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  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on CLIPS Rule Based Programming Language

    Whith this code: ;Read command (defrule read-command (declare (salience -100)) (not (command $?)) => (println) (print "prompt:> ") (bind $?com (readline)) (bind $?comMulti (explode$ $?com)) (assert (command ?comMulti)) ) ;Unknown command (defrule unknown-command (declare (salience -100)) ?idCom <- (command $?com) => (println "Unknown command: " ?com) (retract ?idCom) ) (defrule CLIPS-command "Evals normal CLIPS commands from prompt, prefixed with CL Example: prompt:> CL (facts)" ?idCom<-(command...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on CLIPS Rule Based Programming Language

    Whith this code: ;Read command (defrule read-command (declare (salience -100)) (not (command $?)) => (println) (print "prompt:> ") (bind $?com (readline)) (bind $?comMulti (explode$ $?com)) (assert (command ?comMulti)) ) ;Unknown command (defrule unknown-command (declare (salience -100)) ?idCom <- (command $?com) => (println "Unknown command: " ?com) (retract ?idCom) ) (defrule CLIPS-command "Evals normal CLIPS commands from prompt, prefixed with CL Example: prompt:> CL (facts)" ?idCom<-(command...

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