Activity for A. T

  • A. T A. T imported Tickets

  • A. T A. T imported Code

  • A. T A. T imported Tickets

  • A. T A. T imported Code

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #26

    Hi Joe R, I tried the alternate version you posted! Yes, it's exactly the game I was looking for! Thank you so much!!! Hopefully it will be in the master branch soon.

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #26

    Hi Joe R, Sorry for my late response. I've been offline for a few weeks now. I did not see the game in version 2.18 of PySolFC yet. Am I missing something? If it will be in a future version that's fine too, thank you for your valuable time! Thank you!!!

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #26

    Hi Joe R, I noticed you added some new games! Would it be possible to add this game when you have time? Thank you!

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #27

    Im not sure if I did the pull request correctly though. Its a bit confusing.

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #27

    I was finally able to create a pull request. Thank you!

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #27

    Hi Joe R, I was not able to create a pull request so I just added it to a new issue. Also, I created a back face card as well which I contributed to another issue. Thank you!

  • A. T A. T created ticket #27

    Table Tile Contribution

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #26

    Thank you so much for your time! Im including a screenshot! Ive been waiting to play this game on a pc forever! Thank you!

  • A. T A. T created ticket #26

    Feature Request: Add Klondike Half-Deck Solitaire

  • A. T A. T imported Code

  • A. T A. T created ticket #10

    Add "iframe" support

  • A. T A. T created ticket #8

    Small UI improvement

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hi, I was playing a game tonight and was able to capture the dollar added to several players and the pot (it's really not an inconvenience I just wanted you to know) I took one screenshot initially when I noticed some of the players had a dollar and a second one with a dollar added to the pot: This is the second screenshot: (after that round the pot went back to normal, but some of the players still had a dollar)

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #7

    I've only seen it happen once or twice since I used the last version. I don't remember exactly whether the pot increased or not. Anyway, Thanks!

  • A. T A. T created ticket #7

    Bug: Sometimes a dollar or two is added to the pot

  • A. T A. T imported Code

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #6

    I just added sounds to your game. You can test it on my homepage!!! Also, I got the text-to-speech from (I used the "Alice" voice)

  • A. T A. T created ticket #6

    Sounds for Js-Css-Poker

  • A. T A. T created ticket #18

    Blake2b and SHA3 in the future?

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #3

    Thank you!

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #3


  • A. T A. T modified a comment on ticket #3

    Great!!! Thank you!

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #3

    Great! Also, if it's not too much to ask: Do you know of a way of running "JS-CSS-Poker" in an "iframe"? I tried starting the game, but it wouldn't run. Thank you!

  • A. T A. T created ticket #3

    Money split between players sometimes results in decimal place numbers.

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #10

    I just noticed everything is "DISABLED"

  • A. T A. T created ticket #10

    File Integration not working in Kubuntu 19.10

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #100

    Jan I found this today: They provide playing cards for games! I'm attaching an image and a sample license of theirs Thank you!

  • A. T A. T modified a comment on ticket #38

    On Kubuntu it also will not allow additional "Background" images

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #38

    On Kubuntu it also will not allow addition "Background" images

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #38

    The cardset can be found here:

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #38

    I'm attaching what it looks like without the option of scaling down size.

  • A. T A. T created ticket #38

    PySolFC on Kubuntu Missing Option for Scaling down size on Cardsets

  • A. T A. T created ticket #100

    Realistic Playing cards

  • A. T A. T created ticket #22

    AUTO CENTER cards automatically

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #34

    Ok, it works.. it was a different issue. Thank you!

  • A. T A. T created ticket #34

    Card Shadow doesn't work in PySolFC 2.4.0

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #33

    Ok, It's fixed I had to delete the old directory and reinstall the latest version. Thank you

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #33

    I'm trying to use PySolFC 2.4.0

  • A. T A. T created ticket #33

    can't find module 'pysollib'

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on discussion Help

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on discussion Help

    There's 2 solitaires that I know of that aren't included in PySolFC. Pyramid Solitaire with Hanafuda cards/rules Klondike played with only half a deck of cards

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on discussion Help

    I figured it out a year later lol.

  • A. T A. T created ticket #3

    If possible please continue Linux version

  • A. T A. T created ticket #3

    Is there a way to avoid highways?

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on ticket #14

    I was able to add my own AM/PM to the skin, thanks anyway.

  • A. T A. T created ticket #14

    Include AM/PM for the "Flipclock HD" skin?

  • A. T A. T created ticket #13

    Allow only 1 instance?

  • A. T A. T modified a comment on discussion Help

    I've added my cardset to PySolFC on Windows and it works fine. I would really like it to work on Linux. This is the cardset I'm working with:

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've added my cardset to PySolFC on Windows and it works fine. I would really like it to work on Linux. This is the cardset I'm working with:

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The installer won't work on "Windows 8.1 x64"... Could you provide a ".zip" with...

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Could you please provide a ".zip" version of your program? Thank you.

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The installer for this program will not work on "Windows 8.1 x64."

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Maybe the program could "speak" the time every hour as well. Thanks.

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I was thinking it would be great if you could choose different files for sound....

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I found the rules on the following website:

  • A. T A. T posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, this game won't work with Windows XP SP3 32-bit, maybe the game can be re-co...