Activity for Rico Diego

  • Rico Diego Rico Diego posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi James. Is there any chance of having a look at your Win32 API layer code/bin please? Thanks

  • Rico Diego Rico Diego posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks very much James. I'm looking round at the source code right now. I'd like to contribute to the proj.; if I can come up with something worthwhile. How did you get started on the Linux/CPU emulator? You're so productive, have you done a bunch of low-level kernel hacking hacking previously or in your day job?

  • Rico Diego Rico Diego posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Firstly, I'm blown away by how well BoxedWine works; and how much it's improved over the fairly short time I've been looking at it. Very impressive. If it's not a rude question, is there any documentation around? No worries if you are concentrating only on devel. at this stage. :) Very curious about what you've done with Wine, the version, how much code you used, how you're building it etc, and about the structure of BoxedWine itself. Is getting a shared clipboard happening between the host and BoxedWine...