInfo... What info do you need?

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2237

    Status is still on NeedInfo... What info do you need?

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2687

    SIGSEGV std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2574

    works, thanks

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2574

    not quite sure... Before I've used an older version of the alphaelectro which I've downloaded from somewhere (don't remember where). That version worked. Then I've switched to the fgaddon version (and unfortunately deleted the other version) and the segfaults started... on the very same fg build.

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2574

    That was with FGCom on... If I turn it of it doesn't crash. Command line args: --enable-sentry --httpd=8080 --telnet=8081 --generic=socket,in,52,,5542,udp,opentrack --allow-nasal-from-sockets --fg-aircraft=/home/fly/.fgfs/Aircraft --fg-aircraft=/home/fly/.fgfs/Aircraft/org.flightgear.fgaddon.trunk/Aircraft/ --enable-fullscreen --disable-terrasync --disable-ai-traffic --prop:/sim/nasal-gc-threaded=false --timeofday=noon --prop:bool:/sim/rendering/als/shadows/enabled=true --prop:int:/sim/rendering/als/shadows/sun-atlas-size=16384...

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2574

    SIGSEGV in FGCom::valueChanged

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2293

    From what I've seen, it works now as well.

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2295

    Still there as of fg: 740193a3785292fdd8acda0734e0cfd650518468 sg: 9ecb90eddafe90dbca4c86bffaa8c8f3edaccd12

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2294

    Sounds good. Not sure tho, if that solves the gap, between the shadow cascades, when the aircraft shadow gets near the shadow of a building.

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2296

    James, I then assume me == {} :P On 2020.2.1, the menu option for 3d is disabled. I was unable to build 2018.3 so I couldn't checkt that...

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2319

    video showing the issue

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2319

    sure, use what ever model you want... just make sure, that the xml has the enable-hot...

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2319

    Since the walker works in the C172, do the following. Add the stairs to the scenery as usual. Then start with the C172. In the nasal console run the following code (adjust the path to where your stairs.xml is) to place the stairs about 20m ahead (I know it's sunk into the ground...). pos = geo.aircraft_position(); pos.apply_course_distance(geo.normdeg(getprop("/orientation/heading-deg")), 20); geo.put_model("Aircraft/A320-family/Models/Services/Stairs/stairs.xml", pos); Take the walker, the scenery...

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2319

    The black-flashing sky reminds me of the issue, when you change to walker view without the walker being outside. In this case, there's also some white shape in the middle of the screen and no terrain visible (if I'm not mis). I've managed to drop "through" the ground... just cause it hasn't loaded yet in walker view. A second later I stood again on the apron.

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2237

    This time with the ufo, after hitting the ground with the walker

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2295

    No, the shadow is there... even without flashlight. The flashlight just makes it much more visible.

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2293

    Yes, seen that on the A350... removing the lightmap effect fixed that

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2296

    One thing to note is, that WITH anaglyph, the osgText works while WITHOUT it's invisible

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2319

    The include should add the walker menu to the menu bar. On the right hand side. It has an item called "Toggle Walker outside" I know, that the stairs are sunk into the ground. I just used that model for my tests are it was the one, I've initially played with.

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2320

    Correction: Nvidia seems to be affected too

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2320

    Crash on radeon GPUs

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2319

    enable-hot only works on scenery load

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2237

    Happened again... as well with the A320. This time just after hitting "FUEL" on the ECAM control panel

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2296

    well... after a fg restart it works... but the loading screen is anaglyph as well... and the rendering is more or less broken while it looked correct while it was frozen

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2296

    Compositor rendering freezes when enabeling anaglyph 3d

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2295

    Compositor shadow at night

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2294

    Compositor shadow lod transition

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2293

    Z layer issues in compositor

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2273

    SIGSEGV std::_Rb_tree<SGVec2<unsigned long>

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2272

    SIGSEGV simgear::Effect::getGenerator

  • merspieler merspieler modified a comment on ticket #2258

    I've got two more different crashes caused by the same situation. (Files attached)

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2258

    I've got two more different crashes caused by the same situation. (Files attached

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2258

    Default scenery and disableding vegitation both fix the issue. While testing I've got a similar crash... might be the same cause since it happened as well only here. Thread 42 "fgfs" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread 0x7fff1fbfa700 (LWP 75540)] 0x00007ffff73947b2 in osg::BufferData::~BufferData() () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (gdb) bt full #0 0x00007ffff73947b2 in osg::BufferData::~BufferData() () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table...

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2258

    SIGSEGV simgear::QuadTreeCleaner::apply

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2237

    SIGSEGV _int_free

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2218

    Basically I can do the same... it just seems to increase the likelyhood....

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2218

    I use i3wm, if that helps...

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2218

    Idk... I don't use that... Somehow I've got the feeling, that it almost only occures when I start fg and put it in the background.

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2218

    occured again... this time with the debian osg

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2218

    It's just sometimes... I couldn't figure out a pattern yet. Windowmanger update... I've got no clue. Yes, I've started using a dnc osg build from mid-end march cause I had trouble with the osg from the distro.

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2218

    I remember having some for quite some time (iirc since I've started using next builds again -> end of november) but they became frequent about Mid February... Note that disabeling the nasal gc has reduced the number os segfaults I get significantly so in there, it certainly some issue.

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2218

    Revert that.... Just had this one with an up-to-date build. Just started FG with the default c172p and then I've switched window. When I've looked back, it had crashed.

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2218

    Yes.... just FYI... so far since I've disabled the Nasal GC thing, I haven't had a single SIGSEGV...

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2218

    Happend after flightgear start, in the A320 selected "Ready for engine start" state. But didn't crash immedeatly, took a few seconds...

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2218

    SIGSEGV flightgear::eventToWindowCoords

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2214

    nasal gc is the default... aircraft A320

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2216

    Yep, happend on exit.

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2215

    I've set it... I'll see if it keeps happening.

  • merspieler merspieler posted a comment on ticket #2215

    /sim/nasal-gc-threaded: true /sim/nasal-gc-threded-wait: false

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2216

    SIGSEGV osg::ObserverSet::signalObjectDeleted

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2215

    SIGSEGV nasal::shared_ptr_storage

  • merspieler merspieler created ticket #2214

    SIGSEGV SGWeakReferenced::put

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