Hola Juan, si estás usando PeppermintOS bookworm/daedalus, no es necesario realizar ningún cambio en el archivo sources.list ni instalar ningún paquete, los repositorios ya están agregados.
Ola Rimana os wallpapers sao muinto bonitos talvez seja possivel integrar alguns na versao loaded no procimo lançamento obrigado pela sugestao
Hello, here's the thing, as I'm not a user of bluethood sound devices, I spent a few minutes searching on the internet and found something that could help you, I can't guarantee it will work for you, but it's worth trying. This link describes a solution found by another Debian 12 user and it worked for him. https://www.reddit.com/r/debian/comments/15c038q/bluetooth_earbuds_wont_connect_in_debian_12_stable/ Now it would be interesting if it works for you to post here. Thank you and I hope I helpe...
AçorOS 32bit does not support installation on 64bit systems, it will boot and work in live mode but the installation will fail when installing the bootloader. This information is important to avoid any doubts about this.
To have sudo privileges, do not enter a ROOT password when or if prompted by the installer
To have sudo privileges, do not enter a ROOTpassword when or if prompted by the installer
To have sudo privileges, do not enter a password when or if prompted by the installer