Activity for lh3

  • lh3 lh3 posted a comment on ticket #1679

    To make sure pii is the right tag, I asked PubMed helpdesk how to retrieve "page numbers" for online-only papers without pagination. They replied: ELocationID is used in cases where pagination is not present. and pointed me to the latest pubmed DTD.

  • lh3 lh3 posted a comment on ticket #1679

    Thank you so much! I do agree with you that the current is a weird practice. I didn't realize this mess until now.

  • lh3 lh3 modified a comment on ticket #1679

    If you worry a page number like "eabl4178" may interfere with BibTeX, you may add an option and let users decide whether to use such a string as page numbers. The bottom line is we need page numbers for citation and many papers don't have real page numbers. PS: this problem is not specific to PubMed as many journals, like Science, don't have real page numbers these days.

  • lh3 lh3 modified a comment on ticket #1679

    If you worry a page number like "eabl4178" may interfere with BibTeX, you may add an option and let users decide whether to use such a string as page numbers. The bottom line is we need page numbers for citation and many papers don't have real page numbers these days. PS: this problem is not specific to PubMed as many journals, like Science, don't have real page numbers these days.

  • lh3 lh3 modified a comment on ticket #1679

    If you worry a page number like "eabl4178" may interfere with BibTeX, you may add an option and let users decide whether to use such a string as page numbers. The bottom line is we need page numbers for citation and many papers don't have real page numbers these days.

  • lh3 lh3 posted a comment on ticket #1679

    If you worry a page number like "eabl4178" may interfere with BibTeX, you may add an option and let users decide whether to use such a string as page numbers. The bottom line is we need page numbers for citation.

  • lh3 lh3 posted a comment on ticket #1679

    We need something equivalent to page number to pinpoint a paper in a volume/issue. The current practice unfortunately chooses this identifier. For example, a Nature article cites PMID:35357911 as (without DOI): Altemose, N. et al. Complete genomic and epigenetic maps of human centromeres. Science 376, eabl4178 (2022). eabl4178 is de facto the page number. If you click "cite" on the Science website, the citation format is the basically same (plus DOI). In the PDF of this paper downloaded from Science,...

  • lh3 lh3 posted a comment on ticket #1679

    At least in our field (biomedical research), most online-only journals give you a "page" number like "btae333". There are no actual page numbers. I haven't checked old PubMed XML files because I don't have one. I guess old PubMed put "btae333" in the Pagination element [1] but later they decided that was confusing. Now they put "btae333" at an ELocationID element [2]. It looks like the following now: <elocationid eidtype="pii" validyn="Y">btae333</elocationid> Is it possible to use this as the page...

  • lh3 lh3 posted a comment on ticket #1679

    There seem multiple ways to retrieve data from PubMed. Which method are you using? The page number "bate333" is shown on the PubMed page:

  • lh3 lh3 created ticket #1679

    BibDesk failed to retrieve page numbers from PubMed