Activity for Mona AbdelHady

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1343

    I managed to do this in the old version installation and honestly can't remember how I did it! Is there a way to allow multiple bookings at the same time in the new version? Thanks

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1781

    all the same not just day.php. Any regular user gets an access denied message.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1781

    This is what I get: PHP_SELF: /test.php REQUEST_URI: /test.php

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1781


  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1781

    Sure. Attached.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1781

    Yes, the username appering on the right. Just the day.php page is giving me access denied error.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1781

    Never mind. Got it for admin users, will try to figure out regular users.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady created ticket #1781

    MRBS saml integration

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1486

    Hello, I'm also trying to do the same thing, integrate MRBS with joomla (Joomla is authenticated via simplesaml) but I keep getting unknown user error when I try to login with a joomla account. Below are my auth settings in the MRBS config file: $auth['type'] = "joomla"; $auth['joomla']['rel_path'] = '../'; $auth["session"] = "joomla"; $auth['joomla']['admin_access_levels'] = array(3,8); $auth['joomla']['user_access_levels'] = array(2,4,6,5,7,10,9,12); $auth['only_admin_can_book'] = false; Thank...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    Thanks Campbell but still getting empty page!

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady modified a comment on ticket #1427

    Hello Campbell, I'm reopening this post for another question :) I'm trying to create a pending requests page for each of the areas so I copied the pending.php page and added another where condition with the ared id as follow: SELECT,, E.room_id, E.start_time, E.create_by, " . sql_syntax_timestamp_to_unix("E.timestamp") . " AS last_updated, E.reminded, E.repeat_id, M.room_name, M.area_id, A.area_name, A.enable_periods, E.info_time AS entry_info_time, E.info_user AS entry_info_user, T.info_time...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    Hello Campbell, I'm reopening this post for another question :) I'm trying to create a pending requests page for each of the areas so I coped the pending.php page and added another where with the aree number as follow: SELECT,, E.room_id, E.start_time, E.create_by, " . sql_syntax_timestamp_to_unix("E.timestamp") . " AS last_updated, E.reminded, E.repeat_id, M.room_name, M.area_id, A.area_name, A.enable_periods, E.info_time AS entry_info_time, E.info_user AS entry_info_user, T.info_time...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    I did. Thanks. Mona On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 12:19 PM, Campbell Morrison wrote: OK, good! Don't forget to take those lines out of and go back to your original version of [support-requests:#1433] Submitted by to display full name* Status: open Group: Created: Sun Feb 04, 2018 05:26 AM UTC by Mona AbdelHady Last Updated: Tue Aug 14, 2018 09:14 AM UTC Owner: nobody Hello, We are...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Campbell, You are a star! It worked! Thank you so very much! On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 12:14 PM, Campbell Morrison wrote: Can you try setting in your config file $ldap_dn_search_attrib = "sAMAccountName"; [support-requests:#1433] Submitted by to display full name* Status: open Group: Created: Sun Feb 04, 2018 05:26 AM UTC by Mona AbdelHady Last Updated: Tue Aug 14, 2018 09:06 AM UTC Owner: nobody Hello, We are getting...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    This is what I have: $ldap_base_dn[] = "CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org"; $ldap_dn_search_dn = "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org"; I don't have $ldap_dn_search_attrib On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 12:06 PM, Campbell Morrison wrote: What have you got $ldap_dn_search_attrib set to? [support-requests:#1433] Submitted by to display full name* Status: open Group: Created: Sun Feb 04, 2018 05:26 AM...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    I checked it and everything is correct, I event commented out the line below and it didn't have any impact on the logging into the system: $ldap_dn_search_dn Mona On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 11:42 AM, Campbell Morrison wrote: The ldap_read() is failing with the error "Warning: ldap_read(): Search: Operations error". Can you check that you have the correct values in your config file for $ldap_dn_search_dn and $ldap_dn_search_password for your Samba server? [support-requests:#1433]...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Thats's what I get: In authLdapGetName() authLdapAction: Got LDAP connection authLdapAction: Constructed dn 'cn=mflynn,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' and user_search 'cn=mflynn' using 'cn' authLdapGetNameCallback: base_dn 'CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' dn 'cn=mflynn,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' user_search 'cn=mflynn' user 'mflynn' About to do ldap_read Warning: ldap_read(): Search: Operations error in /srv/www/cac-eg/misc/htdocs/campusaccess/web/ on line 358 bool(false)...