Activity for Mertens Bram

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Having a visual clue would still be valuable I believe. I agree that having real read-only support would be better but having this indicator would at least provide experience similar to a lot of (if not most) other applications.

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I use the global hotkey auto-type a lot on a Windows 10 machine using Firefox and Chrome as browsers. In some cases after pressing the CTRL+ALT+a global hotkey the character 'v' is entered before the auto-type sequence starts. So the login fails because it tries 'vUsername' instead of 'UserName'. At first I thought it was me being clumsy but I'm fairly certain I don't accidentally hit the 'v' key every time I see this issue. On a qwerty keyboard the 'a' and 'v' aren't exactly close to one another....

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, We're storing a shared Vault in a Subversion repository. To avoid conflicts I have now added the svn property needs-lock. This makes the file read-only on the file system. Unfortunately there is no obvious indication in KeePass that a file is read-only. You can even create/modify entries while the file is read-only. Is it possible to add an indication to the name of the database when it was opened read-only? Getting a warning when trying to modify a read-only DB would be even better but simply...

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I've been using the Portable version for years and have a large list of triggers (22). After installing the Windows version of 2.49 I copied the KeePass.config.xml from the Portable version. The windows version shows none of the triggers defined in the Portable version. What is different between the triggers of the Portable version and the Windows version? Can they be "converted"? Or would I need to recreate them all? Thanks in advance m8ram

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dominik, Thank you very much! Works like a charm. Apologies for the late reply, the email notification was hidden between far too many other emails. m8ram

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Is it possible to change a DB from KDBC 4.1 back to 4.0? If so how? Reason: I activated some of the new features (disable password strength checking) that caused the DB to be upgraded to 4.1. However KeePassDroid does not support the format yet and I'm unable to open my DB on android. Thanks in advance m8ram

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram created ticket #11

    5.0.6 translation available?

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Dominik, Thanks, I've updated to 2.42.1 and so far I have not been able to reproduce the issue. Both CTRL+B (and the triggers I have defined that use it) and CTRL+U work as expected again. Regards Bram

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on discussion Help

    Opening URL's with CTRL+U doesn't work anymore either. Clipboard auto-clear time is still at 12 seconds like it used to be. CTRL+C to copy the password still works. Other than upgrading KeePass no configuration was changed. I did enable the options to minimize KeePass after copying an entry but I already tried to revert those options and CTRL-B still did not work. Also CTRL+ALT+A configured as global hotkey still works. I'm using the Portable version on Windows 7 at the moment.

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on discussion Help

    After updating to version 2.42 the CTRL-B shortcut no longer works to copy the username. The menu item and double clicking the username do work as expected.

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on ticket #839

    Just to let you know that this crash still occurs with version 6.0 ./SweetHome3D # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f75a11001d8, pid=4469, tid=0x00007f759b439700 # # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_181-b13) (build 1.8.0_181-b13) # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.181-b13 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops) # Problematic frame: # C [] ReadRegionsInList+0x3b8 # # Core dump written....

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on ticket #839

    I can confirm that the import works when I use the run time of openjdk-1.8.0 installed on my Fedora 27 machine instead of the Oracle jre shipped with SH3D. After the import however the app hangs but after restarting I'm able to use the imported object. Regards Bram

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on ticket #498

    Luke, Thanks! You're spot on, AOI works with the full openjdk runtime installed. Feel free to close this ticket unless you want to keep it open for the classpath issue. Regards Bram

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on ticket #499

    Thanks. But my main point was that I believe it should be included in the download zip. Regards Bram

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on ticket #839

    I got ArtOfIllusion working, downloaded the hourglass tutorial and exported that to an obj file. SH3D crashes when I try to import that as well (tested on my Fedora 27 machine).

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram created ticket #499

    missing hourglass scene file

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on ticket #498

    I'm running Fedora 27 with: $ java -version openjdk version "1.8.0_172" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_172-b11) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.172-b11, mixed mode) I'm running a Gnome in Wayland and started AOI from a terminal window (terminator) inside the desktop environment. I had not heard of Azul before. I downloaded the latest zip file again. after unpacking it in a temp dir I get: total 17360 -rw-rw-r--. 1 m8ram m8ram 17768596 Dec 12 2016 AOI-Linux-303.jar -rw-rw-r--. 1 m8ram...

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on ticket #839

    Emmanuel, Thanks for looking into this. What does this mean? Am I doing something wrong? I have no idea why a screen capture is required during the import of a model. The UnsupportedOperationException is the only named Exception I could find in the crash report. If there's a better way to read/name such reports I'd like to know more about it so I can write better bug reports. Are you able to import the models I provided? I've tested using the same Portable Apps installation but on Windows 7 and I...

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on ticket #498

    That certainly wasn't the case. This was started in a terminal on my local workstation.

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on ticket #839

    As per the FAQ I started SH3D with the ./SweetHome3D-Java3D-1_5_2 script but it crashed as well.

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram created ticket #498

    java.awt.HeadlessException when starting

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on ticket #839

    I've exported the same model in Collada (dae) format and that causes a crash as well.

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on ticket #839

    This is the obj file I am trying to import.

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram created ticket #839

    Crash (UnsupportedOperationException) during import simple obj file

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The trigger option is described in more detail here

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram created ticket #839

    More detailed attributes for lights

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram created ticket #718

    page margins always displayed in inches

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on ticket #704

    The same applies when the units are set to centimeters, in this case the ruler shows...

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, After editing a job.xml file outside Joe I received an error message when I started...

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram created ticket #1458

    warnings about "buggy client"

  • Mertens Bram Mertens Bram created ticket #1314

    KeePass crashes with System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException when deleting multiple entries at once