It seems that your problem is NOT the mixer metaphore but that you are not clear of the signal chain. So maybe that is whats needed: some graphical hints of the signal chain.
How is it not like a mixing board? you have your input channel to server to the left and then all the channels coming into the mix on the server. what is not fully compatible with the paradigm of a mixing table?
there is no correction. The only correction that happens is in your head when your brain slowly adapts to the latency and make you play earlier relative the beat. Jamulus works exactly as if you is standing far from each other. Since the body already can cope with that it works! I wonder if Volker knew this or it just was a touch of luck.
there is no correction. The only correction that happens is in your head when your brain slowly adapts to the latency and make you play earlier relative the beat. Jamulus works exactly as if you is standing far from each other. Since the body already can cope with that it works! I wonder if Volker knew this or it just was a touch of luck.
then you have your own voice too low in the mix. you should have it so strong that its is stronger than the sound directly from your mouth. Thst you sont hear any difference in your mix just shows that you dont hear yourself in the mix. Thibg is this: if you hear yourself delayed, your brain will automatically compensate and you wil start the correct amoubt of time earlier to make your voice appear in time on the server. This a test that is funny and rather disturbing: send a metronome sound in 120...
Nononooo. You MUST listen to the SERVER sound or you will never synch with the other musicians! This REQUIRE headphones! It wont take long time before you got used to play lsike that. if you listen to your local and the delayed sound from the others you will be such a drag to play with because you will be so late..
Soory but I'm pretty sure that discussion was about windows XP... There is a lot of window 7 computers out there (about 20% of windows computers) and many computers at home are still using it.
Is this for real? you have ditched support for windows 7? I can understand that fom Windows 7 being old but from the viewpoint of getting people to use Jamulus its harder to understand... In my view the jamulus community need to use as many platforms as possible. What was the reason to not support windows 7?