User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on open-dis

    I built the open-dis python from the start, but haven't worked with it much. Feel free to use it. The EntityStatePdu is in Look for EntityStatePdu. I don't recall, but offhand I don't recall wether the update process updates the count itself. It was a hurried implementation. If you've got an improvement, I'd be happy to pack it in.The parse thing is below--the numberOfVariableParameters...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on open-dis

    BTW, I'm trying to move to github, and doing some work on a DIS wiki. That's available, but a long way from being finished. with a link to "wiki" in a small, faint text near the top. [] Home · open-dis/DISTutorial Wiki · GitHub DISTutorial - DIS: The Missing Handbook. An introduction to the concepts...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on open-dis

    In a horrible, complex way. (Two screen caps in reversed order for some reason.) From the ieee-1278.1 standard: [cid:232c92cc-d3b8-49a1-8d86-3ec6dc663ece] [cid:a85afc8f-df4f-402e-8c49-eda962d851fc] From: robert spriggs Sent: Wednesday, February 7, 2018 11:49:29 AM To: [open-dis:discussion] Subject: [open-dis:discussion] Python set entity Orientation OK, think ive solved it. the angles are in radians. pdu.entityOrientation.psi = (pi * 90 / 180) sets the heading of my...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on open-dis

    BTW, I'm trying to move to github, at, with separate repos for each programming language and a very incomplete DIS wiki. It makes it easier for users to submit fixes as well. The text should be a first character that specifies a text type and then 0-11 characters of text. You'll have to get the characters individually and stuff them into a string. Was that the underlying problem? Make sure the ESPDU is able to be decoded by Wireshark and that's displayed if you're creating...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on open-dis

    Yes, the original source code was created from an XML description of the classes and attributes. That made it easy to generate implementations for other languages (C++, Javascript, a few others) that works reasonably well, but it's not really practical to regenerate code libraries by applying Unix-style patches when a lot of people don't run Unix and are thus unable to fix it. The update process for cross-platform dev environments is just too annoying and complex, though it would be nice to have...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on open-dis

    I’m just picking up the git habits myself; I was used to the older svn habits. Basically, have your own branch, and ask us to commit it. It’s easy for us to bring it in, and we can discuss it and commit. In addition I’ll see if you can be a C# committer. I’m trying to turn open-dis into more of a multiple-people-commit project, particularly on an eventual DIS Tutorial thingie. Not quite sure what the format of that should be. Basically a document that...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on open-dis

    OK, added to code base at sourceforge and github. Thanks! On Sep 7, 2017, at 9:58 PM, Richard Murphy<> wrote: Here is some MS C# that implements DisTime using simple static calls utilizing System.Globalization. Tested fairly thoroughly and works as expected with rollover, etc. Tested using VS 2010 and .Net 4.5

  • Posted a comment on ticket #24 on open-dis

    Not a C++ guy, but I think the string code is part of the standard library. / strncpy example / include <stdio.h> include <string.h> On Sep 7, 2017, at 8:32 AM, wrote: Hi Same problem here. How did you fixed it? Including cstring had no effect. (I included it in FastEntityPdu.cpp) [bugs:#24] C++ compilation problem : 'strncpy not declared in this scope' Status: open Group: v1.0_(example) Created: Thu Nov 14, 2013 06:38...

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2001-10-29 21:13:38


This is a list of open source software projects that Don McGregor is associated with:

  • Project Logo MMOWGLI Massive Multiplayer Online Wargame Leveraging the Internet Last Updated:
  • NPSNET-V   Last Updated:
  • Project Logo OpenEXI EXI implementations in Java and C# Last Updated:
  • Project Logo Xj3D Xj3D is an open-source Java codebase for the X3D Graphics standard. Last Updated:
  • Project Logo open-dis Open-DIS implements the IEEE DIS protocol in multiple languages. Last Updated:

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