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    jAER USB Driver Install

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    jAER discussions moved to Google Groups

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    The SourceForge discussion forums are moving to Google Groups. Read our announcement here: Subscription is open to everyone. We encourage you to subscribe to all lists that apply to you!

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on jAER

    After moving all our code to GitHub, it became necessary to find a good replacement for the SourceForge discussion forums. To also support easy e-mail announcements, as well as a good mailing-list and web-interface integration, we decided to use Google Groups. The following new groups are available: This covers all...

  • Created a blog post on jAER

    jAER discussions moved to Google Groups

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on jAER

    I don't have any experience in implementing UART at such a low level, usually any kind of microcontroller or OS has libraries for that, and for FPGAs you have modules by the vendor or talk to some external chip over a parallel bus. Xilinx for example has IP cores to do this: According to the meaning of RTS/CTS changes depending on half or full-duplex communication, modern...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on jAER

    Hello, indeed if sending commands works, then also the command to enable events should have worked. And it probably did. UART0 is a slave port, so it will start trying to send bytes right away, and you need to read the data and do the flow-control yourself. So you wouldn't control CTS, the eDVS does that when it's ready to receive data (commands in your case), and you'd assert RTS to signal you are ready to get the data. I hope this helps, have a nice week-end!

  • Modified a blog post on jAER

    jAER migrated to GitHub

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2013-03-17 12:34:37
Zurich / Switzerland / CEST


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