Activity for markus mayer

  • markus mayer markus mayer created a wiki page


  • markus mayer markus mayer committed [569842]

    Integrated inspection results

  • markus mayer markus mayer committed [8b5c50]

    Integrated RaceModel with GUI

  • markus mayer markus mayer committed [82600f]

    fixed integration of LapTimer, TurboThread and settings-dialog

  • markus mayer markus mayer committed [facc89]

    created raceModel with unit tests

  • markus mayer markus mayer committed [89f71e]

    created raceModel with unit tests

  • markus mayer markus mayer committed [adb23f]

    Integrated RaceModel with GUI

  • markus mayer markus mayer committed [f7744f]

    initial version after migration to Android Studio:

  • markus mayer markus mayer committed [3c35f8]

    initial version after migration to Android Studio:

  • markus mayer markus mayer modified a wiki page


  • markus mayer markus mayer modified a wiki page


  • markus mayer markus mayer posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Gord, thanks for your reply. Do you have any approximate ETA for the fix? Bye, Markus

  • markus mayer markus mayer posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, thanks for your swift replay. After a bit of try and error I think I came up with a small debuggable example. - Create an empty Access DB - Execute the following two CREATE TABLE Statements: CREATE TABLE TypEFooBar([Key] VARCHAR(1024), [DatabaseKey] LONG PRIMARY KEY, [Description] VARCHAR(1024), [Default] LONG, [Ordinal] LONG, [Begin] DATETIME, [End] DATETIME, [foo] BOOLEAN, [bar] DATETIME, [data1] LONG, [data2] LONG); CREATE TABLE Typ_FooBar([Key] VARCHAR(1024), [DatabaseKey] LONG PRIMARY KEY,...

  • markus mayer markus mayer modified a comment on discussion Help

    <html><head></head><body>Hi, we started using UCanAccess to import data stored in a propietary text file format into an Access DB to provide an easy to use data browser. Everything works like a charm. The Access-DB we are using is fairly large (Approx 1k tables, DB Size approx. 30-40MB). When doing a full import we drop/create all tables and import the data from the text files. This works fine for all tables except for one. I can't see anything special about this table alone. When we issue the following...

  • markus mayer markus mayer posted a comment on discussion Help

    <html><head></head><body>Hi, we started using UCanAccess to import data stored in a propietary text file format into an Access DB to provide an easy to use data browser. Everything works like a charm. The Access-DB we are using is fairly large (Approx 1k tables, DB Size approx. 30-40MB). When doing a full import we drop/create all tables and import the data from the text files. This works fine for all tables except for one. I can't see anything special about this table alone. When we issue the following...