Activity for Martin Hudec

  • Martin Hudec Martin Hudec posted a comment on ticket #1565

    Excellent, thank you, Rony! I can confirm that intro window and file properties have been fixed, but cancelling the add entry action still has broken font...

  • Martin Hudec Martin Hudec posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Jeff, have you been successful in finding the time for this nice feature, please? If not, no worries, I am just checking out... :)

  • Martin Hudec Martin Hudec posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, how does it look like with YubiKey USB support in PasswdSafe on Android mobile phones, please? Any plans for it, any idea about the effort needed? I have one YubiKey 5C and I would love to use my Password Safe database also on my mobile... but for the moment it means I might need to get NFC version of my YubiKey... Thank you, Martin

  • Martin Hudec Martin Hudec created ticket #1565

    Czech translation and font variant issue

  • Martin Hudec Martin Hudec posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you for this explanation... now I know the reason why I get a message to enable NFC on my Android phone when I try to use my YubiKey USB with Password Safe. Well, I hope the stars will align and there will be some time for you to spend it on the app... :)