User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on CROWZ

    Hello I wanna add CROWZ distro in quickemu. Quickly create and run optimised Windows, macOS and Linux desktop virtual machines. But it will be better to have sha or md5 sums of ISOs, so ISOs integrity could be checked... Also looking for nicer icon, ideally in SVG format... (I made ugly one from image here for now...) Thanks for your hard work!

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on gabeeOSLinux

    No problem. I am interested more then before... I think icons will be good...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Cereus Linux

    don't apologize.. didn't know about mirror thanks

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Cereus Linux

    Is it base image here? because in base directory are xfce named images and 1.6 G So definately not a base image...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on MiyoLinux

    I am adding MiyoLinux into quickemu and my DistroHopper project Check if you are interested... But I need better icon (that I could find)... Could you please provide official logo.png or even better logo in .svg format? Thanks PS: You inspired me a lot...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Cereus Linux

    I am adding Cereus Linux into quickemu and my DistroHopper project Check if you are interested... PS: Happy voiding

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on gabeeOSLinux

    I am adding gabeeOSLinux into quickemu and my DistroHopper project Check if you are interested... But I need better icon (that I could find)... Could you please provide official logo.png or even better logo in .svg format? Thanks PS: Happy voiding

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on AgarimOS

    I am adding AgarimOS into quickemu and my DistroHopper project Check if you are interested... But I need better icon (that I could find)... Could you please provide official logo.png or even better logo in .svg format? Thanks PS: Happy voiding

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Personal Data

2012-11-26 01:41:19
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This is a list of open source software projects that zenobit is associated with:

  • Project Logo DistroHopper Quickly download, create and run VM of any#TODO operating system. Last Updated:
  • vpm   Last Updated:

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