Activity for Kyle Rickards

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi - quick one - my show is due live in 90 mins and none of the players are working. The Mic is and all streaming/recording etc, timers. It's literally the players (side 1 and 2 that are not working). I can hear the music but nothing is showing on meters or going out on stream? Have checked DJ/Stream buttons - they are fine and have reset connections as per usual. Can anyone help?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have successfully fixed IDJC back to the version which worked as of last Tuesday 26th September, version 0.8.16

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Help

    To clarify, my broadcast machine has run fine for months if not years, using idjc with python is python3 install method. Sadly I can't remember the version number but i think 0.91. The problems arose when trying to update to later idjc on tuesday night. I am unable to return to Tuesday mornings state. I have changed the default of python to both 2 and 3 and that doesnt work. Updating mint does not work as i get stuck at downgrading packages. I cannot do a clean install as i do not wish to lose valuable...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Help

    To clarify, my broadcast machine has run fine for months if not years, using idjc with python is python3 install method. Sadly I can't remember the version number but i think 0.91. The problems arose when trying to update to later idjc on tuesday night. I am unable to return to Tuesday mornings state. I have changed the default of python to both 2 and 3 and that doesnt work. Updating mint does not work as i get stuck at downgrading packages. I cannot do a clean install as i do not wish to lose valuable...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    To clarify, my broadcast machine has run fine for months if not years, using idjc with python is python3 install method. Sadly I can't remember the version number but i think 0.91. The problems arose when trying to update to later idjc on tuesday night. I am unable to return to Tuesday mornings state. I have changed the default of python to both 2 and 3 and that doesnt work. Updating mint does not work as i get stuck at downgrading packages. I cannot do a clean install as i do not wish to lose valuable...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Apologies I think we're talking at crossed purposes. The timeshift was two years old so I couldnt lose valuable documents and I didnt know specifically what I needed to bring back to get IDJC back. This timeshift is from wednesday this week which i created when I was trying to update to Mint 20 and thus install idjc new. That went badly wrong so i restored back to wednesday morning this week. The only thing i did (foolishly) was try and update idjc on tuesday evening and now this has all happened....

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am curious why running that installation on Tuesday that has caused everything to break and why I cannot put it back to how it was (notwithstanding the timeshift issue and the fact that I have an image but I do not know which part I am restoring specifically). That really has disappointed me.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ok, tried every version now of IDJC and no dice with different errors, from 0.8.x upwards so that's the limit. Short of changing the OS which I won't do or using the laptop to broadcast which is difficult - I think that's every possibility exhausted but thank you for looking into it this week.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ok I have done that - will everything be gone from /usr or wherever also? Should I have one last go at trying again and which version should I attempt? As I say everything was fine until Tuesday and I think it was 0.91

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Help

    I think the easiest way and to save time and me troubling you - how do I remove all the stuff that's in folders? (I don't know where it installs to) Which version of libshout and IDJC should I then try installing to see if it works, as we're just not getting any futher on despite you helping - I am back in Windows so could use Play it Live and work without jingles and things but I have not done that for months so will have to try and recall bits

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    I think the easiest way and to save time and me troubling you - how do I remove all the stuff that's in folders? (I don't know where it installs to) Which version of libshout and IDJC should I then try installing to see if it works?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    sudo apt-get install python3-gi Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done python3-gi is already the newest version (3.26.1-2ubuntu1). 0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 1 not to upgrade.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    :( All those packages are installed - I am confused by "new clean system" as I am on my broadcast desktop I usually use. When I try python-gi-dev I getUnable to locate package python3-gi-dev I can't even remember what version I was on before that worked on now prior to Tuesday - I was trying to put on 0.9.5 just now (and ignoring 7 as you said)

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Trying again with 0.9.7 and getting the Python is too old message but that can't be right? There must be something I can do?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    0.9.5 won't install now either - honestly it doesn't matter - it's taking too much of your time but I appreciate the helpfailed to import the idjc package Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/idjc", line 31, in <module> raise e File "/usr/bin/idjc", line 28, in <module> import idjc File "/usr/lib/idjc/site-packages/idjc/", line 27, in <module> import gi ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gi'

