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  • Posted a comment on discussion Using Task Coach on Task Coach

    Thank you that's a good hint and should work as a workaround quiet well and can even be hotkeyed :) Well helping in getting the Task Coach code Python3 ready sounds promising, but reality kicks in here too. To be honest and making it short, i won't have much spare time for programming longer periods of time. And from friends of mine are in a similar situation. Anyway i'm try to look a bit into the code base and try to get a bit of basic understanding how it is structured and where might be a good...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Using Task Coach on Task Coach

    Hi, recently i'd like to get all my efforts tracked with Task Coach over into Open Project, which is a bit more laborious in tracking times then Task Coach, which is quick and easy. Therefore i started to look for a good way to solve this and now saw no other way but to write a small program, that can deal with this. (attached below) Do you see any good way to get such program integrated into task coach a bit , like a plug-in or so? Or at least a small button to start this program from Task Coach?...

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2009-01-23 15:11:21


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