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    This is what I get: In authLdapGetName() authLdapAction: Got LDAP connection authLdapAction: Constructed dn 'cn=mflynn,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' and user_search 'cn=mflynn' using 'cn' authLdapGetNameCallback: base_dn 'CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' dn 'cn=mflynn,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' user_search 'cn=mflynn' user 'mflynn' About to do ldap_read bool(false) NULL string(6) "mflynn" NULL array(1) { ["config"]=> array(11) { ["ldap_host"]=> string(17) ""...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Thanks Campbell. I really appreciate all the support. Mona On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 4:53 PM, Campbell Morrison wrote: Sorry, I'm not sure what's going on. The problem is not to do with the value of $ldap_name_attrib because the code isn't getting that far yet. It's failing on the ldap_read() for some reason. I'll need to think a bit, or maybe John might have some ideas? [support-requests:#1433] Submitted by to display...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    This is what I get: In authLdapGetName() authLdapAction: Got LDAP connection authLdapAction: Constructed dn 'cn=mflynn,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' and user_search 'cn=mflynn' using 'cn' authLdapGetNameCallback: base_dn 'CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' dn 'cn=mflynn,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' user_search 'cn=mflynn' user 'mflynn' About to do ldap_read string(6) "mflynn" NULL array(1) { ["config"]=> array(11) { ["ldap_host"]=> string(17) "" ["ldap_port"]=> int(389)...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Actually there was no output code at all, it was blank. Mona On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 3:43 PM, Campbell Morrison wrote: Yes, the Full Name will still be blank. The code above doesn't fix the problem but just tries to get more information about what's going wrong. You should get some extra diagnostic output in the browser. [support-requests:#1433] Submitted by to display full name* Status: open Group: Created: Sun...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Thanks Campbell but the Full name is still coming up blank. Mona On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 3:10 PM, Campbell Morrison wrote: Sorry, something strange is happening with SourceForge - it's not atttaching the files I've asked it to attach. So could you edit your version of please and replace the code for the function authLdapGetNameCallback(&$ldap, $base_dn, $dn, $user_search, $user, &$object) with the following: function authLdapGetNameCallback(&$ldap, $base_dn,...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    This is what I get: In authLdapGetName() authLdapAction: Got LDAP connection authLdapAction: Constructed dn 'cn=mflynn,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' and user_search 'cn=mflynn' using 'cn' authLdapGetNameCallback: base_dn 'CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' dn 'cn=mflynn,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' user_search 'cn=mflynn' user 'mflynn' About to do ldap_read string(6) "mflynn" NULL array(1) { ["config"]=> array(11) { ["ldap_host"]=> string(17) "" ["ldap_port"]=> int(389)...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady modified a comment on ticket #1433

    Thanks Campbell. This is what I get where the fullname should be displayed: In authLdapGetName() authLdapAction: Got LDAP connection authLdapAction: Constructed dn 'cn=mflynn,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' and user_search 'cn=mflynn' using 'cn' authLdapGetNameCallback: base_dn 'CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' dn 'cn=mflynn,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' user_search 'cn=mflynn' user 'mflynn' About to do ldap_read string(6) "mflynn" NULL array(1) { ["config"]=> array(11) { ["ldap_host"]=>...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Thanks Campbell. This is what I get where the fullname should be displayed: In authLdapGetName() authLdapAction: Got LDAP connection authLdapAction: Constructed dn 'cn=mflynn,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' and user_search 'cn=mflynn' using 'cn' authLdapGetNameCallback: base_dn 'CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' dn 'cn=mflynn,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=cacegypt,DC=org' user_search 'cn=mflynn' user 'mflynn' About to do ldap_read string(6) "mflynn" NULL array(1) { ["config"]=> array(11) { ["ldap_host"]=>...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Hello and sorry top open this topic again. We have switched over from Open directory server to a Samba server for out ldap authentication and the full name attribute is: displayName so I changed the line below in $ldap_name_attrib = 'cn'; to $ldap_name_attrib = 'displayName'; But after that the requestor full name comes up blank! Any idea why? Thank you so much.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1538