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Where is everything located please so I can purge maybe and try afresh, without destroying my OS?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Following everything in that link, I followed the instructions (keeping in mind I am not experienced in this) and Python is now showing 3.6.9. However when I install the development version you kindly provided I am still getting Using Python version 3.6 which is too old--exiting.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    When I do a version check it says version is Python 2.7.17 and yet when I try and install 3.6, I get this: python3.6 is already the newest version (3.6.9-1~18.04ubuntu1.12). I really am fed up with it all now.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Having managed to get kind of the system back as it was from yesterday and downloaded the devt version - it just says the following so, again I cannot see a way around this - is there no way of putting an earlier version of IDJC back on? (I will correct the boot sequence with Windows with my Boot CD at some point later today)

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for this. In attempting the timeshift, it seems ro have broken everything including my ability to get back into Windows even. As i say my own fault for being stupid enough not to run it before attempting that IDJC thing on tuesday. I think thats probably it for me now to be honest but thanks for all you have done, its a brilliant resource.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have a snapshot from two years ago which should be enough for me get IDJC back - what/where should be I looking for things? In usr? This is where I am confused. I have the install archives already - I am still puzzled (as above) as to why I cannot reinstall my version after the purge.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    I did have it configured but not done a recent one - strangely I did one earlier. Out of interest - now I have purged IDJC, is there any reason I cannot add 0.9.1 back on and add all my jingles etc in? I have been sat for an hour attempting and it's not having it. I have done this for 8 years and it seems a shame to call it a day because of this. Equally I understand that I should have simply not touched a system that had worked well for years.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ok thank you - sadly that didn't work - may I just check - there's no way of removing and putting the version I had on until Tuesday night which has worked for ages? I am content to have that back. I am running the tool to see if I can upgrade Mint and that is giving errors - so not a good idea, I am not happy to start over with a fresh install of the OS. Could you tell me where it saves my settings? I know I have found that information before so I can try and remove stuff manually and put it back...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    ETA - I have found and compiled the code for 2,71 of autoconf but it's still giving me the same error so I'll just leave it for time being.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    No, I get the below error now when I do autoreconf ifs - this is what it was giving me on one of the other machines (the 20.3?) Is there no way of me putting my old version back on and keeping stuff? I would happy with that and I can keep doing my shows. error: Autoconf version 2.71 or higher is required the top level autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 63 aclocal: error: echo failed with exit status: 63 autoreconf: aclocal failed with exit status: 63

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry I know I am really bad at this stuff - am I extracting the zip file and then running those commands in the terminal, in the folder where that stuff has extracted to? I generally don't get how a lot of this works, I', sorry

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ok first line of the code above gives me this: autoconf is already the newest version (2.69-11). libtool-bin is already the newest version (2.4.6-2). autopoint is already the newest version ( 0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade. How can I just put my previous version back on? Is that possible? What do I need to delete please?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Also, actual PC physically was new to me maybe three years ago?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Stephen, will try now. Just before i do, my desktop is Mint 19.3 - that should be ok?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry to ask, where should I be looking in usr (?) to back anything up before trying to fix things? When I just updated one of these laptops everything just carried over which surprised me EDIT: Tried the above thing you said and got an error - so I don't know what to do know or what to delete now without losing everything. (Not the OS, I mean IDJC). Also, how do I remove the thing in HOME?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry to ask, where should I be looking in usr (?) to back anything up before trying to fix things? When I just updated one of these laptops everything just carried over which surprised me

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    God no sorry! I meant IDJC :( How do I use the tip you suggested above please first?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry - where am I putting that first line please? Am I opening the IDJC folder in terminal? Can I just delete everything and re-install?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Stephen Is this it?failed to import the idjc package Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/idjc", line 31, in <module> raise e File "/usr/lib/idjc/site-packages/idjc/", line 56 class FGlobs(metaclass=FixedAttributes): ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Stephen IS this it?failed to import the idjc package Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/idjc", line 31, in <module> raise e File "/usr/lib/idjc/site-packages/idjc/", line 56 class FGlobs(metaclass=FixedAttributes): ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Well, my own fault. Tried to put the latest standard build on my desktop. No errors surprisingly howevery IDJC refuses to load after two reboots and two reinstalls. I don't know how to put a version on that works? This is the main show PC so i am stuck as I dont broadcast from a laptop unless away

