Activity for Louis2017

  • Louis2017 Louis2017 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for your answer. I though there was an update with an improved UI and bugs fixes but maybe I have misunderstood.

  • Louis2017 Louis2017 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for your answer. I've done some testing with OpenTrack on PC and FreePie UDP on Phone. To make it works, I had to do the following: Switch Roll and Pitch Invert Pitch Add a +90 degrees offset to yaw With those settings it works, -90/+90 degrees for yaw, pitch and roll and it returns to the zero position. I'll investigate a little more FtNoIR settings, but I think that FreePie uses some kind of fusion on sensors and I'm not sure that HeadTracker does the same. I'll try to post some screenshots...

  • Louis2017 Louis2017 posted a comment on discussion UDP

    Hi Dylan, In Headtracker settings, you can change the channels for yaw, pitch and roll. Maybe it could solve your problem. Regards.

  • Louis2017 Louis2017 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I've tried to figure out FtNoIR handles head tracking but unfortunately I couldn't. This is what I've done between an Android 4.x phone and a Win10 PC: HeadTracker on Andoid phone. UDP tracking on port 5550 for Pitch, Yaw and Roll FtNoIR: no smoothing, all curves linear with output=input. Phone flat on the desk, I push start in FtNoIR and transmit in HeadTracker. 0 values everywhere, ok. That's my zero position. Now I rotate the phone. In FtNoIR, output and raw values are differents despite of...

  • Louis2017 Louis2017 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I've download the latest Plugin Pack (v202a) and it does not contain the UDP tracker plugin. I need this one because as it is, it's a real mess! Are the docs completely wrong too? I mean it's mentionned in v200 issues that the updated UDP tracker is freely available in downloads. But where is it? Regards