Activity for Mart

  • Mart Mart modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello all, For an infrastructure project it is demanded to classify the elements by the following: IfcProject, IfcSite, IfcFacility, IfcFacilityPart. Do you know how I could give these attributes to the elements inside Revit and how I could check in a ifc viewer that they are correctly assigned ? thank you !

  • Mart Mart modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello all, For an infrastructure project it is demanded to classify the elements by the following: IfcProject, IfcSite, IfcFacility, IfcFacilityPart. Do you know how I could give these attributes to the elements inside Revit and how I could check in a ifc viewer that they are correclty assigned ? thank you !

  • Mart Mart modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello all, For an infrastructure project it is demanded to classify the elements by the following: IfcProject, IfcSite, IfcFacility, IfcFacilityPart. Do you know how I could give these attributes to the elements inside Revit and how I could check in a ifc viewer that are correclty assigned ? thank you !

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello all, For an infrastructure project it is demanded to classify the elements by the following: IfcProject, IfcSite, IfcFacility, IfcFacilityPart. Do you know how I could give these attributes to the elemenbts inside Revit and how I could check in a ifc viwer that are correclty assigned ? thank you !

  • Mart Mart modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello all, Using the classification Manager add-in how is it possible to export the custom classification parameters in IFC? I did all the necessary configurations but in SMV I get only one of the 4 parameters that I created. Check the images, Thank you

  • Mart Mart modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello all, Using the classification Manager add-in how is it possible to export the custom classification parameters in IFC? I did all the necessary configurations but in SMV I get only one of the 4 parameters that I created. Check the images, Thank you

  • Mart Mart modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello all, Using the classification Manager add-in how is it possible to export the custom classification parameters in IFC? I did all the necessary configurations but in SMV I get only one of the 4 parameters that I created. Check the images, Thank you

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello all, Using the classification Manager add-in how is it possible to export the custom classification parameters in IFC? I did all the necessary configurations but in SMV I get only one of the 4 parameters that I created. Check the images, Thank you

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello all, I am trying to understand how are the Revit Coordinates exported in IFC. I found this post . My building is not located in the origin to origin point so I tried to change the IFC .txt file. I found the parameter IFCCARTESIANPOOINT ((0 ,0 ,0)) and I changed it as you can see in the attachment 1! For one reason my building is broken (see the attachment 2). Could you please tell me the workflow in which I...

  • Mart Mart modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Angel, Really thank you for your time! Is there any list in order to know what kind of elements-families are outside the scope of IFC? Thank you! Regards, Maria

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Angel, Really thank you for your time! Is there any list in order to know what kind of elements-families are outside the scope of IFC or it is a matter of experience? Thank you! Regards, Maria

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Angel, Could you please me if there is any configuration that I need to do in the IFC Options for Export and Import in order to be able to preserve the titleblocks for example? If you see the attachment I changed the titleblock in the IFC Export option from Not Exported to Exported but still I am not able to preserve the titleblocks when I link the IFC file. I would like to tell me if the mapping works with another way, if you can. Thank you in advance! Maria

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    But with IFC will lose an amount of information, right? I am trying to understand..if the purpose of IFC is to exchange information without care about the version of the software that we use, why we lose some info? or I am doing something wrong with the configuration? Concerning the drawings, maybe if I copy/monitor the level from the IFC to the default levels of revit ,I will have the drawings but I imagine not with the same accuracy.

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Angel, So the purpose of IFC is to have an open file format in order to exchange information?

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello all, I export from Revit 2017 my project in IFC (Version IFC 2X3 Coordination View 2.0). Now I want to link this IFC file into Revit again. I would like to tell me if it is possible/how I can preserve all the drawings(floor plans) , the schedules , the sheets that I had in the initial project, when I link the IFC file in Revit. Now, I have only the 3D model and some drawings but now exactrly the same as I had in the original project in Revit. Thank you! Regards, Maria.

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Οk and after in the general tab I will choose the IFC Version and I will add the Propert sets that I want, right? Thank you

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Maybe I miss something

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, Could you please tell me if I can change an existing IFC Version? I want to export IFC using the <IFC 2X3="" Coordination="" View="" 2.0=""> but I want to add in the property Sets tab the option ' Export Revit property sets'. When I choose the IFC version the options in the Property sets tab are predefined. Hope to make sense. Thank you!

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you!

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I was wondering which is the better IFC version(I have many options in the list) that I can choose in order to export an IFC File format. I am interested to have as much information I can in the IFC file for co-ordination and re-modeling puproses. Thank you in advance!