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ah ok thank you! So on one laptop, latest version of IDJC is now running.I will try and update my main broadcast PC and report back.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Out of interest, if I wanted to put my broadcast system to the stable version of IDJC, how would I do that? I did just have a go but it gave me cannot locate Python is Python3 error so I guess I am stuck on my current IDJC? I am not really happy updating my entire desktop as the current set up works.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Stephen, I will try again - I was just following the instructions. So when I unzip stuff, I need to be outside whatever it's unzipped?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    So I am on 21.2 machine and followed the instructions - I got as far as Make before I got errors thrown up. (See below) On the older laptop I still have a newer version of IDJC to me (the one with the loudness meters and to further throw matters I am still using my version of IDJC on my desktop that I broadcast my shows with each week so that's three now)make make all-recursive make[1]: Entering directory '/home/reclaimed2/idjc' Making all in po make[2]: Entering directory '/home/reclaimed2/idjc/po'...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just creating a safety image of 21.2 and will try. The 20.3 upgrade didnt work so i may use this image on that machine also.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    i was mindly gufted two old ones, one is runn8ne MInt 20.3 Una and one is running 21.2.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi So on one laptop i have the stable IDJC newest version running and i tried installing the devt on a spare one, but i get stuck at configure.ac4 error Autoconf version 2.71 or higher required. Then a line abouto autom4te, aclocal and autoreconf, (can't copy code easily as on ipad at moment) Is there any fix? Thanks Kyle

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Just installing the latest version of IDJC and I've come across another error when repeating what worked last time. When installing IDJC and reaching the ./configure CFLAGS="-O2" --prefix=/usr stage, I get the following error now: EDIT - Fixed it by finding the missing bit in the official instructions. My fault. checking for libebur128... no configure: error: Package requirements (libebur128) were not met: No package 'libebur128' found Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Just installing the latest version of IDJC and I've come across another error when repeating what worked last time. When installing IDJC and reaching the ./configure CFLAGS="-O2" --prefix=/usr stage, I get the following error now: checking for libebur128... no configure: error: Package requirements (libebur128) were not met: No package 'libebur128' found Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix. Alternatively, you may set the...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Many thanks Brian. At the risk of a possibly stupid question, how would I do it, what do I use? What package? Ive never used jackrack either.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Ive asked before but still didn't really understand the answers. Should I be reyling on the Peak strength or the VU meter? i dont really understand what the strength meter does still? For me me now when I speak the strength and channel meters are hitting red and peaking at -6 whereas overall the VU meter is about -18 for music or speech. THe recording looks a little loud but not distorting or clipping. Aslo, can i put a limiter into IDJC? Thanks Kyle

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Many thanks Stephen

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Many thanks Stephen

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi How would i tell if i need to build the new version pkease? ive also been affected by scren size and not being able to get to various boxes

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on ticket #1

    Thank you! Just testing the Appimage now and it seems to be working great - and have more features than the version I had been using! Thank you so much for for doing this!

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ah I got it thank you, it was to do with the Frames/Period and Periods/Buffer not being set high enough - by increasing those bit by bit, I resolved it. It's tricky because each JACK set up is slightly different for each user but I will get there - thank you though. (I should have said I was only using one of the USB mics at once)

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi So I have gotten a very old netbook gifted to me and I wondered whether I would be able to install and run IDJC on it - amazingly it works, However, the netbook screen has a max resolution of 1024x600 and when I open IDJC, I cannot see the full screen of the programme so I could effectively broadcast live - is there anything I could change please so I could see the full thing on the netbook and broadcast? I don't mind if it looks small as I'm used to where everything is laid out, I just need to...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on ticket #1

    Thank you for this - I have downloaded the code and have installed the QT5 but I cannot work out how to built? I have tried qmake and I see a qmake.stash file created but then I am stuck? EDIT: I have tried make and get this error, cd src/ && ( test -e Makefile || /usr/lib/qt5/bin/qmake -o Makefile /home/studio/Downloads/qmp3gain-code-8c3fe321bc8cc9341437503910d02ef7922ed37f/src/ -config release ) && make -f Makefile Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webkit webkitwidgets...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on ticket #1

    Thank you for this - I have downloaded the code and have installed the QT5 but I cannot work out how to built? I have tried qmake and I see a qmake.stash file created but then I am stuck?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on ticket #1

    Thank you so much for even looking at this and for getting back to me. Massively appreciated.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards created ticket #1

