Activity for Ignorant

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    does version 2 release handle overlapped output polygons in the result?.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    The algorithms depend on intersections and render /fill by a advancing scan line. FOR Clipper even within a scan beam the rendering proceeds with a scan line provided by the y coordinates of edge - edge intersection points, Where is this assertion tested and how is it reported back to the callee? I am curious only for odd-even fills of closed input polygons.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Do I Understand that for the XOR operation all edges are HOT (i.e. have a attached output contour) only for odd even.?. I never played with other windings.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Sorry, I dont know how to use gmail properly.I will be careful when i use the reply option.!

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Jay, I got hold of a original release announcement for the general polygon clipper..very old it from wayback archives. It says multiple polygons are allowed on either side only if they are disjoint in the subject group and clip group. for gpc. In the XOR operation it shows some unexpected behaviour if edges within a beam are bundled.(Murta transform of edges). The XOR was introduced in the vatti family by MURTA with his Generic Polygon Clipper. I have edit his version 2.32 and 2.33(later withdrawn!)...

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Well, I am just playing with a odd even rule based old program.The output shows intersections. And I thought Doinga union might help. The union can be done over the filled regions in each polygon. no.?. On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 4:44 PM Jay Tee wrote:

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Well ,without forming edge bundles all intersections in XOR are contributing and most of the render commands are just as in Vatti and specifically same as in clipper. (I am using a relic version . ) I am exporing the XOR clipping for odd even when NOT all murta edges are contributing.! .And the splitting the render commands using the 4 Quadrants by Angus recipe fails. I found the XOR the simplest so I am exploring that.. On Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 8:13 PM Jay Tee wrote:...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Jay, I got hold of a original release announcement for the general polygon clipper..very old it from wayback archives. It says multiple polygons are allowed on either side only if they are disjoint in the subject group and clip group. for gpc. In the XOR operation it shows some unexpected behaviour if edges within a beam are bundled.(Murta transform of edges). The XOR was introduced in the vatti family by MURTA with his Generic Polygon Clipper. I have edit his version 2.32 and 2.33(later withdrawn!)...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Angus Good Evening, In the performance pdf can you please provide the edge intersection counts also. The intersections count can be over the full clipping run.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    if nonzero fill rule is orientation agnostic, does it mean that the clipping command will provide identical results if i reorient some of the operand polygons? odd even fill rule.. .I want to attempt to patch another vatti clipper which is written just for evenodd parity.

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    xOR. Op_Wjithin a scanbeam. Evenodd windings are both intersecting edges always hot?

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Wjithin a scanbeam. Evenodd windings are both intersecting edges always hot?

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    For--XOR)-- the first scanbeam why are all interseting edges HOT?. Does it require that all geometric minima are contributing?..I wonder because I am trying to use the contributing attribute of a edge in a XOR operaion in a clipper with some different scan line rules.!

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    For the first scanbeam why are all interseting edges HOT?. Does it require that all geometric minima are contributing?..I wonder because I am trying to use the contributing attribute of a edge in a XOR operaion in a clipper with some different scan line rules.!

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Yes ..Thank you a lot for your explanation. Murtas method does work for even odd to start at arbitrary scan line and terminate also at a scan line above it...but holes at boundry scan Lines disappear though the non holes change accordingly.. Angus clipper and Murta easily allow to terminate at any scan line for Even-odd. I have done that with clipper for odd even only. I have not tried with other windings.

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I want the image to be same if i add individual contours incrementally to previous result contour at a step,Initial result contour can be any one of the input contours. ..Filled Area covered by the contours is what i require...?

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I want the image to be same if i add individual contours incrementally to previous result contour at a step,Initial result contour can be any one of the input contours. ..Area covered by the contours is what i require...?

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Well, I am just playing with a odd even rule based old program.The output shows intersections. And I thought Doinga union might help. The union can be done over the filled regions in each polygon. no.?. On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 4:44 PM Jay Tee wrote: Well, if your rings / contours are randomly generated, which rule do you apply to decide which parts are inside / outside? The EvenOdd rule? In that case, I don't understand how you want to union them. Required a union operation...

