Option to set -reuseview as default behaviour
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15"> Hello, I'm trying to write Clonezilla Live on a SD card but was not successful so far. The tuxboot tool and other USB image writers (like mintstick or Unetbootin) do not recognize the SD card as a valid target to write the ISO to. I tried to follow the "manual method" described at https://clonezilla.org/liveusb.php#linux-method-b, but the makeboot.sh script refuses to proceed: sudo bash makeboot.sh /dev/mmcblk0p1 returns "/dev/mmcblk0p1"...
Indeed, this fixes both errors I was seeing, thank you very much!!
Hello, I just set up SQL Workbench/J Build 123 by adding UCanAccess jar file (and its dependencies) to access a MDB database. The same setup procedure was followed to let OpenOffice 4.1.5 to access the same database with no problem, but OpenOffice doesn't let me edit the mdb directly, it rather creates an odf linked to the mdb. Instead, I would need to change the mdb directly. So, I tried SQL Workbench/J. However, when I try to opent he Database Explorer, I get this error: UCAExc:::4.0.3 invalid...
Hello, I just set up SQL Workbench/J Build 123 by adding UCanAccess jar files (and its dependencies) to access a MDB database. The same setup procedure was followed to let OpenOffice 4.1.5 to access the same database with no problem, but OpenOffice doesn't let me edit the mdb directly, it rather creates an odf linked to the mdb. Instead, I would need to change the mdb directly. So, I tried SQL Workbench/J. However, when I try to opent he Database Explorer, I get this error: UCAExc:::4.0.3 invalid...
The problem described here is not about maximizing/minimizing not working, but rather a graphic glitch on Keypass startup when the option to keep the main window maximized is checked. Please read the previous posts.
I also encountered this problem. It's really annoying, because this forces me to...
With both of these configuration, the window is minimized to taskbar as well as tray...