User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #120 on MorganaXProc-IIIse

    I don't seem to have privileges to close the ticket, so please go ahead and close it.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #120 on MorganaXProc-IIIse

    Thanks Achim, that works perfectly!

  • Posted a comment on ticket #120 on MorganaXProc-IIIse

    The process is invoked from Ant: <target name="transpileMorgana2" description="Run the experimental transpiler through Morgana"> <mkdir dir="output"/> <echo message="Processing ${oddName}.odd to output/${oddName}.rng"/> <java failonerror="true" fork="true" jar="${basedir}/Lib/morgana/MorganaXProc-IIIse.jar" dir="${basedir}"> <arg value="-config=${basedir}/Lib/morgana/config.xml"/> <arg value="${basedir}/Util/pipeline.xpl"/> <arg value="-option:teiOddSpecification=${inputTestOdd}"/> <arg value="-output:result=${basedir}/output/${oddName}.rng"/>...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #120 on MorganaXProc-IIIse

    When I switch in Saxon 10.8 to replace 10.5, I get this initial error message: <c:errors xmlns:c=""><c:error code="err:XC0038" name="!1.1" type="p:xslt" href="file:/home/mholmes/tei/atop/Util/steps/legacy-odd2odd.xpl" line="8" column="115" xmlns:p="" xmlns:err=""><message>Requested XSLT version '2.0' is not supported by choosen XSLTConnector or XSLTConnector configuration error.</message></c:error></c:errors>...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #120 on MorganaXProc-IIIse

    Will do, ASAP. :-)

  • Created ticket #120 on MorganaXProc-IIIse

    Errors when using Saxon versions after 10.5

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GR FloorBoard

    Ah, that's a relief! If this was GitHub, I'd fork the repo and do a pull request for a fix to the documentation.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GR FloorBoard

    Hi there, I notice that the Help file for GR-55FloorBoard suggests that connecting a GR-55 to a Linux machine using USB only will not work; but other posts here seem to suggest that it does. Can anyone confirm that a USB-to-USB connection to a Linux box (I'm using a recent Ubuntu) will actually work, and not risk damaging my GR-55?

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Personal Data

2003-11-16 23:02:39


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