    Need help installing on 20.2 Linux Mint

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi So I have successfully installed IDJC 0.9.1 and Linux Mint 20.2 on a presnters machine so he can broadcast from home however I am now coming stuck with my external usb microphone. I have a HyperX which I have working in JACK and seems to be working for IDJC and is broadcasting but when I use my other external USB Mic I am getting no sound on the meters. Both work outside of IDJC and I am able to record in Audacity and things. Is anybody able to give me pointers or things I could check so I could...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I think the autoconf may flag an error as well when building from official instructions? Just had to do another clean install on a presenters laptop and this was another showstopper. (The instruction appears in Brian's guide here)

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Stephen - I hope that I helping in some way and not causing problems.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Stephen

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Another possible issue worth flagging? After another install of 20.2 Mint, I followed JUST the official instructions and it failed again during IDJC 0.91. The reason being a libswcale problem. This has previously been in place when I just followed Brian's instructions so had not been an issue before.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    EDIT: So I don't know what I have done but it seems to have started working? And weirdly has pulled all my settings and profiles over from the previous installation even though I thought I had removed them. I've just connected to streaming and everything and seen figures. The only thing that seems out is the top left hand elapsed playing time but that's the absolute least of my worries. Thank you for all the help both,

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It does feel very odd not having IDJC working though - would the old version work in this environment if I tried putting it on? EDIT: Tried that and it didn't work so this looks to be the end of it. Thanks both.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It does feel very odd not having IDJC working though - would the old version work in this environment if I tried putting it on?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ok - so running libtool led me to install libtool-bin. Now, when I try and compile it looks as though it works but (from a terminal so I can see what's happening) I start IDJC and get this:Profile icon image file not found: /usr/local/share/idjc/icon.png Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/idjc", line 33, in <module> exit(idjc.main()) File "/usr/lib/idjc/site-packages/idjc/", line 123, in main from . import maingui File "/usr/lib/idjc/site-packages/idjc/", line...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ok - so running libtool led me to install libtool-bin. Now, when I try and compile it looks as though it works but (from a terminal so I can see what's happening) I start IDJC and get this:Profile icon image file not found: /usr/local/share/idjc/icon.png Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/idjc", line 33, in <module> exit(idjc.main()) File "/usr/lib/idjc/site-packages/idjc/", line 123, in main from . import maingui File "/usr/lib/idjc/site-packages/idjc/", line...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ok - so running libtool led me to install libtool-bin. Now, when I try and compile it looks as though it works but (from a terminal so I can see what's happening) I start IDJC and get this:Profile icon image file not found: /usr/local/share/idjc/icon.png Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/idjc", line 33, in <module> exit(idjc.main()) File "/usr/lib/idjc/site-packages/idjc/", line 123, in main from . import maingui File "/usr/lib/idjc/site-packages/idjc/", line...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ok - I have upgraded to LM 20. Have installed Libshout but when I am trying to build IDJC I am getting this: studio@studio-Centurion-CQ9204:~/idjc$ ./bootstrap libtool, is missing - please install it and try again I have checked libtool and it says this: libtool is already the newest version (2.4.6-14). 0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade. So I now am stuck - on one hand I am tempted to stay with Mint 20 now I have upgraded - but of course this means that I now cannot...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That's a question - I am trying to remember now - I did make a list at the time. I know the only reason I was doing the upgrade was for IDJC. The big ones I noticed were GIMP and LibreOffice - there were other other smaller things that I relied on as well that just got uninstalled but I would need to run the process again to get the full list - I remember thinking it wasn't worth the hassle just to get IDJC working though :( EDIT: Didn't see your last line until just now - you're right, I am going...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That's a question - I am trying to remember now - I did make a list at the time. I know the only reason I was doing the upgrade was for IDJC. The big ones I noticed were GIMP and LibreOffice - there were other other smaller things that I relied on as well that just got uninstalled but I would need to run the process again to get the full list - I remember thinking it wasn't worth the hassle just to get IDJC working though :( EDIT: Didn't see your last line until just now - you're right, I am going...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That's a question - I am trying to remember now - I did make a list at the time. I know the only reason I was doing the upgrade was for IDJC. The big ones I noticed were GIMP and LibreOffice - there were other other smaller things that I relied on as well that just got uninstalled but I would need to run the process again to get the full list - I remember thinking it wasn't worth the hassle just to get IDJC working though :(