    Thanks Campbell. This won't send an email notification? Also I don't know what going on with my reports page, when I select Run Report it brings back the number of entries and then a processing status and nothing happens. Please see screenshot attached.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady created ticket #1538

    Query all pending requests

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1458

    I'm testing in Safari 9.1.3 for Mac. That's why but some of our users are still on this version. Thanks Campbell

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1458

    You are right, I just tested it in Chrome and it won't submit. Please check it in Safari.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1458

    Sure. Attched.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1458

    Thanks. The form still submits even without an area selection and the first room is selected.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1458

    Thanks Campbell but the form still submits without making an area selection also the first room is still selected. Please check the screenshot attached.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1458

    Thanks Campbell and sorry about the mistake. This works but still the first category is selceted by default instead of "Please selct one". Please check screenshots attached

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1458

    Really? I copied and pasted the text again. Please check this one.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1458

    Sure. Attched.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1458

    Thanks Campbell, I get a blank page when I replace the function

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1458

    I only have this instance of "create_field_entry_areas() " on edit_entry.php case 'areas': create_field_entry_areas(); break; Is it because the version I'm using?

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1458

    Thanks Campbell. You mean replace: case 'areas': create_field_entry_areas(); break; In edit_entry.php with the attached file?

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1457

    Thank you so much. It worked!

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1458

    Can you please help me with this? I would greatly appreciate it. Mona

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady created ticket #1458

    Add a blank value at the top of the area drop down

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1457

    I'm sorry, I meant view_entry.php. Mona

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady created ticket #1457

    Approved Email Body

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    This is great! I really appreciate all the help & support.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Thank you soooooo much Campbell! This is working great! One last question, On the custom page I created what do I need to do to show the full name instead of the username? Thanks a million.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Amazing! this worked! How can I get rid of the debugging info now? Thank you soooooo much!

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    Never mind, it's working now! Thank you sooooo much!

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    Same blank page. Here's a screenshot of the require once at the top of the page

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    It's already there and I see no errors just a blank page

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    So Ilooked at the day_table_innerhtml() function on and used it as a guide to alter my query to: $dst_change = is_dst($month, $day, $year); $am7=mktime($morningstarts, $morningstarts_minutes, 0, $month, $day, $year, is_dst($month,$day,$year,$morningstarts)); $pm7=mktime($eveningends, $eveningends_minutes, 0, $month, $day, $year, is_dst($month,$day,$year,$eveningends)); $query_approved = "SELECT * FROM mrbs_entry WHERE start_time <= $pm7 AND end_time > $am7 and (status&2 = 0)";...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    This is what I get: Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => Array ( [objectclass] => Array ( [count] => 8 [0] => inetOrgPerson [1] => posixAccount [2] => shadowAccount [3] => apple-user [4] => extensibleObject [5] => organizationalPerson [6] => top [7] => person ) [0] => objectclass [uidnumber] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => 57131 ) [1] => uidnumber [apple-generateduid] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => AB547B85-F4F5-487D-918A-7557DD921158 ) [2] => apple-generateduid [loginshell] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] =>...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Thanks Campbell. This is what I get at the top and still nothing next to Submitted by string(10) "username" In authLdapGetName() authLdapAction: Got LDAP connection authLdapAction: Constructed dn 'uid=username,cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=org' and user_search 'uid=username' using 'uid' authLdapGetNameCallback: base_dn 'cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=org' dn 'uid=username,cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=org' user_search 'uid=username' user 'username' About to do ldap_read authLdapGetNameCallback:...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    I would greatly appreciate if you assist me on should a query that queries today's approved requests look like. Thanks a lot

