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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on PythonQt

    Hi! Currently i am going to dist my application without need for any environment variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PYTHONHOME, etc. This was no problem, used CMAKE CMAKE_RPATH_INSTALL feature to replace the RPATH of the app on install with $ORIGIN:$ORIGIN/lib etc. This all worked fine, until i run into an issue with PythonQt_QtAll. The lib hard links against the Qt used for build and ignores anything on dynamically loading Qt5PrintSupport and Qt5Sql. only LD_LIBRARY_PATH seems to help. Therefore i...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PythonQt

    and this it was. Argh. i removed the slot BEFORE trying it with this PassOwnerShipStuff. Many thanks!!!

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PythonQt

    Hmm, does not work as expected by myself. The slot has now a return type of PythonQtPassOwnershipToPython<PyBitView*> But the destructor of the PyBitView object is never called if i delete the object in python Is there still a reference hold by the wrapper object? I currently cannot find the source code line to start debugging on, perhaps you have an hint? Started from PythonQtSlot call. The result seems to have the right flags.

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PythonQt

    Hmm, does not work as expected by myself. The slot has now a return type of PythonQtPassOwnershipToPython<pybitview*> </pybitview*> But the destructor of the PyBitView object is never called if i delete the object in python Is there still a reference hold by the wrapper object? I currently cannot find the source code line to start debugging on, perhaps you have an hint? Maybe PythonQt::unwrapForeignWrapper?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PythonQt

    Hmm, does not work as expected by myself. The slot has now a return type of PythonQtPassOwnershipToPython<pybitview*> </pybitview*> But the destructor of the PyBitView object is never called if i delete the object in python Is there still a reference hold by the wrapper object? I currently cannot find the source code line to start debugging on, perhaps you have an hint?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on PythonQt

    Is there any relation to PythonQt::init() i assume directly after PythonQt::init()

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PythonQt

    Ok, understand. In my case i do not give the ownership to python currently, but i could. Then it would get deleted, and so my destructor is called. in the section with ownership management the return type of my MyObject.get() slot could do this Question is if this is not the case, so if i do not WANT the object to be deleted, but used in python, CAN my object be INFORMED that the wrapper object is deleted? Or would this be a new feature?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PythonQt

    Ok, understand. in my case i do not give the ownership to python, but i could. Then it would get deleted, and thats ok. Question is if this is not the case, so if i do not WANT the object to be deleted, but used in python, CAN my object be INFORMED that the wrapper object is deleted

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2015-10-29 15:17:54


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