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  • Posted a comment on ticket #516 on gnuplot

    Ethan, thank you for your reply. I have had a chance to run more tests, both in Firefox and in Chromium. I can toggle the plots now; I don't know what I was doing wrong before. These are my conclusions and feature requests: Documentation: The mousebox appears to the left of the plot, not the bottom, as stated in the documentation. Documentation: State that the # button is only active if set grid has been issued. Feature request: add a configuration option to the canvas terminal to place the mousebox...

  • Created ticket #2367 on gnuplot

    Canvas terminal not fully functional

  • Created ticket #2366 on gnuplot

    Canvas terminal documentation imprecise

  • Modified a comment on ticket #2279 on gnuplot

    Ethan, thank you so much for the time and energy spent on this. I hope it turns out to be worthwhile in the end. You seem to have installed Gaston correctly. I'm assuming we're on Linux. Try these two commands: julia> plot(1:10) julia> Gaston.gnuplot_send("q") (The gnuplot_send command is not exposed directly to users; that is why you have to include Gaston.. Also, this function appends a newline to the string sent to gnuplot.) What I see is that the plot window disappears. Now, let's try on gnuplot....

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2279 on gnuplot

    Ethan, thank you so much for the time and energy spent on this. I hope it turns out to be worthwhile in the end. You seem to have installed Gaston correctly. I'm assuming we're on Linux. Try these two commands: julia> plot(1:10) julia> Gaston.gnuplot_send("q") (The gnuplot_send command is not exposed directly to users; that is why you have to include Gaston.. Also, this function appends a newline to the string sent to gnuplot.) What I see is that the plot window disappears. Now, let's try on gnuplot....

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2279 on gnuplot

    Ethan, first of all, thanks for the detailed explanation and for pointing out where I am being unclear. I will try to clarify. Keep in mind I'm also not a Windows expert or even much of a user; I mainly use linux. I'm just trying to debug an issue that Windows users found in my code. For context, I develop Gaston.jl, a plotting package for the Julia language, that uses gnuplot to plot. Gaston's documentation is here, and the source code is here. Also important: Julia uses libuv for I/O. This library...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2279 on gnuplot

    I see. I just sent q to gnuplot from Julia (via stdin) and saw the plot close. This surprises me, because typing q in gnuplot's console doesn't close the window -- I just get a q on the command line. It's almost like the q gets sent to the plot window! Speaking with vey little knowledge of gnuplot's design decisions, I guess I would have expected the plot window to have its own stdin, and a separate communications channel to gnuplot. I think the problem is exacerbated on Windows because it is so...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2279 on gnuplot

    More tests: I can reproduce the problem with the wxt terminal, but NOT with the windows terminal.

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2016-03-14 01:51:23


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