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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Hi, Bruno. Question: why is your free parameter for the limit cycles alpha? I changed it to mu, the same as the equilibrium point curve, and got the attached diagram. Does this look close to what you are expecting? Also, if you add PCargs.StopAtPoints = 'B' to your equilibrium point curve arguments, the curve will stop at the predetermined boundary points (plus and minus 1).

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Hi, Bruno. I think it's the PCargs.LocBifPoints = ['all'] line. I changed it to PCargs.LocBifPoints = 'all' and it worked.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Hi, Ahmet. The best thing to do would be to use the 'initpoint' argument of your input dictionary and feed in a good initial guess to an equilibrium point. It looks like, based on your output, that you are at a limit cycle and not an equilibrium point. If your system is bistable, you can change initial conditions to see if you can't find an equilibrium point. You might have to change parameters to get this to occur. In any case, once you have computed a solution that settles to an equilibrium point,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Actually, just realized this is not PyCont related, so it's probably best if another member of the team chases after this one. Also just noticed that you are creating things symbolically, which I don't think VFGEN deals with. Anyone else from the PyDSTool team wanna try their hand at this?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Hi, Ahmet. I'll take a look at your code, but in the meantime, you might want to try VFGEN by Weckesser. It's a markup language for differential equations models. What's nice about it is you only need to write up the model once, and then VFGEN can create XPPAUT and PyDSTOOL model files from the template. Pretty nice. I'll report back if I find where your model is having trouble.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Yes, my apologies for being absent on this one - other job commitments kept me away...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    You can specify the initdirec argument of the continuer class, as a dictionary.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyDSTool

    Hi, Maurizio. I think the non-reproducibility is due to the random default initialization...

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2005-09-23 18:22:39


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