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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Group ICA fMRI Toolbox

    This issue has been rectified but now I am running into another issue during the temporal sorting process. While beta weights are being computed, the process is halted midway through and I receive a message about "Unrecognized field name 'SPM'". Any ideas about whats going on here?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Group ICA fMRI Toolbox

    I am trying to temporally sort the components I have extracted from a task-based dataset. Every subject has a SPM design matrix produced during the initial first level modelling completed on the dataset. However, when I tried to apply these matrices to ICA for temporal sorting I receive this message that the Field "nscan" does not exist in the structure of the SPM.mat file. However, each SPM.mat does in fact have a nscan field or my earlier model specification efforts using traditional GLM modelling...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Group ICA fMRI Toolbox

    Good morning everyone, I am thankful to have been connected to this email list through Jessica Turner! I have a question concerning a Task-Based ICA I am attempting to run on my fMRI dataset. In my experiment, participants played 3 games of the Prisoner's Dilemma task. Due to the flexibility of decision-making options from both the participant and the computer opponent algorithm in this game, no participant's data resembles the other in regards to stimulus presentation over the course of the task....

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2021-08-11 14:30:55


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