cannot build under ubuntu 18.04
issue 1: Displaying the pure ODD source for a content model (rather than the RelaxNG...
This is clearly the result of a careless cut and paste: the translations of the <desc>...
add the shell script
deal with @expand
If we use the BNF copy, we would presumably have to re-make the image, since it's...
Yes, clearly the note text would need changing if we want to reference the BNF's...
There are plenty of other places to find this particular page if we want to cite...
correct value of @expand
By default (e.g. using the ODD-XHTML conversion built into oxygen) you get a table...
I don't understand what is being requested here. Displaying the pure ODD version...
I don't understand what is being requested here. Displaying the pure ODD version...
check in correct version, sigh
remove implausible choice elements from content...
add script to purify content models
allow macroRef to repeat as crude fix to macro....
update docs
add model.eventLike again
bring branch up to date with trunk
bring back data. macros pro tem
It is rather naive to assume that "the linguistic community" is a single entity which...
more typos in examples
typos/removing data.
a few more typos
restore <content> wrapper to please SPQR
re-fix old typos
include complex datatypes
remove faux
correcting datatype children
correct fixDatatypes to deal with rng:data and ...
add complex data specs
partial and recursive segmentation of s-units
I'm reopening this because, like Martin who applied it, I think the fix has considerably...
add dataspecs for asdditional datatypes in ND
1. change all <datatype>s to include a <dataRef...
test script to transform existing specs
check whether we need a <datatype>
and this one
get the filenames right, sigh
add purified dataspecs
add dataTester files
teidata.count needs to be defined too...
add one teidata just to test
changes for dataRef and DataSpec to complete st...
start updating
remove defaultVal and make list of values closed
add script to purify existing datatypes
adding dataRef and dataSpec
make new branch for purity test
Two comments from me: a) Paul's examples may be lovely but we can't see the images,...
working on dataref
remove sentence per bug #703
Add notion of model.resourceLike to description of teiHeader
This proposal now expanded somewhat in FR 562, so closing this
Change description of TEI Header and simplify content model of TEI
I dont mind this change going forward, though it does reverse a decision taken some...
Please could you check the latest stable spec into the Sourceforge "Incubator" repository...
nonsense in remarks of <specGrp>
Removing sentence and closed ticket at rev 13236
Intended use of <distinct> attributes
an <object> element
No, it does mean RelaxNG expressed using either syntax. However, the sentence containing...
Paul prodded again.
Standoff has moved to a proposed implementation now available at https://github....
Agreed to review use of "should" and turn any that are mandatory into "must"
correct typo in bug #746
I agree. Example fixed.
Adjustment of example at Guidelines 16.2.5
Why do you think they are doing different things? All three are (varieties of) pointes,...
Interesting question. This is presumably to prevent things recursing for ever? I...
Here's a revised summary of what is now being proposed A <datatype> as used in an...
It's true that elements can appear in <line>, but only because they...
Agreed about the ambiguity: a zone ought to be precisely defined as a closed polygon...
Supporting XSLT is really quite complex. Suggest that this should be removed.
Give more structure to abstract
Discussion suggests we may need to define a different kind of <div> for the header...
Council reviewed 28 may 15 and agreed to close ticket.
More flexible dateline for periodical edition tracking
Council reviewed 28 may 15 and agreed to close ticket.
Documentation of the normalization form used might be helpful, but it's at a lower...
Yes, of course. But they don't typically do it by embedding the whole of the verse...
It's true that the purpose of <app> is to mark up what an apparatus does, rather...
I share Sebastian's concern that this is not as trivial a change as it may appear...
<app> is phrase-level
Ah, I had not noticed that use of @type in the doc. I've changed them to <code><milestone...
Ah, I had not noticed that use of @type in the doc. I've changed them to <milestone...
Thanks for the quick response Martin. On (2) I really don't think your argument holds...
JTEI schematron validation issues
JTEI schematron validation issues
No abbr element in JTEI
removed at LR's request
Well, we have the wiki, but that is hardly secure. If you want to restrict access...
The current version of this latest draft is now available from https://sourcefor...
add "final draft" version
correct typo
Here's an informal summary of what is now being proposed A <datatype> as used in...
Updated foregoing attachments:
Fair enough, but <dateline> doesn't have enough structure or attributes to do that...
<dateline> is meant to contain a dateline attached to the story following it, not...
add example