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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    If I look (today) at the first page in the Gallery of examples: I no longer see the links to the code of the pictures. If I look at other pages (2d graphs etc) I see the links. Is this only me? Maurizio

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    I attach a screenshot of the original pdf.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    Now I realize something strange is happening here. I attached a pdf to my previous answer. The pdf I see and which I uploaded from my mac is different from the pdf I see if I download the attached picture and I look at it (with the same viewer). Indeed, I no longer see a part of it (I no longer see the tube but only the part with the 2d segment). How is that possible? I add that the pdf I have on my mac was sent to Springer and a book was printed (2 or 3 years ago) with that picture appearing on...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    Yes, basically I wanted to combine 2d and 3d output, in order to be able to use in some 3d context my macro "drawshifted" which is basically a 2d tool, but which I found useful in some 3d situation. I attach a picture which some years ago I was able to create in this way. The path with the $s$ clearly denotes the abscissa of the point where the tube ends. I got that by "drawing shifted" the path on which the tube is based. Now I am in the situtation in which I need to edit and slightly modify a bunch...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    In the following .asy file if I uncomment line A I no longer get the "tube" otherwise created by the last line. Can anyone tell me what the problem is? Is there some incompatibility? Thanks Maurizio import three; import tube; import graph3; currentpicture=new picture; unitsize(10cm); currentlight=White; triple P(real t){return (0,t,0);} path3 segment=graph(P,-1,1); path segmentprojected=project(segment); draw(segment,linewidth(.2)); //draw(segmentprojected); //A draw(surface(tube(segment,scale(0...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    Thanks!!! However my situation is still not clear, and perhaps of interest to someone else. I searched for (which on MacOs, is named libgs.dylib, as I learned) and I found it: /System/Volumes/Data/opt/homebrew/lib/libgs.dylib /System/Volumes/Data/opt/homebrew/Cellar/ghostscript/10.03.1/lib/libgs.dylib /opt/homebrew/lib/libgs.dylib /opt/homebrew/Cellar/ghostscript/10.03.1/lib/libgs.dylib I also added a path to it: LIBGS="/opt/homebrew/lib/libgs.dylib" just to make sure. Thus, I assume that...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    I am on MacOS Sonoma and Asymptote 2.91 I do not understand why compiling a certain .asy file with options -f html I get processing of PostScript specials is disabled (Ghostscript not found) WARNING: 2 PostScript specials ignored. The resulting SVG might look wrong. I have file: /Users/maurizio/.asy/config.asy with content: import settings; gs="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/ghostscript/10.03.1/bin/gs"; and I have gs with the following path /opt/homebrew/Cellar/ghostscript/10.03.1/bin/gs Why gs is not found?...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    I am no longer on Win, but for years and years I have been on Win with Miktex and Asymptote (downloaded from SourceForge) and never had any issue. (Just my contribution) Maurizio Inviato da Yahoo Mail per iPhone Il venerdì, agosto 2, 2024, 10:37 PM, John Bowman ha scritto: Yes, looking at the installer asymptote.nsi, you are right that we do register some keys. What I meant is that we no longer modify the user's path, since that may have unintended consequences and...

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2006-04-19 16:53:51


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