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    But how do I orient my randomly generated Closed Contours ..They may be self intersecting ...No meaning of clockwise./anticlockwise

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    But how do I orient my randomly generated Closed Contours ..They may be self intersections ...No meaning of clockwise./anticlockwise

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    But how do I orient my randomly generated Contours ..They may be self intersections ...No meaning of clockwise./anticlockwise

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Thank you ..Thank you... So there is a usage of NONZERO fill rules for my explorations.... I tried with odd/even and got sore eyes...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    How does one do a union of polygon the minimal passes over the data sets...

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Can I get more informan on Hormanns code ...I am playing around with some vatti family codes(after correcting them). I observed that they are basically polygon fill algorithms and that also are given in split forms. For odd even Angus clipper is NOT the most hip. Angus clipper is the most beautiful poetic code however, especially the gneration of incantations to derive the rendering commands in intersect edges.The 2 edges provide resolution upto 4 commands(2 actually if left/right sides are considered).The...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Can I get more informan on Hormanns code ...I am playing around with some vatti family codes(after correcting them). I observed that they are basically polygon fill algorithms and that also are given in split forms. For odd even Angus clipper is NOT the most hip. Angus clipper is the most beautiful poetic code however, especially the gneration of incantations to derive the rendering commands in intersect edges.The 2 edges provide resolution upto 4 commands(2 actually if left/right sides are considered).The...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I am trying to locate in intersectedges which part of the rendering code requires the intersecting edge pairs to be adjacent when the intersection is rendered. In that procedure where "wind..." are generated is it a primary necessity that the edges must be adjacent?.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    The output result contours must have the vertices added to a result contour arm in y monotone order.. I do that with Murtas coder which I play around with. Can that be incorporated as a option in Clipper ? .Of course you must be having better ideas . .let us have them!.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Your post looks sounds very useful.You must have done clipping using boolean operators with modified code.Can you make your useful error free code available for browsing? Angus code is available in source form and can be converted to work with higher numerical accuracy.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    can I get some help in setting up this package for use with cpp. ..I just want the contour draw/fill portions.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    any plans...? I am using the old clipper without the calls for joincommonedges..The input may be asserted to be nonintersecting in interior regionss and also no self intersecting polygons.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    yes..thanks...I am exploring a relic version of clipper with join common edges edited out.Clipper2 has a different representation for the polygon contour partitioning (only odd even edges).

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    excuse me,Which version of clipper is being used?. the old one or clipper2?.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I have been struggling to find if polygons share a edge ....without comparing all edges of one with all edges of the other.... On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 11:29 PM Rob Willett wrote: The only way (AFAIK) to detect whether a polygon is wholly inside another polygon is calculating the area of the intersection and comparing that. Its's all very tricky and we keep finding odd cases :) Is it possible to get the proposed paths for filling an area AND have the paths defined to...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    dear, did you find a measurably faster way to do boolean filling?. I toyed around one(only for odd even ,closed polygons) and got examples which would run 100X faster than Clipper for their specialised types ..(lots of overlapping edges). The implementation which i played with just cut down on the number of edge X edge intersections of the contours. Angus clipper does NOT try to cut down on intersections even for overlappig edges within scan beams...But then Clipper works with different winding numbers...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Well, Even in just plane 2d geometry i have 2 intersection definitions for overlapping edges.In one overlapping edges do NOT intersect...This method(Clipper) has overlapping edges intersecting at top of the scan Beam....Confusing it is.!...For y exploration both provide same filled area of output.Output polygon boundries are different!...I never went beyond Even/Odd fillings.(..very complex for me.)

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    interesting....CNC is....but very complex (for me!)... I am caught in a maze trying to get 2D clipping to work without constrains. Is there any publicly available source for these CNC applicatios?..

