Activity for Markus

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #90

  • Markus Markus created ticket #90

    Toupcam Camera Driver Docu not up to date

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    In the developer doc section of the webpage an error 404 occurs when trying to access the "SpecialMarkersMgr" doc: The link is published on the Scripting main page:

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Ah, sure... Now I understand "ECMAScript" is like JavaScript, so I can use any string manipulation functions known from JavaScript. Thanks a lot.

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I have seen in the moment, that the AstroCalc tool solves my use case out of the box without doing scripting... Great! Nevertheless it was a good starting point to get in contact with the scripting facilities of Stellarium. Maybe some "scripting guru" could give me a hint, what I am doing wrong with my script... Thanks :-)

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Hi, I try to write a little script that displays the position of C/2020 F3 Neowise for the next few days with a date label to get some sky map with its positions. I manually select an observing time of 23h lcl and point to north where neowise is found in the moment. I select neowise and start my script, which should place a red "target" marker for each day and place a label with a timestamp near the marker. The problem is: the first day the marker and the text label is placed two times at the same...

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Great! Thanks for this hint! I've used KeepassX, but KeepassXC looks good, too and it seems to be maintained more active than KeepassX when I have a look into the changelog...

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am not a software developer, so I cannot estimate the complexity of creating such a crossplatform software instead only for windows. But from the point of view of an end user it is very untypical for an opensource software to publish builds only for windows. For other projects it is normal to get it for all popular platforms as installation images directly from the project website, e.g. Gimp, LibreOffice, Filezilla, MuseScore, Anki, .. and so on. The list is nearly infinite... Before several years...

  • Markus Markus modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    KeePass is only available for windows, when you are searching a download on the keepass web page. Sure, there are several links to several unoffical ports to other OS platforms, but it is more or less complex to find a working solution and to get it running. It would be great, if KeePass would be evolved to a real cross platform application, that is nativly available on the KeePass website, as the user know for many other popular open source software products: you visit the offical webpage and get...

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    KeePass is only available for windows, when you are searching a download on the keepass web page. Sure, there are several links to several unoffical ports to other OS platforms, but it is more or less complex to find a working solution and to get it running. It would be great, if KeePass would be evolved to a real cross platform application, that is nativly available on the KeePass website, as the user know for many other popular open source software products: there you go to the offical webpage...

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #214

    I have imported a huge amount of subnets directly into the MySQL DB of phpIPam with...

  • Markus Markus created ticket #372

    Copying existing subnet to create a new one

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #415

    Maybe it is possible to change column type to an integer datatype or to trim space...

  • Markus Markus modified a comment on ticket #415

    It seems it was a problem with my database: in some records there where space characters...

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #415

    It seems it was a problem with my database: in some records there where space characters...

  • Markus Markus created ticket #415

    Free subnets validation / display is broken

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #237

    Hi Miha, I want to ask for your plans to publish a manual for phpIPam? In the newest...

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #414

    We have exactly the same problem: there is no longer a duplicate checking, so you...

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #412

    ./app/subnets/import-subnet/import-file.php (Line 117ff): // set insert / update...

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #412

    In the webgui of phpIPam V.1.2.1 the columns of the xls/csv file should be: ip |...

  • Markus Markus modified a comment on ticket #412

    Having a look into the MySQL tables I have found a way to successfully import the...

  • Markus Markus modified a comment on ticket #412

    Having a look into the MySQL tables I have found a way to successfully import the...

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #412

    Having a look into the MySQL tables I have found a way to successfully import the...

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #412


  • Markus Markus created ticket #412

    Import of Hosts does not work any longer

  • Markus Markus created ticket #368

    Add "Network full" tag to fulltext search result list

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #366

    We use this hierarchical concept as well, e.g.: / 24 containing several...

  • Markus Markus modified a comment on ticket #409

    Similiar problem with Umlaute when updating from phpIPam 1.1 to 1.2 in the dashboard...

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #409

    Similiar problem with Umlaute when updating from phpIPam 1.1 to 1.2 in the dashboard...

  • Markus Markus created ticket #409

    German Umlaut handling not correct

  • Markus Markus created ticket #48

    New Report: complete VLAN portlist

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #337

    My problem is to populate some changes in the tree. For example: you want to give...

  • Markus Markus created ticket #337

    Improve user/group rights management

  • Markus Markus created ticket #318

    Host field "note" isn't displayed

  • Markus Markus posted a comment on ticket #218

    Yes, this would be a very useful feature. In addition there should be the ability...

  • Markus Markus created ticket #237

    Creating a user and administrator manual