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    Thanks John but it seems taht because of the old version I'm currently on things are a bit different. I have searched for get_start_first_slot() in and in all of the web folder and couldn't find it.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    Sorry about opening this topic again but I'm facing an issue on thsi custom page which queries today's approved requested. Because the start & end times are stored in UNIX times stamp format I'm using the query below: SELECT * FROM mrbs_entry WHERE now() >= FROM_UNIXTIME(start_time) and now() <= FROM_UNIXTIME(end_time) and (status&2 = 0) But it only displays the approved ones that are hapenning right now meaning that if there's a request which starts at 9:00 AM if I look at the page at 8:00 AM I...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Good morning Campbell & John, I'm sorry I forgot to mention that our LDAP server is a Mac open directory server. The full name attribute in open directory is "RealName" but I have just tested changing the "displayName" attribute to "RealName" in and still the submitted by comes up blank in the view_entry page. Thanks for the support

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    The entry details appeared but the submitted by part is empty and the error below appreared at the top: Notice: Undefined index: displayname in /srv/www/cac-eg/misc/htdocs/campusaccess/webTesting/ on line 364 authLdapGetNameCallback: name is '' string(10) "username" bool(true) array(2) { ["config"]=> array(11) { ["ldap_host"]=> string(20) "" ["ldap_port"]=> int(389) ["ldap_base_dn"]=> string(38) "cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=org" ["ldap_user_attrib"]=> string(3) "uid"...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    I got: string(10) "username" In authLdapGetName() authLdapAction: Got LDAP connection authLdapAction: Constructed dn 'uid=username,cn=users,dc=LDAP,dc=example,dc=org' and user_search 'uid=username' using 'uid' authLdapGetNameCallback: base_dn 'cn=users,dc=LDAP,dc=example,dc=org' dn 'uid=username,cn=users,dc=LDAP,dc=example,dc=org' user_search 'uid=username' user 'username' About to do ldap_read Fatal error: Call to undefined function utf8_strtolower() in /srv/www/cac-eg/misc/htdocs/campusaccess/webTesting/

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Yes and the domains as well.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Very sorry. I didn't upload the config file. Here are the results: string(10) "username" authLdapAction: Got LDAP connection authLdapAction: Constructed dn 'uid=username,cn=users,dc=opendir,dc=example,dc=org' and user_search 'uid=username' using 'uid' authLdapGetNameCallback: base_dn 'cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=org' dn 'uid=username,cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=org' user_search 'uid=username' user 'username'

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Same result: string(10) "username of the booker"

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Uploaded and this is what I get below the title of the entry string(10) "username of the booker"

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    I have replaced the code but nothing changed so I was logging out and logging in again and after logout I got the lines below: Notice: Undefined index: entry.room_name in /srv/www/cac-eg/misc/htdocs/campusaccess/webTesting/ on line 86 Notice: Undefined index: entry.room_admin_email in /srv/www/cac-eg/misc/htdocs/campusaccess/webTesting/ on line 92 Notice: Undefined index: entry.area_id in /srv/www/cac-eg/misc/htdocs/campusaccess/webTesting/ on...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Done but still the same page.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Sure. Attched.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Now I don't see the error but the page is still blank with the entry short description and (private) next to it

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Sure. I got the same error: Notice: Undefined index: ldap_name_attrib in /srv/www/cac-eg/misc/htdocs/campusaccess/webTesting/ on line 341

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    I tried now in a test directory, same result. Just the name (short description) of the entry and (private) next to it and the rest of the page is blank.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    I did revert back. Of course now I see the username not the full name. Thanks

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Big problem now! I tried viewing an entry and all I get on the view enty page is the entry title and (provate) next to it, How can I fix this quick. Thanks

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Done. How can I test it?