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Just curious ....what winding rules are used in CNCs.?.is it just odd/eve parity?. I am exploring a vatti deviant which generates output with NO holes but output contours coudl share edges.!. (Not is debugged Murtas algorithm+code) .. ..rewritten in Angus clipper skeleton framework for a boolean op.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    You simplify the input ? -->to remove self intersections in input polygons?.--right?. Then only boolean op used is intersection?. Does it help if the result output contours /polygons do not have holes but may share edges? i.e The filled regions are same but the result boolean op polygons are different...and may share edges?..(only Even/ODD bool clipping). -Ignorant

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Just curious ....what winding rules are used in CNCs.?.is it just odd/eve parity?. I am exploring a vatti deviant which generates output with NO holes but output contours coudl share edges.!. (Not is debugged Murtas algorithm+code)

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Good Evening, can you please provide a simple documentation of how to use this library from cpp(Embarcadero). I just want to draw simple polygons(1 at a time. Are the boolean clipping libraries used during rendering the images....??. I am using community version 10.3.3 of cpp.I just instaaled project jedi so I feel I can give this library also a try. Do I have to have the pascal ide also?. If so ,I will download a 30 day trial version.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    How does one get a filled region output without holes. Output polygons can share edges. I have a 2 decade old vatti derived clipper which does that but is 4-5 times slower and works only for odd/even.. . NOT my code .

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    How can Line clipping be used over a collection of polygons without any boolean ops.?. How.?. I am using a old version 6.xx of clipper ( c++.).

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I want the results of a bollean op only between 2 Scan Lines defines as YL,YH,YH>YL.. The boolean op result blow YL is NOT relevent. The boolean op result above YH is NOT relevent. It is NOT possible in the case to do boolean op over the entire region and then clip the result as resource requirements do not allow that. .I know how to easily early terminate clipping at YH. I have attached a png file .The image on the right is what I want. My requirement is to late start at YL without doing a boolean...

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I want the results of a bollean op only between 2 Scan Lines defines as YL,YH,YH>YL.. The boolean op result blow YL is NOT relevent. The boolean op result above YH is NOT relevent. It is NOT possible in the case to do boolean op over the entire region and then clip the result as resource requirements do not allow that. .I know how to easily early terminate clipping at YH. I have attached a png file .The image on the right is what I want. My requirement is to late start at YL without doing a boolean...

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    O.K. I understand . Can any developer of this wondeful vatti clipper be generous enough with parting the answer to my query.?.Having just the source code is NOT helping.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    O.K. I understand .

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Angus, Good evening. I noticed you have started updating clipper.. I have a old Query ...must be lost somewhere in the discussions.! in Horizontal edge sequence processing--> cInt horz_left, horz_right; bool is_left_to_right = ResetHorzDirection(horz, max_pair, horz_left, horz_right); if (IsHotEdge(horz)) AddOutPt(horz, PointI(horz.curr_x,; while (true) { //loops through consec. horizontal edges (if open) Active *e; I copied and pasted that code in my customized old clipper.I alwasy...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Angus, Good evening. I noticed you have started updating clipper.. I have a old Query ...must be lost somewhere in the discussions.! in Horizontal edge sequence processing--> cInt horz_left, horz_right; bool is_left_to_right = ResetHorzDirection(horz, max_pair, horz_left, horz_right); if (IsHotEdge(horz)) AddOutPt(horz, PointI(horz.curr_x,; while (true) { //loops through consec. horizontal edges (if open) Active *e; I copied and pasted that code in my customized old clipper.I alwasy...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Is there a inherent constrain in the Vatti method constraining the rendering commands that can occur on the First ScanLine and The Last ScanLine?.i.e. The terminal scan lines..

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I want the results of a bollean op only between 2 Scan Lines defines as YL,YH,YH>YL.. The boolean op result blow YL is NOT relevent. The boolean op result above YH is NOT relevent. It is NOT possible in the case to do boolean op over the entire region and then as too much of resources are required.I know how to easily early terminate clipping at YH. My requirement is to late start at YL without doing a boolean clipping in the region beloy y <=YL.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Can someone please suggest a fast method to do: I want to clip the contours of a collection of polygons which are contained between 2 known scan lines in the y direction.I donot want any filled region boolean operaton.The edge relations within the viewed region should NOT be damaged . The input uses data type of long integers for vertices.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Angus, My problem is... I have a fast ..very fast..vatti derived polygon clipper ..which gives clean output within a slice. only if the contour regions between two scan lines are all vattied individually. Visually the complete output appears clean(..that is cheating but ...).I work only with odd/even. It is NOT my efforts.I had just removed some 4-5 errors from Murtas code ..added your edge support code replacing his erronous code....and thats it. The Contour clipper with holes is as fast as any...

