Activity for marxx

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on ticket #288

    ok man no prob

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on ticket #288

    yea man at least to type the frequencies u want and decibels so u can create a proper highpass and a roll off point so u can get the speaket to sound right im sure if u make somethin and put a price on it its gonna sell a lot lol man

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on ticket #288

    man i never connect on my JBL 320 from phone cause u cant EQ and clean the speaker so good like from PC cause thers not a single program like peace or EQ APO that will allow u to type frequencies and adjust the decibels is there any chance u can create somethin for android that at least will allow u to type frequencies and decibels cause thats wat most ppl at least want and u can even put a price on playstore im very sure is gonna sell a lot soo yea wat u think.?

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on ticket #288

    this EQ can go -100db wats the maximum minus point peace can drop.?

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on ticket #288

    and who are u man.? cause i see u text bak to everyone lol

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on ticket #288

    i will post a video showing the lines and wat i mean when i get home man in some dbs the lines become thin and in some other decibels they become fat thats wat i mean and i notice when the line becomes thin its like the bass and the sound get better lol

  • marxx marxx modified a comment on ticket #288

    analysis panel when zoomed fully out not in and im on version 1.2.1 cause i didnt know ther was 1.3 so the 1.3 version came out when.?

  • marxx marxx modified a comment on ticket #288

    analysis panel when zoomed fully out not in and im on version 1.2.1 cause i didnt know ther was 1.3 so the 1.3 version came out when.?

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on ticket #288

    analysis panel when zoomed fully out not in and im on version 1.2.1 cause i didnt know ther was 1.3 so the 1.3 version came out when.?

  • marxx marxx created ticket #288


  • marxx marxx posted a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    ok man

  • marxx marxx modified a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    ok one more thing in DSP settings when i chose the sampe rate converter theres another option called converter which has options for fast conversion or for best quality conversion which is the Best Sinc interpolator but to use Best Sinc interpolator u have to enable sample rate converter and signal processing could u add that Best Sinc interpolator without having to enable signal processing and sample rate convert.? does it use Best Sinc interpolator by default when signal processing is off.? cuz...

  • marxx marxx modified a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    ok one more thing in DSP settings when i chose the sampe rate converter theres another option called converter which has options for fast conversion or for best quality conversion which is the Best Sinc interpolator but to use Best Sinc interpolator u have to enable sample rate converter and signal processing could u add that Best Sinc interpolator without having to enable signal processing and sample rate convert.? does it use Best Sinc interpolator by default when signal processing is off.? cuz...

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    ok one more thing in DSP settings when i chose the sampe rate converter theres another option called converter which has options for fast conversion or for best quality conversion which is the Best Sinc interpolator but to use Best Sinc interpolator u have to enable sample rate converter and signal processing could u add that Best Sinc interpolator without having to enable signal processing and sample rate convert.?

  • marxx marxx modified a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    so if my youtube downloader downloads the file like an m4a file with sample rate of 44100 i should better stick with 44100.?

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    so if my mp3 youtube downloader downloads the file like an m4a file with sample rate of 44100 i should better stick with 44100.?

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    For M4A MP4 wat sample rate u recommend for 512bit rate.?

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    ok man

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    is there any table that says the max bit rate and sample rate for each format.?

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    So i converted to a file to mp3 320kbps but with sample rate of 22050hz and after conversion the Bit rate stayed at 160kbps then tried again same thing 320kbps but this time with sample rate of 32000 and after the converstion the bit rate stayed 320kbps were it suppose to be is there any matching between Bit rate and Sample rate we need to know about.? seems lower sample rate cant keep up with high Bit rates but is there any matching between the 2.?

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    ok man thx

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    ok man what i mean is lets say i downloaded a beat from youtube then i try 3 different converts to see wich one sounds best to me so some converters have more bass than others and the opossite same with sound and midrange frequencies

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    I have an original beat mp3 file from a producer and in oroder to check some converters i found the beat on youtube and downloaded it then i used 3 converters to see witch one of all can come close to the sound of the original file i bougth from the producer not from youtube some Converts sound better in terms of instruments and mid range frequencies but has less bass than original file and the opossite FREE AC has fine quality in terms of sound instruments and midrange frequecnies but has slightly...

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    ok man thx for textin back

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    will any of the DSP settings gonna be used if i disable Signal processing.?

  • marxx marxx posted a comment on discussion 1. Help and Support

    When converting to AAC and M4A total bit rate u can put is 256 and after conversion is maxed at 512 are sure AAC and M4A can take 512kbps.? or should i stick with the 320kbps like mp3.?