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    I applied the changes to How can I check?

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    This is the code I changed. I'm not sure how can I get Full name in edit_entry.php? switch( $key ) { case 'create_by': $data[$key] = ($keep_private && $is_private_field["entry.$key"]) ? $private_text : authLdapGetName($data[$key]); break; case 'name': create_field_entry_name(); break; case 'description': create_field_entry_description(); break;

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Thanks Campbell. So what you are telling me is that I shouldn't make any changes in the edit_entry.php page but keep the other changes in the other two files? Will this capture the user's Full name? How will it be included in the confirmation email if we kept the create_by valus as the username?

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Sure. Thanks for your help.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Yes, sure it was a blank page with the error I sent at the top when I added the error reporting part to File is attached.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Thanks Campbell. This is the error I got: Notice: Undefined index: ldap_name_attrib in on line 340

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Hi John, I have just tested the code above in the 3 pages this morning and unfortunatelly the edit_entry.php page came up blank. Could it ve related to the version I'm using? MRBS 1.4.8? Thanks again.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1434

    Thank you soooo much Campbel! That worked. I really appreciate all the help.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1434

    I meant the long description.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1434

    This is the part I edited in // Generate a textarea with an associated label // If $disabled is TRUE, then the textarea is disabled and a hidden // input is generated to pass through $value function generate_textarea($label_text, $name, $value, $disabled=FALSE, $required=FALSE) { // generate the HTML $html = "<label for="\\"$name\\"">$label_text</label>\n"; // textarea rows and cols are overridden by CSS height and width $html .= "<textarea id="\\"$name\\"" name="\\"$name\\"" rows="\\"8\\""...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1434

    This is the description part in edit_entry page, did I get it correctly? function create_field_entry_description($disabled=FALSE) { global $description, $select_options, $is_mandatory_field; echo "\n"; $label_text = get_vocab("fulldescription"); if (!empty($select_options['entry.description'])) { generate_select($label_text, 'description', $description, $select_options['entry.description'], $is_mandatory_field['entry.description'], $disabled); } else { generate_textarea($label_text, 'description',...

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1434

    Thank you Campbell. I made the changes but I can still submit an entry with a blank description.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1434

    I did already and it's not working. Mona

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady created ticket #1434

    Make the Description field a mandatory field

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Thank you so much John. Will test it today and let you know. Mona

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Thanks Campbell. Can you help with what's needed in ""? or what do I need to change there?

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1433

    Any chance I can get help with this? Thanks.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady created ticket #1433

    Submitted by to display full name

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    Thank you Campbell, that worked.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    Thanks Campbell. Please accept my apology about the repeated questions when I added the where part to my query, I got a "Unknown column 'STATUS_AWAITING_APPROVAL' in 'where clause'" here's my query: SELECT * FROM mrbs_entry WHERE now() >= FROM_UNIXTIME(start_time) and now() <= FROM_UNIXTIME(end_time) and (status&" . STATUS_AWAITING_APPROVAL . " = 0) Please note that this is a custom php page with a manual query.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    One last question: what is status value of approved requests? I'm a bit confused about it, I though that pending requests has a value of "4"

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    Thank you so much Campbell. echo date('d-M-Y H:i:s', strftime($row_approved['start_time'])); worked after I changed the query.

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    strftime also returned "01 Jan 1970 01:00:00"

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    The issue with using the report is that we need to display all the entry details plus the user who will be viewing this page doesn't wish to select today from date picker everytime they look at the page. Thanks

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    Sorry I'm not sure I understand. This is waht I'm using to display end time for example: echo date('d-M-Y H:i:s', strtotime($row_approved['end_time']);

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady posted a comment on ticket #1427

    Thanks Campbell but strftime() always returns "01 Jan 1970 01:00:00"

  • Mona AbdelHady Mona AbdelHady created ticket #1427

    Query Enties Start/Ent Time

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