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    No,A wrapper is what I want to avoid as . I was plannin to slice the input for clipper to cut down on memory requirements.

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Angus, I donot want any boolean clipping...Rather i just want to slice the input polygons to what is visble in a rectangle. Once i get the viewed polygons then i will feed them into clipper.! The problem i faced was that vati clippers do rendering of intersections which I dont want. It would be great if your primitives would let me slice a input polygon without ding any vatti rendering.i.e. I provide the 2 input Y bounds and the code should give me the contours of the clipped regions which lie between...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on a wiki page

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on a wiki page

    Good afternoon.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Angus, I donot want any boolean clipping...Rather i just want to slice the input polygons to what is visble in a rectangle. Once i get the viewed polygons then i will feed them into clipper.! The problem i faced was that vati clippers do rendering of intersections which I dont want. It would be great if your primitives would let me slice a input polygon without ding any vatti rendering.i.e. I provide the 2 input Y bounds and the code should give me the contours of the clipped regions which lie between...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I expectd that but ….. I decided to put guards in the Boolean op codes I have.. They fail.! What happens when one has multiple input polygons for both subject and Clip?. Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Jay Tee Sent: 06 February 2020 16:44 To: [polyclipping:discussion] Subject: [polyclipping:discussion] Like edge intersecion in Vatti --how many 4or 8 --- No, those kinds if intersections are impossible. That is a direct consequence of the definition of left / right edges: The inner area of the...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Oh dear, The amount of c++ required for polygon clipper (Booleans) is just basics of cpp.One does NOT have to conjure up all the esoteric concepts of that language ..( templates,boost, lambdas…). C# is only as good as vb.Net. I can try to help if you want to understand vattis algorithm.The clipper implementation is Angus recipe and you want find it any where else. He has spent more than a decade thrashing his code in Delphi and transliterating to cpp and c#. Clipper is so Popular only because it...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    well,The compilers have NOT yet reached a level at which they can be trusted with the error messages they give.!

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Oh sir... it is the algorithms that matter ...Any language would do.... interested...?.. There is a version form NCAR in fortran ..but it does only odd/even. I do place c# if used with the Visual studio ide much above c++. But the other phogat tools I I get are all in c++. In fact I use c++ from Embarcadero and NOT from other vendors as they let me use their IDE in affordable cost(0 $). On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 2:28 PM Petras wrote: It would be really good to...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Does Minkowski distance require windings other than odd/even?.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I am scouting for ideas on where and how is polygon clipping used?.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Clipper2 is totally a new implementation and much faster.I see it has also NOT been redone for a long time as Angus is devoting his efforts to another great program imag32.! Since it is nicely rewritten it can be potted in any other language(I mean computer language).I was just curious with c# as it is NOT a language of choice for good libraries.!

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    A bit late.... GPC also has problems..(touching contours....) AND 4/5 Turing class bugs.Its only plus over Angus clipper are (A)spcialised for odd/even parity (B)Edge bundles treated as single Hybrid edge ..leading to a corresponding reductio in edge X edge intesections within a beam. (C)A horizontal processing model along beam boundries.... When it seems to run faster ..check on the number of Within beam Xs both handle in a millisec. Both spew out nearly similar figures.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Petras, Did you get a c# version.?. of clipper 2.!

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Sorry,I did not have internet till now. Please note that the vatti/vatti like boolean clipping algorithms always gives touching /overlapping edges.There is no solution to that.I feel that vattis algorithms is best only for the filled result region.It gives that correctly but in the process generates Contours which share edges. Angus has updated and extended the recipe to work even for windings other than odd/even. If you require only odd/even parity for the boolean ops then you have a alternativ...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Where do I make changes in clipper (6.4++)to observe the effetcts of NOT treating overlapping Non Horizontal edges as intersecting at top ofScan beam ?. How do the winding numbers change then?.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    searching for methods other than the one used by Angus Clipper v 10(using winding numers).I know about Murtas method (gpc 2.32).Are these the only 2 methods known?. Also murtas recipe is only for odd/even windings.

