Stack overflow:
Ah, I see. I've never looked at IAS/ECC and wasn't aware that secure messaging is similar to ICAO. Not sure I can be of much help... So you're sending a (SM protected) "GET DATA" command, which results in multiple "GET RESPONSE" commands being sent by smartcardio. Is that original "GET DATA" command a case 2 or a case 3 APDU (i.e. do you specify an expected response length Le value)? If case 3, what do you use for Le? Normal length explicit (in smartcardio use a value < 256) Normal length implicit...
JMRTD and its dependency scuba-smartcards do not directly use javax.smartcardio classes. The link to javax.smartcardio is made by the dependency on scuba-sc-j2se (I'm assuming your Java project uses that). Instead of depending on scuba-sc-j2se you could implement your own CardService instance which can use your custom ChannelImpl.
JMRTD and its dependency scuba-smartcards) do not directly use javax.smartcardio classes. The link to javax.smartcardio is made by the dependency on scuba-sc-j2se (I'm assuming your Java project uses that). Instead of depending on scuba-sc-j2se you could implement your own CardService instance which can use your custom ChannelImpl.
- BC to 1.78.
- Version 0.0.26.
- Version 0.7.41.
- BC to version 1.77.