From asymptote.pdf: pair inside(path p, pen fillrule=currentpen); returns an arbitrary point strictly inside a cyclic path p according to the fill rule fillrule (see [fillrule], page 42). Well, arbitrary != random. Besides, according to the code in plain_paths.asy it is not so arbitrary and could always return the same point.
Sorry to hijack the thread, but the title is very specific. Could you please add 2.86 tag to the asymptote git repository? I'm building the asymptote package for Archlinux and use the tag to get the source from the git repository, but the current release doesn't have one.
@Aragorn, as I understand (from your previous posts) you are using Archlinux. Do you compile programs yourself or you build packages for Archlinux (from AUR, for example)? I'm too Archlinux user and uses this PKGBUILD to build the asymptote package. It doesn't care if there is .tgz or .src.tgz file, but it depends on tags (thanks John for that). You may use the same approach and not worry with .tgz file.
Hello Aragorn. I didn't pay much attention to your previous post (sorry), you already posted part of your .profile and repeated it here, thank you. I think you should take a close look at the output of the echo $PATH command and your export lines: the graph1 path is first in PATH and is set on the last line. The TeX Live path is set on fourth line, while the asymptote path is on the first one. No wonder that you get asymptote from TeX Live. In fact, I don't understand what you were trying to achieve...
Hello Aragorn. First, I would suggest checking the PATH variable: $ echo $PATH If the TeX Live path is at the beginning, it is not surprising that asy from TeX Live is called. If you don't see the $HOME/asymptote/bin/asy in PATH it is possible that your ~/.profile is not sourced (I assume that you use bash). On the other hand, if you prefer to use the self-compiled asymptote, you can simply remove asymptote from TeX Live, but I would suggest using the TeX Live tool: $ tlmgr remove --force asymptote...
Hello, with qt5ct 0.41-5 and krita 4.2.9-6 the krita works flawlessly.
Hello. I have updated krita (4.2.9-5) and it works (theme is applied). The 4.2.9-4 version (downloaded from, thank you Antonio for the link!) crashes. Just to help you figure out what is going on I attached qt5ct.conf and krita run with QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1.
Hello, may be it related, may be not I'm not Qt5 programmer but to compile qt5-styleplugin package (now moved from Archlinux repository to AUR, one needs to apply a patch, this is the link to a patch WBR, Vladimir Lomov