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on a wiki page

    Dear, do you have any write up on the 4 Steps required to ge properly levelled output in vatti.In The implementation I am playing with 2 of 4 commands are always NOT rendered. I have attached the Murta table of commands from gpc.The 4 commands I am refering to are TED,BED,LED,RED.There are 4 commands in each of the Murta Quadrant determined by the heat state of the 2 edges.[I have a version in which even the 4 xED commands are part of a 2 edge intersecion,a horizontal and a non horizontal. typedef...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on a wiki page

    Dear, do you have any write up on the 4 Steps required to ge properly levelled output in vatti.In The implementation I am playing with 2 of 4 commands are always NOT rendered. I have attached the Murta table of commands from gpc.The 4 commands I am refering to are TED,BED,LED,RED.There are 4 commands in each of the Murta Quadrant determined by the heat state of the 2 edges.[I have a version in which even the 4 xED commands are part of a 2 edge intersecion,a horizontal and a non horizontal.

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    While tinkering with the output Rendering path steps I noticed that sometimes unexpected steps are generated ...which can be treated as NUL commands..i.e. Not rendered but within beam intersection end position swap still required... Any comments on this??... I am exploring the simplest of the 4 booleans ..the XOR command...!. After getting the 4 Murta Qudrants the easy trivial way I am exploring discriminaor expressions within each qudrant to determine 1 of 4 clipping paths in the predicted Quadrant.!...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    While tinkering with the output Rendering path steps I noticed that sometimes unexpected steps are generated ...which can be treated as NUL commands..i.e. Not rendered but within beam intersection end position swap still to b e done... Any comments on this??... I am exploring the siplest of the 4 booleans ..the XOR command...!

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I have managed it by inverting the Y values before and after the clipping . I want a better way ... I want chnages only to the fossil clipper ..NOT clipper v2 which is vertex oriented.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    The scan line approach allows one to insert a arbitrary scan line within the lowest Y,Highest Y range onto the scan line statck and Angus vatti allows one to easily terminate the rendering at any scan line.I want to eval the area between any 2 scan lines LSLy ,HSLy.Do I have to do the clipping 2 times? for the 'Lowest' scan line to LSLy andthne repeat again for HSLy .I am NOT intersested in the Area coverage beyond the 2 scan Lines as above.! I have a vatti/alike which allows me to do that for alternate(odd-even)...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I have managed it by inverting the Y values before and after the clipping . I want a better way ...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    What is special about the XOR command.I have a vatti like clipper in which the XOR works as indicated.BUT when I do edge budles the XOR bundles somehow deviate to indicate Left Intermediate/RIGht Intermediate (I ignrore both).The areal output covergae is still correct.For the other 3 boolean ops no extra commands are generated(within beam intersections).So I was wondering what is special about XOR.? Clipper2 has so much internal cleaning that it is (for me) scarry to trace what is happening for XOR...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Thanks. That will comfort me to switch off the guard at this spot. I am trying to get a good description of the edges which lead to vertices being added to output polygons bypassing the edge X edge intersections.[before horizon,after horizon,attopscanbeam..). If they are described properly then vattis method can be coded as a simple collection of rendering routines(for odd/even coding,Angus Windings NOT included).

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I want to understand HOW we get the L/R labels of a edge. For Within Beam intersections sometimes ... e1->PolyType==e2->polytype but e1->side != e2->side fails. The code is mutated from Angus clipper ..but!!?? I confirm by area coverage of filled region in output with anothe on/off parity clipper... here is the code fragment : // ======Filter lifted from clipperv2============== const bool e1_windcnt_in_01 = e1Wc == 0 || e1Wc == 1; const bool e2_windcnt_in_01 = e2Wc == 0 || e2Wc == 1;...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    ?. What is the relation between Left/right of edge and side of edge ..?.I have a damaged clipper which gives proper output but testing for inequality of sides for ( e1 polygon type ==e2 polygon type) fails.filtering the intersection does NOT help.!

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Jay, what about self intersecting polygons ?do they have inside outside ?(odd/even winds only). On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 4:44 PM Jay Tee wrote: No, those kinds if intersections are impossible. That is a direct consequence of the definition of left / right edges: The inner area of the polygon is located to the right of a left edge (and vice versa). If a left edge intersected a left edge of the same polygon type (subject / clip), their definitions of inside / outside would...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    For Like Edge intersections do combinations like (LS,LS) (LC,LC) (RS,RS) (RC,RC) occur? .They are NOT mentioned in the fat tome of Agonston .!