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Brian - when i try and find python-is_python3, I cannot even find it in a Mint 19.3 install so it looks like that where I will be stuck unless I make one of the drives dual boot just for IDJC/Mint 20.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Stephen, I don't understand this - where am I looking sorry? This install is just on my virtual machine of Mint 19.3 - the version using the instructions as per here on a "real" drive and Mint 20 works as it should but that's the only thing on the drive - no other programs apart from IDJC. My day to day real drive with everything on it is Mint 19.3 so having the latest IDJC as per these instructions is my dream goal but I don't want to risk completely breaking the installation and having no IDJC...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Stephen, I don't understand this - where am I looking sorry? This install is just on my virtual machine of Mint 19.3 - the version using the instructions as per here on a "real" drive and Mint 20 works as it should but that's the only thing on the drive - no other programs apart from IDJC. My day to day real drive with everything on it is Mint 19.3 so having the latest IDJC as per these instructions is my dream goal but I don't want to risk completely breaking the installation and having no IDJC...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Interestingly I have just created a VM with Mint 19.3 and everything seems to work or appears to but when I get to actually load up IDJC I get some error messages in the terminal which I seem unable to copy paste here (despite have that function enabled). failed to import the idjc package Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/idjc", line 31, in <module> There are three other File lines and then an ImportError saying cannot import name '_gi' from 'gi'

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Interestingly I have just created a VM with Mint 19.3 and everything seems to work or appears to but when I get to actually load up IDJC I get some error messages in the terminal which I seem unable to copy paste here (despite have that function enabled).

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Brian Many thanks for this - following the above, it seems to be working. I have built it, I just need to actually stream now and do some testing but in terms of the build, it works. Thank you so much for the revised instructions and help. This has been a life saver.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Nope, failed at the ./bootstrap command again with this. libtoolize: Consider adding 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([m4])' to, libtoolize: and rerunning libtoolize and aclocal. warning: The 'AM_PROG_MKDIR_P' macro is deprecated, and its use is discouraged. You should use the Autoconf-provided 'AC_PROG_MKDIR_P' macro instead, and use '$(MKDIR_P)' instead of '$(mkdir_p)'in your files. installing '../compile'

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Nope, failed at the ./bootstrap command again with this. libtoolize: Consider adding 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([m4])' to, libtoolize: and rerunning libtoolize and aclocal. warning: The 'AM_PROG_MKDIR_P' macro is deprecated, and its use is discouraged. You should use the Autoconf-provided 'AC_PROG_MKDIR_P' macro instead, and use '$(MKDIR_P)' instead of '$(mkdir_p)'in your files. installing '../compile'

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So just for sanity checking Brian, if I swap my HDD back to the Linux Mint 20 install, which instructions should I follow to get IDJC working - and will it just work now if I follow the above? EDIT: Sorry, I should be clearer - what do I need to do to get IDJC working so I can just use it as I am getting confused with the steps above.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So just for sanity checking Brian, if I swap my HDD back to the Linux Mint 20 install, which instructions should I follow to get IDJC working - and will it just work now if I follow the above?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Should I just hold fire for the moment on trying to get the latest version working again? I did notice when I updated the spare drive to the latest version of Mint purely to get IDJC working I did seem to lose lots of packages but I thought it was worth it since I rely so heavily on it.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Slight tangent here but at the Linux Mint forum and also the Linux Musicians forum we are trying to get the Rode Podcaster to work as it should. I am still having massive trouble getting JACK to work with the Podcaster - have you got it working with IDJC?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I will swap hard drives and have another try. @Fabian - are you ok to let me if you get yours working?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Nope, same error again at the very end so I will stick with what is known good. Ah well. It's been stable for five years so if I get another five I will be happy. ../py-compile: 118: python: not found make[3]: *** [Makefile:484: install-idjcpkgpythonPYTHON] Error 127 make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/studio/idjc/python' make[2]: *** [Makefile:783: install-am] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/studio/idjc/python' make[1]: *** [Makefile:619: install-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm following your instructions. As I say, it's just the very last bit it seems to fail at. Python errors seem fixed now. I am on Shoutcast so will go back to 2.4.2 which is what I used before. I will have a go using the official instructions but if I can't get it working, I will swap the HDD over and stick with 19.3 as I rely on it for my weekly shows and I don't want to be left without a system. Thank you for getting back to me though.

