Hello. Do you know if there is an Android app that acts as an USP/IP client for Android for which there is also the USB/IP server that can be installed on Linux ? What I want to do is export an USB device from Linux and import it within Android 7.1.1. Basically I want to use the exported USB device which is connected to my mouse and keyboard in Linux to move my mouse inside the Desktop Environment of Android that I have virtualized with bhyve on FreeBSD. Very thanks.
Hello. Actually I'm enjoying with WSL2. I would like to use my XBOX / KINECT within WSL2 / Ubuntu. To do that,I need to make in communication the USB ports of the usbip client which run in Linux with the usbip server which run on Windows. This is exactly what the project below does : https://github.com/cezanne/usbip-win These are the usb device address of my PC : usbip.exe list -l - busid 1-129 (05e3:0608) Genesys Logic, Inc. : Hub (05e3:0608) busid 1-167 (05e3:0608) Genesys Logic, Inc. : Hub (05e3:0608)...