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    For Like Edge intersections do combinations like (LS,LS) (LC,LC) (RS,RS) (RC,RC) occur?

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I vattis method ,while rendering along the scan lines some bounds which donot arise from intersectons are required to get correct output...A essential step missing from vattis original writeup... One can notice them via the addout vertex commands NOT arising from intersecting edge pairs. Is it possible to detect such bounds without doing the entire clipping operation?. I have noticed them only in Angus clipper and also Murtas clipper...both mutated vatti implementations.

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I am comparing outputs of clipper (6.4.2 version,NO clipper2) with another polygon clipper.The orientation of Y axis in the other clipper is feet to head. Can someone here help me with my exploration. I want clipper to work with normal y axis. Actually to start with I would be happy to get the polygon partion code to get the bounds.!

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I am comparing outputs of clipper (6.4.2 version,NO clipper2) with another polygon clipper.The orientation of Y axis in the other clipper is feet to head. Can someone here help me with my exploration. I want clipper to work with normal y axis.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Angus clipper2 has the same commands along the scan line as within scan beam with 4 additional commands (?) along the san line. Why are they there?. How does one trace them? For XOR MM (double pair)is the only single command for all edge cases. What are the 4 addiotional cases there.?.[.The 4 sentences where a vertex is added directly to a output polygon while processing Horizontal edges?]

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    In Angus Clipper2 the XOR command is rendered within the Beam by invoke of the Single command (double Event ..I call MM). The scanLine commands invoke other vertex outputs to result polygons using NON vatti commands.--??direct vertex outputs.... Has anyone explored them...?. Some intersection events do NOT generate any output vertices but l the edge position exchanges after a intersection have to be carried out..why?..just to maintain a asserted AEL order at end of within beam filling??? Ps: The...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    In Angus Clipper2 the XOR command is rendered by invoke of the Single command (double Event ..I call MM). The scanLine commands invoke other vertex outputs to result polygons using NON vatti commands.--??direct vertex outputs.... Has anyone explored them...?. Some intersection events do NOT generate any output vertices but l the edge position exchanges after a intersection have to be carried out..why?..just to maintain a asserted AEL order at end of within beam filling??? Ps: The commands are apparently...

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    In vattis (as in Clipper2 ..)method some intersections (both witin beam and across scan lines) render no output vertex ...They are quite a count..... Can such interscetions be detectected before other rendering traces(the 5 render commands). Just for fun, how many cpu cycles would they save of the total cpu cycles spent on comand rendering?.

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Aha.!.. I have 2 vatti based clippers with me(Murta derived and Angus clipper derived). I presumed that the left/right property of support edges will never be useful so I alway maintain only unordered support edges. I had edited his old clipper before clipper2 with methods from clipper2(which you use). I will wait for the future,to browse your ordered support edges usage. it may have some other uses also like a inclusion tree for output polygons i.e which polygon contains which polygon ....

  • Ignorant Ignorant posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I have attched a small command text (your text edited ..). I am interested in which of the 8 commands have a add vertex to left arm, and which add vertex to right arm. After you posted I realised that minima handling is difeent between union operation and intersection/difference operations. I have padded 2 chracter command notation for your commands.EMN is outer minimum and IMN is inner miimum.

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I am exploring ...Can all Horizontal edges Xs with Non horintal active edges be collected ,sorted in x direction and rendered in a single rendering call...the way it is done for within beam intersections....In particular what type of events are responsible for generating the vertices which are rendered by clipper2 in the dohorizontal code before and after a Horizotal edge is tackled?. is the distribution of commands (for the same boolean) different along the scan line compared to the distribution...

  • Ignorant Ignorant modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I am exploring ...Can all Horizontal edges Xs with Non horintal active edges be collected ,sorted in x direction and rendered in a single rendering call...the way it is done for within beam intersections....In particular what type of events are responsible for generating the vertices which are rendered by clipper2 in the dohorizontal code before and after a Horizotal edge is tackled?. is the distribution of commands (for the same boolean) different along the scan line compared to the distribution...

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