Activity for LAMP90

  • LAMP90 LAMP90 modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Errorlevel variable can be checked only once. Then it resets to zero. That might not explain this issue, though, I distrust batch FOR loops or any set of lines that exceeds 255 characters. You may have to write another batch file containing just the loop body, and pass all arguments to it. MS tried to give multi-line abilities to BAT/CMDs like other shells, but did a poor job at it. It works only on the simplest of examples. I learned my lesson of not allowing over 255-char. multiline commands, or...

  • LAMP90 LAMP90 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Errorlevel variable can be checked only once. Then it resets to zero. That might not explain this issue, though, I distrust batch FOR loops or any set of lines that exceeds 255 characters. You may have to write another batch file containing just the loop body, and pass all arguments to it. MS tried to give multi-line abilities to BAT/CMDs like other shells, but did a poor job at it. It works only on the simplest of examples. I learned my lesson of not allowing over 255-char. multiline commands, or...