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you all for your help! Regards, Maria

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Miquel, Thank you very much for your time! So in for the IFC Export Classes I focus on the Entities? I have already check the IFC classes [], but there are hundrend! How I will choose the most appropriate to export a door for example? If I check the entities there are ifcDoor, IfcDoorLiningProperties ,IfcDoorPanelProperties ,IfcDoorStyle...I don't know which from these to choose. Regards, Maria

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Arjan, Thank you very much for your answer! Regards, Maria

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you for your answer! So, there isn't any link in order to check how I should complete the IFC Export Classes table?Because except from the IFC Class Name column that you explained to me, there is the IFC Type column, in which I don't know what I should have. I am confused with the Import IFC Options too.. Regards, Maria

  • Mart Mart modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Angel, Thank you for your answer, it was just an example...I am trying to understand in the case that we want to export a subcategory in IFC what ifcname we should give in each subcategory. Is there any link , list or something in order to learn how I should complete this table? Regards, Maria

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Angel, Thank you for your answer, it was just an example...I am trying to understand in the case that we want to export an subcategory in IFC what ifcname we should give ij each subcategory. Is there any list or something?

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, Maybe my question is very easy for you, but I have spent a lot of time to understand how it works. I want to export my project in IFC, so in the Export IFC Options I choose the mapping file based on the IAI standard..when I want to export a subcategory that is 'Not Exported' where I will find the appropriate ifcname? For example, I want to export the subcategory Hidden lines for the Walls..instead of 'Not Exported' what I should write? See attachment. Thank you in...

  • Mart Mart modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok, I did it! So, again I should manually to enter this syntax next to the ClassificationCode parameter for each element, right? Thank you!

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry but I don't understand very well.. 1. First of all I create an text parameter (Project or Shared?) 2. Type or Instance? (As I understand instance in order to existing in the Proprties-Palette) 3. In the Property-Palette next to the ClassificationCode parameter, do I write this: [MyClassificationName] XX.YY.ZZ: Description of the code *See attachment Thank you!

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Miquel, Ok with the first one, I edit the .ifc file (the correct file this time..) and it works, but I thing that it's not very convenient because you should do this, each time that you want to export an IFC & manually..right? For the second way, could you please tell me where I can edit the value of a parameter in order to put the above syntax? Regards, Maria

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Angel, Very useful information for me, I didn't know that. My shared parameters work better when I link the IFC file, it's true. The only problem now is that the sanitary equipment that I have in my project doesn't exist in the IFC file (when I link the IFC, the equipment doesn't display). I have checked the V/G. I have attached the export mapping if you can check it. Regards, Maria

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    When you link the IFC in Revit, how you can see the shared parameters? 1. The elements are all together (linked), so I cannot examine the parameters of its element. 2. If I select the link file > Edit Type, I can see only these: Room Bounding, Reference type and Phase Mapping. In the instance properties I have just the Name of the IFC file.

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes , I created two ClassificationCode parameters, the first one in order to classify the number of the element and the second one for the description. My problem was that when I exported in IFC I could only have one ClassificationCode (I tried to put ( , ) or ( ; ) in order to separate the parameters but the result was the same, only one of these parameter was exported). That was the reason why I wanted to use the Assembly Code, because in SMV I had the Number & the Description of the element too....

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, I think that the name is automatically too..How I will edit the IFC file?Do you mean the .txt file? Maria

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you for your answers, I created a very simple example in Revit (one wall,door,window,floor) and when I open the IFC file in Revit again, I were disappointed with the result (parameters like assembly codes and keynotes didn't exist). Thank you for your suggestion, I will try it!

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I don't have in my .txt file the word Uniformat...This is why I cannot understant the name 'Uniformat Classification' in the SMV. Regards, Maria

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I have export an IFC file from Revit. In order to check if all my parameters have exported, I open the IFC file with different softwares (Navisworks , Revit, SMV). The result each time is different! (For example in Revit I completely lose a significant amount of information but in Navisworks everything seems to work fine). Could someone tell me the best software/way to check the information that the IFC file contain? Thank you in advance.

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I have create my own .txt classification file and I have connected it with the Assembly Code in Revit. When I export from Revit to IFC and open the IFC file in SMV, if I go in the Classification Tab, in the Assembly code there is the classification that I have assigned to my elemets but with the name 'Uniformat Classification'. In Revit I removed the existing uniformatclassification.txt file with my own .txt file. Do you know how I can remove the 'Uniformat' name when I export to IFC? Thank...

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Angel, Thank you for your help! Here is the rvt file. When I export to IFC I lose the Assembly Codes and Keynotes. I used also the Solibri Model Viewer and open the IFC file,I noticed that only the Assembly Code export in IFC (I don't know why in the case that I open the IFC file in Revit, I cannot see the Assembly Code) Do you know how can I preserve these? Thank you in advance!

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I would like to know if it's possible to preserve the Assembly Code / Keynotes parameters when I export an IFC File. For some reason only the Walls keeps these parameters, all the other elements in the IFC lose these information. Thank you in advance.

  • Mart Mart posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I have the Revit 2016 and when I go Revit Menu < Export < IFC it doesn't open...