User Activity

  • Created ticket #25932 on SourceForge Support

    Deleting spam pages from wiki

  • Posted a comment on ticket #24893 on SourceForge Support

    Perfect! TexGen forum is back. I've been on a steep learning curve over the last couple of days but, apart from sorting out a few images, I think everything is working with php7.4. I can go on holiday next week without fear that everything will have gone awol when I come back :) Thanks very much for all your help, Louise

  • Posted a comment on ticket #24893 on SourceForge Support

    Hi, I've got the webpage working (apart from a few images which I think is a permissions issue and I'll sort out later). I've installed phpBB3.3 and it says that the database has been updated successfully but there is just a white page when I try to open the forum. I think I've got the permissions set ok (there was an issue to start with which gave an error message). I've changed the $dbms to mysqli in config.php. Otherwise I haven't made any changes. I'm not aware that there were any changes or...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #24893 on SourceForge Support

    Hi, Thanks very much. I'm half way through updating to mediawiki-1.35.11 which seems to be the stepping stone to the most up-to-date one. I'll do the PHP upgrade and then see where I get to. For the forum does it matter whether I go to phpBB3.2 or 3.3 when I get to that? Thanks for your help - I may get back to you if I run into problems! Louise

  • Created ticket #24893 on SourceForge Support

    php upgrade

  • Imported Files on TexGen
  • Imported Files on TexGen
  • Created a blog post on TexGen

    Source Code Moved to GitHub

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Personal Data

2010-01-26 13:56:06


This is a list of open source software projects that Louise Brown is associated with:

  • Project Logo TexGen   Last Updated:

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