User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2436 on TeXstudio - A LaTeX Editor

    I can't say I understand this decision. You bundle QT in the windows version and don't require windows users to install and maintain additional packages ... why not do the same for MacOS?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2436 on TeXstudio - A LaTeX Editor

    Well, on the website it says the binary works on MacOS 10.10+, but this is clearly not the case. Many users of your software are academics who don't know how to compile or install homebrew, or find that it's a hassle (needs maintaining and updating), or breaks things etc. Installing a simple binary was the natural option. In my opinion, it would be far more valuable to have compatible binaries that people can use, rather than compiling against the latest QT and expecting users to compile or install...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2436 on TeXstudio - A LaTeX Editor


  • Created ticket #2436 on TeXstudio - A LaTeX Editor

    Latest versions no longer work on MacOS 10.11

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2526 on MiKTeX

    It is indeed created with subst

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on inadyn-mt - dynamic DNS client

    If I may (and I know i'm 3 years late) but a developer who offers binaries could...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #2526 on MiKTeX

    Not sure what causes it on mine but I'm not the only one from what I've seen online....

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2526 on MiKTeX

    Not sure what causes it on mine but I'm not the only one from what I've seen online....

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Personal Data

2002-08-08 00:45:30


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