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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    Hi, I'm struggling with the same problem. Would be very happy to know, how to resolve errors on target node. Setting sym_incoming_error.resolve_data does not help on its own. Thanks!

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    Hi RĂ©gis, If you happen to have clients that come online rarely, the server will collect all modifictions for them in sym_outgoing_batch and sym_data_event for long time, consuming lot of space. Instead you can set up your system to set offline clients automatically to disabled after certain ammount of inactivity, and not collect changes for them (also delete the data collected for them until now). When they next come online they will re-register and an initial load will be sent for them. If you...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    If you happen to have clients that come online rarely, the server will collect all modifictions for them in sym_outgoing_batch and sym_data_event for long time, consuming lot of space. Instead you can set up your system to set offline clients automatically to disabled after certain ammount of inactivity, and not collect changes for them (also delete the data collected for them until now). When they next come online they will re-register and an initial load will be sent for them. If you want to go...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    Thank you Klementina. May I know the issue number? I'm just curious about the solution :).

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    Thanks for the clarification. So I have to add the initial.load.delete.first parameter for the server node, right? If I add it to the SYM_PARAMATER table (actualy it is in there, without any effect), how to fill the NODE_GROUP_ID column? Now it is set to clients . Should I set it to ALL ?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    Thanks for the clarification. So I have to add the initial.load.delete.first parameter for the server node, right? If I add it the SYM_PARAMATER table (actualy it is in there, without any effect), how to fill the NODE_GROUP_ID column? Now it is set to clients . Should I set it to ALL ?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    Hello everybody! I'm using Symmetic DS version 3.8.14. I want to purge all data from clients before reload when they come online again after they have been set to disabled/offline on the server for certain period of inactivity. I've tried to set initial.load.delete.first parameter in client node properties files and also in the database SYM_PARAMETER table, but none of them works. I've also tried to set initial.load.delete.first.sql='delete from %s' , with no success. I also cannot see any signs...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    I'm currently using 3.8.14, but tried also with 3.8.24 with the same results. The status before attempting the re-registration is the following: On the server: the sym_node_security row is deleted when the sync on node is being disabled. the sym_node: NODE_ID NODE_GROUP_ID EXTERNAL_ID SYNC_ENABLED SYNC_URL SCHEMA_VERSION SYMMETRIC_VERSION DATABASE_TYPE DATABASE_VERSION HEARTBEAT_TIME TIMEZONE_OFFSET BATCH_TO_SEND_COUNT BATCH_IN_ERROR_COUNT CREATED_AT_NODE_ID DEPLOYMENT_TYPE CONFIG_VERSION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

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2017-02-23 13:00:21
Hungary / CEST


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