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for getting back so quickly, Libshout is 2.4.4 as per the instructions here and the version of IDJC cloned from here. I am on Linux Mint 20.1. (Previously have been on various iterations of Mint and have been using IDJC for 5 years so don't want to lose it) NB - May have discovered an issue with the actual build of Python - I will check that as well... EDIT: Yes there seemed to be an error with "Command Not Found". I think I have fixed that and have got further. Now on the last part of your...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for getting back so quickly, Libshout is 2.4.4 as per the instructions here and the version of IDJC cloned from here. I am on Linux Mint 20.1. (Previously have been on various iterations of Mint and have been using IDJC for 5 years so don't want to lose it) NB - May have discovered an issue with the actual build of Python - I will check that as well...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Brian I am trying to install this new version of IDJC. I have got libshout working but when I try and run the ./bootstrap part of IDJC build, this is the error I am getting? libtoolize: Consider adding 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([m4])' to, libtoolize: and rerunning libtoolize and aclocal. warning: The 'AM_PROG_MKDIR_P' macro is deprecated, and its use is discouraged. You should use the Autoconf-provided 'AC_PROG_MKDIR_P' macro instead,

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on ticket #92

    Brilliant! Thanks Stephen! ------ Original Message ------ From: "Stephen Fairchild" To: "[idjc:feature-requests] " Sent: Wednesday, 3 Feb, 21 At 12:07 Subject: [idjc:feature-requests] #92 Will we get a new version of IDJC? Is it being developed? New version of IDJC out that uses Python 3 and GTK 3. [feature-requests:#92] Will we get a new version of IDJC? Is it being...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I am also having this problem Kyle

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards created ticket #92

    Will we get a new version of IDJC? Is it being developed?

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards created ticket #91

    Feature request and update

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on ticket #99

    Thank you - that worked perfectly and is installed. I cannot see sound registering in IDJC now but I think that it is to do with JACK maybe, rather than IDJC. Thank you again though. On Tuesday, 19 May 2020, 10:49:34 BST, Kyle Rickards <> wrote: Thanks you, I will try now Sent from my iPad On 19 May 2020, at 04:58, tadiwe wrote:  I'm not sure about Linux mint. The package you need is libjack-dev sudo apt install libjack-dev would be...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on ticket #99

    Thanks you, I will try now Sent from my iPad On 19 May 2020, at 04:58, tadiwe wrote:  I'm not sure about Linux mint. The package you need is libjack-dev sudo apt install libjack-dev would be the command for ubuntu in example. [support-requests:#99] Cannot install IDJC/calls for Jack package Status: open Group: v1.0 (example) Labels: Install Created: Mon May 18, 2020 04:29 PM UTC by Kyle Rickards Last Updated: Mon May 18, 2020 06:33 PM UTC Owner: Stephen Fairchild Hi...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on ticket #99

    Thank you for replying - I use Mint 19.3 On Monday, 18 May 2020, 19:33:03 BST, tadiwe <> wrote: which Linux do you use? [support-requests:#99] Cannot install IDJC/calls for Jack package Status: open Group: v1.0 (example) Labels: Install Created: Mon May 18, 2020 04:29 PM UTC by Kyle Rickards Last Updated: Mon May 18, 2020 04:29 PM UTC Owner: Stephen Fairchild Hi When reinstalling IDJC, I cannot get past configure: error: Package requirements (jack >= 0.98.0) were not met:...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards created ticket #99

    Cannot install IDJC/calls for Jack package

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Stephen, it’s probably not do-able then. I hate having to go back to windows but I’m just stuck now. I can’t see a solution to bridge the gap. Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Sent from my iPad On 6 Jan 2020, at 21:26, Stephen Fairchild wrote:  AAC+ requires a fairly recent FFmpeg be installed and that IDJC be built against this. Libav may not be sufficient as the AAC+ codec was developed by FFmpeg after the Libav fork. IDJC build instructions...

  • Kyle Rickards Kyle Rickards posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry, one further question, I could see an option in encoding/streaming to select AAC (and AAC+ was listed but greyed out), but it wouldn’t connect to the remote streamer. Is this all the same issue? Kyle Sent from my iPad On 6 Jan 2020, at 21:26, Stephen Fairchild wrote:  AAC+ requires a fairly recent FFmpeg be installed and that IDJC be built against this. Libav may not be sufficient as the AAC+ codec was developed by FFmpeg after the Libav fork. IDJC build instructions...

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