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  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on RSS Owl | RSS / RDF / Atom Feed Reader

    Okay so my rssowl crashed during startup, I restored a backup, it crashed, I restored a backup, I realized something must be up, I then deleted 60,000-70,000 out of 130,000 news items for around 1000 feeds. somehow that didn't help! I think once a rssowl.db file reaches 1.49 GB it becomes un-usable? Thing is, my weekly update was this morning... so that's the db file i've been using but it's still too big to use and delete news? I guess? maybe? so what I have done a buncha times is copy rssowl.db.onlinebak.weekly...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on RSS Owl | RSS / RDF / Atom Feed Reader

    whelp my problem is entirely "solved" and my database file went from 1.49gb to 1.50gb to 0.35gb how? after the error I was loading my profile and closing out and deleting the bad database file and replacing it with the good one from this morning. Instead this time I unplugged my router and then after I restored my profile with blank news articles in it... I replaced the blank database with the known bad database, as in I knew the file would cause an error... only it didn't! somehow using the known...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on RSS Owl | RSS / RDF / Atom Feed Reader

    Hmm I just realized something, as soon as I restore the backup profile and the program starts... it says updating feeds in the lower right hand corner... this might explain why the database file goes from 1.49gb to 1.51gb... because it's updating the feeds... that makes more sense than my theory that deleting tons of news items increases size (although deleting 5000 news items moved the filesize from 1.49gb to 1.50gb and deleting 60,000 news items moved the filesize from 1.49gb to 1.50gb.... there...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on RSS Owl | RSS / RDF / Atom Feed Reader

    Hmm I just realized something, as soon as I restore the backup profile and the program starts... it says updating feeds in the lower right hand corner... this might explain why the database file goes from 1.49gb to 1.51gb... because it's updating the feeds... that makes more sense than my theory that deleting tons of news items increases size (although deleting 5000 news items moved the filesize from 1.49gb to 1.50gb and deleting 60,000 news items moved the filesize from 1.49gb to 1.50gb.... there...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on RSS Owl | RSS / RDF / Atom Feed Reader

    Hmm I just realized something, as soon as I restore the backup profile and the program starts... it says updating feeds in the lower right hand corner... this might explain why the database file goes from 1.49gb to 1.51gb... because it's updating the feeds... that makes more sense than my theory that deleting tons of news items increases size. I need to find a way to prevent updates, then maybe the filesize won't grow, and i'll delete half my news, and the database file will go from 1.49 to 1.49...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on RSS Owl | RSS / RDF / Atom Feed Reader

    Oh I forgot to mention, after the first two backup restorations, rssowl deleted both my valid backups, the one from around noon from when i last started it and the one from around midnight... I had a backup I made though of the one... and after those first two restarted I've started using copy/paste and RSSOwl -vmargs -Drssowl.reindex=true -Xmx1024m in order to bring the same database back into the program and again.... i've tried like maybe 6 times now... seems like it's always failing me at the...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on RSS Owl | RSS / RDF / Atom Feed Reader

    Oh I forgot to mention, after the first two backup restorations, rssowl deleted both my valid backups, the one from around noon from when i last started it and the one from around midnight... I had a backup I made though of the one... and after those first two restarted I've started using copy/paste and RSSOwl -vmargs -Drssowl.reindex=true -Xmx1024m in order to bring the same database back into the program and again.... i've tried like maybe 6 times now... seems like it's always failing me at the...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on RSS Owl | RSS / RDF / Atom Feed Reader

    Oh I forgot to mention, after the first two backup restorations, rssowl deleted both my valid backups, the one from around noon from when i last started it and the one from around midnight... I had a backup I made though of the one... and after those first two restarted I've started using copy/paste and RSSOwl -vmargs -Drssowl.reindex=true -Xmx1024m in order to bring the same database back into the program and again.... i've tried like maybe 6 times now... seems like it's always failing me at the...

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2019-11-01 01:01:07


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